Not So Simple

What a guy

"Hey Keevie, can I ask you a personal question?" I looked at Alice and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, I guess." I was sitting on the bleachers in the school gym with Alice, Jasper, and Bella.

"What happened to your mom?"

"Ah, that one is complicated," I said, running a hand over my face. I knew eventually someone would ask about the rest of my family. "My mom is back in Ireland living with my younger sister and brother."

"Why didn't they move here with you?" Bella asked.

"Well, my parents recently got divorced. It was a long time coming, they were together because of us kids. My mother never really liked me. There was never a mother-child bond like she had with my siblings. I was always the problem child, the disappointment. Personally, I was fine with that. I didn't like her all that much. Luckily, My da and I got on great. Anyway, when I got pregnant, it went downhill. Now, not only was I a disappointment, but I was a slut. My mam and da fought more and more, and eventually, they got a divorce and we moved out here."

"Wow. Nobody deserves that!" Alice said, frowning. I shrugged. "So, what about Deaglan's father? You didn't mention him."

"For a reason. Riley isn't in the picture. My mam loved him, thought he was the perfect guy. But he had a liking of the bottle, he drank a lot. I told him, sober up, or get out. He didn't, so I kicked him out of our lives. Not long after Deaglan was born, he tried again. Took us to court for custody. Didn't work. After we left Ireland, he left us alone."

"What a guy," Alice said, rolling her eyes.
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It's short, and it's been a long time, I know, but I have a good reason! I've been having a LOT of medical issues. Unfortunately, it's not gonna stop any time soon.