Lestat's Winter's Breath

Chapter 7

You stormed out of the house in a terrible rage. As you walked, your temper began to subside. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten so mad at Marius. He was still recovering after all. 'No. He's strong enough to get his own meals now' you thought as you broke out of the woods and your eyes fell on a familiar sight. It was the school you had gone to from pre-school all the way to graduation. You hadn't looked at it in a very long time. A nostalgic sigh escaped you lips as you thought back on your old life, the life you had wanted for a little while longer. A single bloody tear ran down your cheek and you turned away to head back to the house, a sadness enveloping you like a fog. That's when you heard it. A loud bubbling coming from the bogifying pond. Your curiosity piqued, you went to investigate. As you reached the end of the parking lot closest to the pond, a large column of water emerged from the pond and a strange object or creature emerged. You felt an odd sense of familiarity as you gazed at the creature. It felt as if you had met this creature before in a different time and place. The creature's black eyes burned into your vivid green ones and you knew you had run into a creature like this one before, you just couldn't remember where. It stared at you for what seemed like an eternity.

"I know who you are, Muirin. I have a message for you," the creature said.

"I don't believe you!" you cried.

This creature that you could only describe as a mutated faerie frightened you. You couldn't trust it. You began to back away from it slowly, your heart rate speeding up the further away you retreated.

"Muirin, you are an elemental. You must come with me now so you can be safe from those who would destroy the elementals," said the creature.

"No! Leave me alone!" you yelled, panic colouring your voice.

"You must!" said the creature.

"No!" you yelled and ran.

You ran as fast as you could away from the creature but it quickly caught up with you and grabbed you. You fought with all your might against it finally using your gift of fire to get it off you. You ran onward as it lay on the ground. After what felt like eons, you arrived at the house. Trembling with fright, you entered the building and was immediately confronted with Marius.

"Where were you?" he demanded. "Lestat is acting up again."

"Let him act up!" you said. " Is it true?"

"Is what true?" asked Marius.

"That I'm an elemental?" you replied, still asking.

Marius sighed and looked miserably at you.

"It's true, Muirin. That is why I changed you and not Lestat. Lestat is still young by vampire standards and would not have survived changing you, where as I am an Ancient. I can survive turning an elemental easily," he explained.

You gazed at him, shock stabbing every nerve fiber in your body. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion and you spoke the one word that would change life as you knew it: "Why?"

"Because I wanted to keep tabs on you, Muirin. It's as simple as that. I am sorry I never told you before," he said guiltily.

It was then a loud pounding came at the door, like large waves pounding at the door. Marius answered and, standing there like it had every right to be there, was a water sprite. She, at least you thought it was a she, looked at you and pointed at you.

"You are to come with me. Now," she said.

"Go fuck yourself! I ain't going with you!" you said, the fear you had felt earlier returning full force.

"You must. It is time for you to realize your full potential. If you come, you will learn how to heal the mind of the one you love," she said.

"I'll fix Lestat?" you asked, shock and hope battling each other for dominance inside your heart.

"Yes, but you must come with me to learn how," the water sprite said.

"If that's the case then, I'll do it," you said and slowly walked forward.

"Good. Your training will begin immediately," the water sprite said.

"Look out to Lestat for me, Marius. Tell him ... tell him I'm visiting a few friends and will be away for a while," you said sadly just before the door closed behind you.