Status: Entry for a contest.



-Hayden's POV-
Who would possibly ruin a perfect moment like this? I wanted to kill whoever it was. I turned around with a death glare on my face, only to see Maggie, Rai, Tate and Drew's other friend all standing there. Each one of them had a big smile on their face. They had planned this all out, for Drew and me to finally talk tonight. They set this all up for us. I had never been more grateful to have such friends that cared about me. Then I noticed Rai and Maggie holding hands? Was I seeing things?
"You set this all up didn't you guys? You planned it out so we would finally talk and tell each other how we feel." I thought aloud.
"Y-you-- M-Mags? T-t-ty? W-what?" Drew stuttered out. He sounded so cute when he was confused, and he looked even cuter. I just wanted to kiss him so bad, but I refrained myself.
"Yeah, we did." Maggie smiled brightly.
"Maggie and I have been talking for a few months already. When I noticed that Hayden liked Drew, I knew it was different." Rai explained.
"You’re with Raidon, Maggie?" Drew asked, smiling at his friend. It made me smile, seeing him happy like that for his friend. I was happy for Raidon too, of course. He was one of my best friends.
"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Tyler only found out last week." Maggie giggled.
"Thanks for doing this for us." Drew smiled, pulling me closer so he could hug my side. I chuckled and held him even closer.
"Anything for a friend." Tate said, before sauntering off. Most likely to find some more alcohol or a girl. Tyler just walked away smiling at Drew.
"I love you like my own brother Drew. I would do anything for you." Maggie said, pulling Drew from me to hug him. I smiled at this whole little heartfelt situation.
"Thanks you guys. This means a lot to me Rai." I smiled at him. He just smiled back, and without a word pulled Maggie away.

I turned to Drew, smirking at how sexy he looked just now. He had a confused look on his face as he looked back at me.
"So a little bird told me that you like me." I whispered in his ear as I pulled him into a hug, resting my hands on his hips. He blushed at how close we were.
"M-Maggie told you? She sucks." He pouted, still stuttering but less than before.
"Yeah, and I'm glad she did. Now I know you feel the same way I do." I sighed happily into his ear, bringing my face back to see his reaction to this. A look of pure confusion wiped over his face at first, which was then quickly replaced by a big grin. Next thing I know Drew had pulled me into a hug, and kissed me tenderly.

It sent shocks and tingles all through my body. I never knew kissing someone could be so amazing. Our lips fit perfectly together as they moved in sync with one another. He pulled away sooner than I liked though, and rested his head against my forehead. As short as that kiss was, we were both out of breath from the pure pleasure it had brought us.
"That was amazing. If I had known kissing you would be like that, I would have done it sooner." I chuckled, my voice husky as it was laced with so much lust for Drew and more of his incredible kisses.
"It was." Drew murmured before attaching his lips to mine once again. It was more amazing than the first, if that was even possible. This time the kiss was rougher yet it held just as much passion and delicacy as the first. I never wanted to part from him again.

I ran my tongue against his lower lip, and he instantly opened his mouth, making me smirk at his eagerness. I slowly dipped my tongue into his wet cavernous mouth, exploring everywhere I could. I didn't leave any spot untouched as I moved to massaging his tongue with my own, making him moan quietly in my mouth. I was on cloud nine just from kissing this beautiful creature before me. I've never known such a simple pleasure before. It made me realize that I didn't actually want to move so fast with Drew. I cared so much about him, that I wanted to get to know him better before even thinking about going anymore psychical than kissing. I reluctantly pulled away from him, making him pout at me.
"I'm sorry love. I just don't want us to move so fast. I love kissing you, and the way it makes me feel. I want us to get to know each other before we go even further though." I muttered against his lips, as he had turned to playing with my hair and pecking my lips in between my sentences. He was going to drive me absolutely insane with these small gestures.
"I understand. I feel the same way, but I just can't keep my hands to myself. You're just so gorgeous and I love the feeling of your lips on mine. I've never felt this way about anyone before." Drew gasped out. I had decided to tease him back by moving down to kiss and suck down his neck. At his last word I made it to the base of his neck, which was apparently his soft spot. He moaned louder as I sucked and nibbled on this one spot, until I had made a noticeable mark. I wanted everyone to know that this wonderful and beautiful boy was all mine and no one was ever going to take him away from me. I would see to it.
"Now that that's all out, will you be my boyfriend Drew?" I asked, nothing but hope and happiness filling my eyes.
"Of course I will!" I said loudly, hugging my neck tightly to pull me into another hot make out session. When we pulled away, I saw a few people motioning to us and whispering. Great, everyone was going to know about Drew and I by the end of the night. I wouldn't have it any other way, because I want nothing more than to have everyone know that Drew was all mine.
"Why don't we go find Maggie and Rai? Or go find a room to talk in?" I asked, smiling brightly at him. He may not realize this yet, but I would do anything for him. He's the only person to ever evoke such strong feelings of love and passion from me.
"Let's go find Maggie and Raidon." He smiled up at me, so I kissed him softly on the nose making him giggle. He looked so cute.

It had completely slipped my mind that we were both incredibly drunk and we probably wouldn't remember half of the night. I knew that I would never forget this half of it though. Just being around Drew made my mind clear up and allowed me to think clearly.

After the party died down, we lay in one of the guest rooms playing twenty questions. I held Drew close to me, rubbing his sides. I felt him dozing off in my arms, holding him as gently as I could. I pressed one last soft kiss to his lips as I whispered good night to him. Drew let out one last sigh and cuddled up even closer to my side. I chuckled at how cute he was trying to get as close to me as he could. When I was sure he was asleep, I pulled the blanket over us as I held his delicate frame while sleep took over me. I was content knowing that I now had Drew in my life. My life would change for the better having someone as amazing and pure as Drew with me.

-Drew's POV-
I still can't get over the fact that Hayden Bentley likes me. Me! Of all the people he could have, he really and truly likes me. When we kissed it was like heaven. I just wanted to stay like that forever. His kissed were so gently and loving they made me desperate for more.

With as much as I drank earlier, I knew this was no dream or that it was all fake affection cause by the alcohol. No, this was all real. Hayden Bentley liked me, and I liked him. He made me feel emotions no other person made me feel. I just wanted to shout out to the world that he was mine.

We ended the night just laying in one of the guest rooms playing twenty questions. He held me close to him, rubbing my sides making me sleepy. I feel asleep in his arms knowing I would be safe as long as they were around me. Before I went under, I felt him press one last soft kiss to my lips as he whispered good night to me. I let out one last sigh and cuddled up even closer to him. The last thing I heard was his angelic chuckle lulling me to sleep.

The feelings I felt earlier in the night were completely and utterly wrong. Just as they always are. I know I shouldn't trust my gut instincts anymore, but they had never steered me wrong before until Hayden was involved. Ever since I found out he was gay, things have been so different already. It's hard to believe that started just yesterday. With Hayden everything was so right in my life for once. I felt like maybe I could actually be happy, now that I had someone to be happy with. I won't be the one left crying on the curb anymore. I have my one and only Hayden. My Hayden to treat me tenderly forever.
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I hope that you liked it! I thought it was pretty cute. :D