Status: In the Process. Comment! (:


Chapter 3

The chime of the doorbell echoed through the small townhouse. Two gasps could be heard from the third room, and the sound of rushing feet thudded against the floor.

The white, large wooden front door was thrown open, startling the person behind it. “Hi John.” Anna greeted, opening the door farther. “She’s almost ready, come on in.”

“No! She was ready an hour ago, you just ambushed her! Help John!” Kariah’s voice could be heard from the closed room upstairs; there was a flurry of movement as people ran around the room- most like Kariah to get away from Mara- and than a thud and a cry of surprise. The sound of a doorknob hitting the wall carried down the stairs, and than two blurs ran down them.

The second tackled the first, her weapon- a wand of mascara. “Mara! Enough woman!” Kariah laughed, her and her friend rolling around on the floor in front of her date. She flipped away from her, running to duck behind Anna. “Okay, ready? Let’s go!”

Kariah grabbed John’s hand, almost dragging him out the door; his hand barely catching the doorknob to close the door. They reached the car, before they both realized their hands were laced together; that set the mood somewhat, turning the air around them slightly awkward.

They quickly disconnected, and John’s hand went to rub the back of his neck, as he felt it heat up; Kariah busied herself, smoothing down her dress.

John coughed, clearing his throat, as he walked around the side of the car to open the door for her. He waited until she settled herself in, shutting the door to his dad’s old BMW. He took the walk around slowly, mumbling to himself, “Fuck, not even ten minutes in and it’s already awkward.” He sighed as he got in, the turn of the key making the car roar to life.

The air conditioning blasted on; cool air hitting her in the face as she buckled her seat belt. The air in the car was heavy; the only sounds were the radio playing, trying to cover up the awkward silence that both teenagers hoped wouldn’t happen.

Kariah sighed, her mind was busy thinking about how she might be able to get out of this date the fastest without seeming entirely rude. She turned her head to glance out the window; the heat wave was rolling in, and Kariah felt like she would rather sit through that, then in the car.

Her fingers were dancing over the keys of her phone, not making a sound. She sent a double text to Mara and Anna, their ‘distress’ signal was activated- well, on Kariah’s side a least. In less than a minute, her phone lit up, and two texts made their way into her inbox.

Creshaw, Mara
August 13 7:04 P.M.

Have fun on yo’ date girlie! Consider the signal unusable for the night. (:<

Tassone, Anna
Ausust 13 7:04 P.M.

Haha, nope. Not tonight! John Ohh is a babe! (;

Kariah shoved her phone back into her bag, her eyes skimming the surroundings outside the window as they flew past.

John looked at her out of the corner of his eye; this was a new record for him. He was never the awkward guy, but suddenly, a pretty girl, a date, and BAM, he’s an idiot. ‘I’m going to get so much shit from the guys. Fuck.’

The guys would most definitely laugh at him once he told them tomorrow at band practice, and he honestly didn’t know if he could last this whole date, but he was the one who asked her out, and he was going to at least try.

The car came to a stop in a spot, and John slid the keys out of ignition. “This is really awkward, isn’t it?” She asked, leaning back in her chair; eyes focused across the table at the male who fidgeted in his seat. He looked up, catching her eye. “Honestly? Yes, yes it is.”

She laughed, grabbing his hand, “Come on, lets go.” He looked confused, as he followed her out the door. “Can I see your keys?” She asked, looking up at him. He handed them over without a fight, and they both got into the unlocked car. With the car started, she reversed out of the spot, and drove, merging onto the highway.

The stereo softly played music between them, and for the first time that night, the air around them wasn’t awkward, it was peaceful. Suddenly, a song came on the radio with pulsating electronic beats, the speakers thumped slightly. “Yes! Turn it up!”

John laughed, and reach over to the dial, spinning it to the right to increase volume. Kariah giggled, dancing in her seat, but hands locked on the steering wheel.

“I said ooh girl! Shock me like an electric eel! Baby girl! Turn me on with your electric feel!”

John couldn’t help himself, he laughed, the ice covering their heads, broken. He choked out a few words between his laughs, but not fully singing. He laughed once more, then opening his mouth and belting out a few lyrics. “Oh you can do it all the time, plug it in and change the world! You are my electric girl!”

It wasn't a conventional first date, but it was their first date. And the beginning of their relationship. The beginning of a relationship some say shouldn’t have happened, because they were doomed from the moment they met.
♠ ♠ ♠
short. yes, i know. But this is just getting started. I won't promise that these chapters will be long, because most won't.
but, thanks for reading.
comment, please.