Setting things in motion

How it started

"A pretty little human girl don't you think so too, Lord Eidan?" The shopkeeper eyed the elf.

"You really just have harmless creatures here now." Eidan commented studying a fish tank, keeping just the kind of fish you would find in a human pet store.

"Image," The little shopkeeper grinned showing off his inhumanly sharp teeth. "But, it wouldn't be too good if any of the others should notice the girl. Here in town few are bound to the rules of your court."

"I am guessing now, do you keep the more dangerous creatures in the back?" Eidan turned away from the fish tank turning his attention to the shopkeeper.

"I'll get anything you need, just give me a few days notice."

"Good." Eidan answered and went to the exit. "Now the human girl..."

The shopkeeper grinned again; Eidan was really too noble to leave a damsel in distress.
“Yes, it will all work out for the best…” The shopkeeper said to himself as he walked to the counter to look at Eidans order.