Let the Walls Break Down

My Thinking Tree

The next morning I head a few little barks coming out of my dog. I was so tired I just told him to stop barking but then I felt the bed shift and more weight get on.

“Alpine no get off please,” I groaned as I pulled the covers up higher and left my eyes closed. He just started licking my face as I wrinkled it up EW! I love Alpine but I don’t want dog slobber on my face so that got me up.

Once I got dressed I sauntered outside and I just needed to think. I climbed up a tree and sat on a big branch for a few hours before I saw a familiar face walk into my backyard.

“Why are you in a tree?” Josh asked me with a hint of a smile.

“It’s my thinking tree. I always sit up here when I need to think,” I said as I looked down at him.

“I wanted to come see you…could you come down?” he softly said.

I gently nodded my head before slowly descending. When I got on the ground Josh just wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug. I slowly inhaled his scent that immediately calmed me down and made me feel at home.

Josh sat with his back up to the tree and I laid down, resting my head in his lap while he absent mindedly stroked my hair.

“Have you made an appointment to go to the doctor?” he asked after a few minutes.

“No,” I quietly answered before we went back into silence.

“Josh are you mad at me?” I nervously asked breaking the silence.

“Because you might be pregnant?” he asked to what I was referring and I slowly nodded my head.

“Kirstie I’m not mad at you in the slightest, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just a little confused right now, I mean my girlfriend is most likely pregnant; just that concept is hard and I didn’t expect this to happen. But I love you and I’m going to be with you through it all,” he smiled at me in the last part.

“I know I’m confused too. I’m so nervous about telling my family, my brothers aren’t going to be too happy. They were always protective of me,” I quietly mumbled.

Josh let out a small chuckle before he said “Now if my dad doesn’t kill me I still have to watch out for your brothers.”

“What are your parents going to think?” I asked.

“My dad will probably yell at me but then after a while they’ll be fine,” he said.

“What are you feeling?” I questioned to him.

“I’m a little nervous, I’m not gonna lie. But I know I love you and I’m going to love this baby too,” He stated as he looked into my eyes.

“Joshie…will you come with me when I go to the doctor?” I asked him.

“Of course baby, like I said; I’ll be there with you every step of the way,” he said as he left a sweet kiss on my forehead.

“I want Ky and Todd to come too,” I said as he nodded his head and left another kiss on my forehead.

“I love you,” he told me with a cute sparkle in his eyes.

“I love you too,” I replied as a smile couldn’t help but spread across my face before we connected our lips in a sweet kiss.

We waited for the next morning before going to the doctor. Kylee and Todd met us at the doctor’s office and I was shortly called back. Josh and I held hands as we walked back together. I did everything I needed to before the doctor walked back into the room with the results.

“You’re not pregnant,” She told me.

“Really?” Josh asked.

“Wait then why was I all grumpy and moody?” I questioned.

“Well you said your brother might be getting deployed to Iraq and you’ve had a lot of work so it was probably just stress, that can mess with your hormones,” She stated.

We thanked her before going out to Todd and Ky and I walked over to my bestie and gave her a hug.

“Guess what?” I said as I clapped my hands together.

“What?” they asked me.

“I’M NOT PREGNANT!” I smiled as Kylee gave me another hug.

I then invited them over to my house and I ordered a pizza once we got home. Everyone else came walking through the door and took a seat on the couches while I was on the phone getting the food. I then went over and took a seat on Josh’s lap and he loosely put his arms around me.

“So are you guys relieved?” Todd snickered.

“Yeah, I don’t want to have kids before I’m married,” I said.

“Like us,” Todd dorkily said as he wrapped his arms tightly around Kylee and she left a big kiss on his lips and when they parted they both had big smiles on their faces. Just seeing them made me smile. I was skeptical at first of Todd but now, seeing how he treats Kylee and how happy he makes her I wouldn’t trust anyone else to take care of her.

“So when are you guys having kids, you need to get on it,” I teased as Josh laughed at my comment.

“No, no, no not this chick,” Kylee stated with her eyebrows raised high.

“Why not Kylee?” Josh asked.

“Can you imagine Todd with kids?” Kylee teased as I laughed loudly and Todd pouted his bottom lip out.

“Aw baby I’m kidding,” Kylee tried to soothe as Todd pouted his lip out farther and Kylee kissed him which made it better.

“Seriously though why don’t you want to have kids?” Josh asked.

“I don’t know. I love them but just not for me I guess,” She replied.

“You’d make a good mommy,” Todd said as he played with her ring.

“Yeah Ky you should have kids, then I could be an aunt…..because I think all my brothers are still at the stage where they think girls have cooties,” I jokedeven though it was kind of true my brothers aren’t very mature.

“You wouldn’t be an aunt though, you’re not Ky’s sister…luckily because then I’d have to see you at family gatherings too,” Todd rolled his eyes as Josh and Ky laughed. I just threw a pillow at Todd’s face.

“Ky’s pretty much my sister though,” I said as I stuck my tongue out at him but went on saying “And you guys should have a baby.”

“Think of how cute our babies would be with Todd’s genes,” Kylee giggled.

“And Kylee’s amazing looks,” Todd added.

“You shouldn’t have said that,” Josh piped up before I threw in my comment.

“Okay if Kylee wasn’t so pretty your kids would be hideous, they’d look like vampires like Todd did as a kid,” I said.

“He didn’t look like a vampire!” Kylee said with a laugh in her voice.

Yes he did! and now he just doesn’t look good so…” I trailed off with a smile.

“Oh look who’s talking! You’re not anything to take a second glance at,” Todd shot back.

“You’re right, she’s something to take a third or fourth look at,” Josh said as he left a few kisses all along my neck while a few giggles came out.

“No that’s my cutie ky,” Todd said as he passionately kissed Kylee.

“Okay I know I’m not very pretty but at least I don’t look homeless,” I rolled my eyes but Todd was too caught up in Ky that he never noticed.

Luckily the pizza came and that broke them upfor now. I’m seriously expecting a baby out of them soon, how adorable would that be? Kylee was one of those girls that was beautiful, you would see her and just say wow she’s gorgeous, so I’m hoping her genes will override Todd’s gross ones.
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well that was a short lived little blurp of drama there wasn't it! haha

the set....I know creative name right?
Todd as a kid, he totally looks like a vampire!