Status: Workin' on it.

Link's Tale

Chapter Two

Link didn’t know what to do he was flustered and confused, where did the men take his parents and when are they coming back. Link decided to take his wooden sword and shield and walk around town to figure out what was going on. As soon as he entered town he saw more and more guards taking away adults and children alike under the order of Lord Ganondorf. He even swore he heard a guard say Princess Zelda was dead! What was happening to Hyrule, families being taken hostage and the Princess may be dead, it’s like a nightmare.
Mothers were begging and screaming as they saw their children be taken in a different direction. Fathers were trying to defend their family but that became futile as guards would simply draw a sword to either their wife’s or child’s neck. People were dying in their houses or in the streets because they tried to escape it is pure chaos. Link, frightened by everything he was seeing, turned around and just ran; he didn’t care where he was going he just had to get out of town.
He needed to seek someone who could explain what was going on. He ran and ran then he thought he could go to the one place he could go for refuge; Mr. Keaton’s house. The old man loved having company and was regarded as the wisest man in the area, if anyone knew what was going on he did. Link found himself calming down knowing Mr. Keaton could explain exactly what was happening.
Link took a different route, trying to avoid the guards, the wooden shield and sword still in hand. He got to Mr. Keaton’s house and knocked on the door…no answer so Link knocked again…no answer again. No matter this has happened before sometimes Mr. Keaton doesn’t hear the knocking so Link just runs around back and walks in through the back door. Link walked in through the back and dropped his swords in shock. Their lied Mr. Keaton stab wound in his chest blood all over the floor…Link was in a frozen state. It felt like he was just kicked in the stomach. He just saw his parents get taken away, people were being held captive in the streets, and know up close he sees the one man who represented a safe a safe environment and could comfort Link when everything was spiraling out of control around him was lying on the floor dead via stab wound.
This has turned into the worst day ever and now it was night time and Link had no place to stay as he feared the guards would come back to all the houses to check for more people. Link ran away into the woods, it was late now; the moon was barely out this night so it was that much darker. Link was walking through the woods very much frightened.
Noises coming from all directions, animals of the night are just coming out of their homes. With every step Link takes he hears another “Whooooo...” from an owl or the noise of bristling leaves and branches as an unknown beast moves about the night. Link was breathing deep and becoming increasingly nervous. He was thinking about running back to town so maybe he can reunite with his parents after the guards took him away. He stopped and thought about his options for a second and was about to turn back but he heard a voice…
"The one who was not taken shall lead them back.” Link became nervous, than he saw a woman shrouded in blue clothing. She stopped him in his tracks. The mysterious woman appeared floating about two feet above the ground with a glowing light around her. She was covered with a blue robe and repeated her message.
“The one who was not taken shall lead them back.” Link was petrified he was frozen there like a statue, unable to do anything but stare at this mysterious woman. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing would come out, he just stood there mouth open like a deer in the headlights. Then just as he began to speak she vanished and just like that Link was back in the dark in the woods, alone….