Status: Active

Must Be My Beautiful Rescue

She Thinks I'm Crazy

"DBlaise!" Fans would scream the whole time while some band called This Providence was setting up. I was looking for him, to be honest.

By the way, my name is Figgy. Weird name? Deal with it. A college drop-out and currently finding out what life has in store for me. I fancy going to concerts like these mostly because I've been going to them since I was a freshman in high school. San Francisco, Seattle, you name it. I've observed a lot through the years but the only thing that stuck to my mind was the fact that girls can't control themselves when their band crush says or does something. Even when it doesn't make sense at all.

To say the least, my brother is one of those people who get screamed at when playing on stage. A lot of people know him and his band quite well. They've toured a couple of times around the States. The thing is, I'm not like him. I never talk to anyone unless I really have something to say. I guess it's true when they say that talking without thought isn't like talking at all.

The vocalist introduced themselves, greeted Los Angeles, and started their first song. While I, being the I-don't-give-a-fuck girl that I am, just played with my phone and sent some messages to friends. I went to the list of my contacts and scrolled down to look for the name of the person I've been with since seventh grade.

"Darling are you dreaming, are you dreaming of me now," the vocalist started. I looked up at the stage and wow, I was amazed. Actually, more than amazed judging by the look of fascination on my face. "Screaming are you screaming cause it's such a nightmare now. There must be, must be something else waiting for you." He had a very nice voice, and the accent. Oh God, who wouldn't like that accent?

I bopped my head along to the beat of their other songs. What really caught my eye this time, before their set ended, was their bassist. I've had a thing for bassists since I met Stephen Gomez of The Summer Set and Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy. Not because of that, excuse me for being cliché, but everything about this guy just made sense.

After their set, guess what happened. As usual, fangirls-o-rama. Good thing I already prepared myself before they ran to the band's tent, fully geared with their cameras and CD's, and hopes of getting some conversations going with the band members. I suddenly heard someone calling my name from what I guess less than three meters away.

"Feh-geh!" I turned around and saw Cheska. She refers to herself as my "super awesome fantabulous best friend". We've been attached to the hip ever since seventh grade. She's pretty inside and out and I'm really glad that I have her.

I hugged her immediately and let out a sigh of relief. "Well, it's about time!" I said while showing to her my Blackberry and pointing at the white text that read out '1:00 pm'. I waited for almost an hour.

"Are you kidding me? This place is loaded with kids a-and the streets…it was just crazy. Don't blame me. Blame--"

"Right, right. Brian Dales." I just rolled my eyes and walked with her.

We looked at the list of bands playing for the last day of tour and didn't see anyone we liked. It wasn't too hot today so we decided to roam the venue while Cheska talked about how ridiculous her sister was this morning.

"She was like," Cheska started while standing straight like what her sister does when she's mad and giving her an earful. "'You nasty little kid, you stole my bra, didn't you?! You owe me money. I will never forget!' and I just didn't know how to react to that."

I laughed, totally not paying attention to the people around me. Talking on and on is her passion. It makes me wonder why we were even friends in the first place. Opposites attract, I guess?

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" I said, shamefully looking at my feet when I realized that I bumped into someone.

"No," he chuckled. "It's fine."

When I finally had the guts to look up at who I ran into, my jaw dropped, suddenly becoming aware of who he was. I tried to say something but words didn't come out of my mouth. Damn, I can't even put together a sentence in my own head.

"She wanted to take a picture with you!" Cheska nudged me, making me jump slightly in shock.

"I-I did?" Cheska nodded her head and I collided with him again, not harshly this time. He put his arm over my shoulder and smiled at me before turning his head to beam at the camera.

"One, two, three…" Click. "Alright! Thanks, David!"

So his name is David. Then who were they calling DBlaise? I decided to keep the question to myself and relish the moment. I wanted to leave right away cause it felt so awkward. Sure, I think he was attractive. What I loved most about him was his blue eyes that stared back at me which caused my cheeks to erupt into a shade of red.

"Did you watch our set?" He flashed me a bright smile.

"Y-yeah." I made an attempt to smile at him while I tried my best not to show how nervous I was. Maybe keeping my hands in my pockets will be a great idea.

"Was it any good?"

"Yeah, I liked your songs. Although, I've never really heard of your band before, to be honest." I admitted.

"We get that a lot." We both laughed softly and he asked what my name was.

"Uh, Figgy." I said awkwardly.

His eyes widen and he cracked a smile. "That's a cool name. Is that your real one?"

I rolled my eyes and let out a soft chuckle. "Unfortunately, yes." It's not everyday you get to meet a poor person with parents who blessed their children with such a horrible name.

He laughed along and I tried to figure this guy named David out. We gazed at each other for a while and stopped laughing, which was totally weird. Thank God for my best friend, she cleared her throat and broke the awkwardness. We both looked at her simultaneously with wide eyes. I told him that I needed to go and buy some merch. I ran away while pulling Cheska with me, struggling to get through the many sweaty kids in the venue.

"Nice meeting you, Figgy!" David shouted from behind us. I didn't bother looking around but Cheska had that grin on her face that told me everything on her mind.

"I present to you, the lamest move ever, by Figgy Nickelsen!" Cheska said in a weatherman voice.

I pushed her lightly and denied, saying that he just had lovely eyes. We stopped by at This Providence's tent next to Glamour Kills'. I found my eyes falling on this black hoodie that had the name of the band on it.

"He likes you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, wonderful subscribers and commenters. Since it's summertime, I actually decided to work on this thing here along with my A Rocket To The Moon/The Maine story which will be posted soon. I can't say when but hopefully soon. Some of you have read this before, I'm sure of it. I'm sorry but I changed almost everything in this story and I suggest you read it again from the start. Pretty please?

Oh, and lo siento for the short chapter but the second one's way longer than this so keep it up with the comments, please, I'll update after one or two. More would be awesome. I'd like to hear what you guys think. I won't be stopping soon. Thanks for not unsubscribing!