Let the Walls Break Down

My Two TPs

Kirstie randomly came toTodd’s my house last night. I was kind of happy for this. I was so close to going to her house. She even woke up before me… I think. The yummiest smell seemed to fill the house…that wasn’t Todd.

I got up and waddled down the stairs. My stomach felt different today… Was it… lower? But once I made it to the last step, something hit me… Kirstie doesn’t cook… That can only mean…

“Kirstie, you cheated!” I teased as I walked into the kitchen.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“You brought JG to cook,” I smiled while pulling up a chair next to her at the kitchen table.

“Hey, I never said I would cook you anything… so Josh volunteered,” she replied, smiling at her shirtless man… EW!

“Well, thanks, Joshua… even though you’re half naked,” I teased, making them both smile.

“Hey,” Kirstie started as she got to her feet to wrap her arms around Josh from behind. “I like it,” she finished while kissing his cheek.

I smiled, but it quickly faded. I wanted my hubby here… even though I’m so mad at him. The thought made me rub my stomach that had a lot of activity going on in it today. I smiled at our now baby boy though… even though there were a few layers preventing me from seeing him.

“Did you call Todd to say that it’s a boy?” Kirstie asked softly while sitting a plate full of food in front of me.

Kirstie went with me to my last doctor’s appointmentsince Todd was nowhere to be found. I was so shocked when they told me that the baby was definitely a boy. I was happy; I wanted to cry… But Todd doesn’t know.

“No…” I replied while keeping my eyes to the floor.

I could tell they both thought that this was a horrible decision, but… I’m so mad at him for leaving. It’s his first child and he’s off riding that stupid Honda!

After I ate, I got the urge to do something. I went upstairs and into the baby’s room that was thankfully a baby green instead of pink like Todd wanted it to be. I finished making the crib up and filled the changing station with the necessities.

When this was done, I went intoTodd and I’s my room and cleaned up a few things that were on the floor. As I was hanging up a few of Todd’s hoodies, Kirstie appeared in the doorway.

“Are you… filling ok?” she asked, eyeing me oddly.

“Yeah. I just have all of this energy all of a… sudden,” I said with my voice fading towards the end… Uh oh.

“Energy bursts?” she asked with her eyes growing wide. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!” she started pacing… like she was the one that was in labor.

“Kirstie, calm down. I haven’t had any…” I started to say contractions, but… I felt this huge cramp in my stomach.

It was horrible. It made me hunch over in pain. But I tired to hide how bad it really was. It’s obvious that Kirstie is already freaking out. Could you imagine if my water broke right now? Maybe I shouldn’t start saying this stuff…

“Josh, call Todd. I think Ky’s going to be going to the hospital soon,” she yelled down the stairs once she took a few breaths.

“I can’t go yet. This is my first contraction. They can’t take me until they’re like four or five minutes apart,” I said… just as another one flared up, but it was tolerable.

“I don’t care… Todd needs to be here.”

“He doesn’t want to be here,” I mumbled as I walked past her to go down the stairs.

Kirstie said something about getting my bag for the hospital before she came and plopped herself down on the couch next to me. She tried convincing me to go to the hospital, but… I wasn’t budging… until my contractions got so bad that tears flushed over my eyes.

Josh drove the two of us there. I thought it was sweet that he was here with Kirstie.At least someone’s significant other is with them. But she sat in the back seat with me, holding my hand. Josh tried lightening the mood, telling me not to let my water break in his truck…like I have control over that! Thankfully, it didn’t.

I wanted so badly to have this birth to be as natural as possible, but… it hurt so much. They wouldn’t let me have an epidural until my water broke either… so they broke it for me… OW! I still had to wait after that… But once I got it… I was chilling.

Everyone was here and came in to say their hi’s and say that they were here. But Kirstie and Josh were the ones that were mainly with me the whole time. I love these two. They’re such amazing friends. But… someone was missing that I love to no end. So I had to take it out on the short, cute one that isn’t sexy and tall… or scruffy!

“I’m in all this pain and all I have to look at is you! EW!” I teased, making Josh smile… But Kirstie just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“He is adorable. Not ew!” she countered.

“Have I ever told you I came up with my own nickname for him since you have Just Gorgeous?” I asked, making my own smile appear as she shook her head no. “Just Gross,” I couldn’t help but giggle. “It came to me when I saw him running while we were playing soccer that one time… He sticks his butt out when he runs and it’s like… gross,” I explained.

“SO! At least he has a cute butt,” she argued.

I was about to throw out another comment, but Josh butted his way back in.(Ha, ha… get it? Butt?)

“I’m still here!” he said, making Kirstie and I smile.

“I wish Todd was,” I sighed softly while turning to my side to cradle my stomach.

This is honestly the first time I voiced that I wanted Todd with me. I may have thought it multiple times, but I never blurted it out. But right now I was scared and I wanted him right here next to me holding my hand. For all I know, he could be all the way in some random state like Ohio!

Josh and Kirstie stayed quiet for a few minutes before they said they would be back. My parents came in then. I didn’t say anything to them though. Just laid here with my contractionsand thinking about my Toddie Bear.

But after about twenty minutes, Kirstie came back in… with her hands behind her back. What is she doing? I eyed her oddly as she crossed the room sideways, making sure I didn’t get a glance of what she was hiding… What a dork?

“I got you something,” she smiled while getting on her tiptoes and quickly falling back to her flat feet.

I didn’t even have time to get anything out before she pulled the cutest thing from behind her back. I smiled at her. In her hands was the cutest teddy bear with a black Rockstar jersey and Rockstar/Metal Mulish hat… just like Todd wears.

“It’s your Teddy Toddie Bear,” she smiled even more while holding it out to me.

I gladly took it and held it tightly against as if it were Todd. It smelled like him too. Did she spray his cologne on it? Either way I thought it was adorable. The thing never left my side.

Hours started to fly by. It was horrible. Kirstie and my mom were the ones in the room now. Where Josh went? I have no idea! But some how I was able to take a quick nap. When I woke up, Josh had just poked his head in the door.

“I got a present for you, Ky,” he smiled goofily, making me roll my eyes. It’s probably something stupid. Nothing can be better than what Kirstie got me…unless it’s the real thing.

He took a few steps in… and then the most gorgeous think walked into the room. I still wanted to be so mad, but he was here… I smiled at him, making that big bright smile flash over his scruffy face. He rushed over to my side and took my hand while giving me soft kisses and telling me sorry. I would have kissed him back, but one of the worst contractions came over me. I squeezed Todd’s hnd tightly while he whispered that it was going to be ok… because he’s here for me… and I believed him.

I think Kirstie and Josh left the room quickly after this. I figured Josh would just because of him being a guy in all… But Kirstie? Oh well, I have my mother and Toddie by my side.

I was in labor for seven hours. Do you want to know how long I pushed before we had our beautiful baby? Fifteen minutes! I was so happy and just flat out emotional with everything that’s gone on… I started to cry. But they were happy tears. I promise.

Todd eased his way onto the bed with me and held me tightly against him. He stroked my hair multiple times and left sweet kisses on my forehead.

“What are we going to name her, baby?” he asked softly while running his fingers through my hair.

Before I could get out that we weren’t having a girl, a nurse came over and gave us our beautiful baby… wrapped in a blue blanket. Todd sat up quickly and looked at me with the most surprised look. It made me smile.

“What?” he asked confused, but that dazzling smile was still there.

“You didn’t come to my last doctor’s appointment… They said the Potter family jewels were hiding for the past few months,” I smiled as he relaxed back next to me.

“Oh my god,” he smiled while wrapping his arms around me.

We shared a cute little family moment as we thought up of a name. I had a first name, but… I was struggling with the middle. But Todd piped in with something. So, we agreed on Tyson Noah Potter. I have two amazing TPs in my life now. They took Tyson away to the nursery, leaving Toddie and I to ourselves for a few short moments.

“Told you I would be here… just a little late,” he smirked as I rested my head on his chest.

“You scared me though. I didn’t think you would make it,” I replied while grabbing onto his hands.

“I think I have something that belongs to you,” he smiled while digging into his jeans’ pocket, pulling out my gorgeous wedding set. “I’m sorry. But as of right now, Todd Potter is staying at home for as long as his gorgeous wifey needs him,” he went on while sliding my ring onto my finger. “I grew a pair and told my sponsors off,” he finished.

I smiled and left a much needed kiss on his yummy plump lips… that was quickly followed by a bright flash. Todd and I parted quickly to see Kirstie with her face hidden behind her camera and Josh sitting in a chair.

“I thought we were safe here,” Todd pouted while nuzzling his cute little nose into the crook of my neck.

“Where’s the baby? I hope he’s not as ugly as you,” Kirstie teased.

“He’s handsome just like his father,” I smiled while rubbing our noses together… and Kirstie took another picture.

“What’s he look like?” Kirstie asked all excited.

“Like his daddy,” I smiled even more while running my hands through Todd’s thick hair.

“Aw, that poor child,” she said, making all of us giggle, including Todd. “He’s not furry is he?” she went on to ask.

“That wasn’t even funny!” Todd said, but I was in a fit of giggles.

A few minutes later, Tyson was brought back to us. Todd instantly popped up and went over to his little bed. I smiled as I watched him be so gentle with him. I quickly looked over at Kirstie, trying to tell her to get pictures, but she was way ahead of me. He made a few faces at her, but they were so cute.

He eventually came over to me and we both held onto our gorgeous son. He laid him in between us while we looked down at him with our forehead’s touching each other’s. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kirstie sneaking around to the foot of the bed. I think Todd noticed too. We both cracked huge smiles just before a flash flooded over us, making Tyson’s little eyebrows wrinkle. Aw.

“I never thought I could fall in love with someone faster than I did with you,” I said to Todd, making his smile grow once again.

“Me either, baby,” he said before kissing my lips quickly. Yes, Kirstie captured this moment too.

But I didn’t care. I’m so happy with my two beautiful babies in my life: my two TPs.
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aww lol I loved this chapter... just to throw that out there :D lol

Ky, Todd, and Tyson :D

comment pretty please :D