Bitten Lips And Lost Souls


*Charles's Point Of View*

I trailed after Alex like as lost puppy as we descended the eight flights of stairs that led down From Jess and Kat's apartment. I don't know why but I had no feeling left in my body, I was numb, even Alex's soft touch on the back of my hand couldn't send sparks up my spine like it used too. Alex could sense my numbness and I knew it, he gave my hand a little squeeze to let me know he was there, but I did not respond. I blankly stared ahead as we drew closer to the heavy steel door leading out into the cold streets. We walked for 21 blocks in silence and when we got home Alex lost it.

"OK. So tell me 'Charles' Why did you tell her we'd get her tomorrow??? She's clearly gone off the deep end. WE can't do anything for her."

I spun on my heel and sighed, "Alex, come on she's my sister we HAVE to help her. Oh and when the fuck did you start calling me Charles? Its Chuck, remember, ALEXANDER?"

His eyes bore into my skin, "Don't you dare call me Alexander, you don't deserve to call me that.....Help her? HELP HER? She's gone crazy, loco, cuckoo...The whole nine yards. YOU CAN"T HELP HER."

What the hell was wrong with him, why was he being such an inconsiderate bastard. "Fuck you Alexander!!! how dare you....How dare you say something like that about my sister!! She loved Kat, she LOVED her. If you had died and I had found YOU in MY arms, I would be in the same situation. I'd probably be dead!!!"

His lips, eyes and soul screamed at me, "DEAD!!! She's better off dead than the way she is now. She's fucked."

Alex spun towards the bedroom door, thundered through it, slamming it behind him. I ran after him pushing the door back open. I saw him leaning over a table, with a mirror under his nose, and let out all my rage. I grabbed him by the throat and slammed his frail cocaine body against the wall.

"You son of a bitch." I spat as I slapped him across his ivory cheek. "Number one, you shut the fuck up about Jess and number two...." I couldn't go on, it hurt me too much to see the tears escape his sapphire eyes.

My gaze shifted to the mirror on the table and all my anger flooded me once more.

So I hit him again, " As I was saying, NUMBER FUCKING TWO!!! YOU PROMISED ME NO.MORE.COKE!!!!" Another blow to the face. "You fucking promised..."

I gave up I couldn't do it anymore, I let go of him and sank to the floor, my body shaking and echoing sobs pouring from my lips. The last thing I felt was a warm, shaking hand on my chest.
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Sorry its kinda bad....I was rushed....Actually I have no excuse why its so bad....I'm half way proud, half way disgusted. Oh and if anyone finds a error in anyway, in anyone of my stories please tell me. Thank you to all who read <3 M xxx