Status: Active

Must Be My Beautiful Rescue

For The Thrill of The Fall

"Excuse me?" A disturbing look showed on my face as I turned to the girl who stood up from under the table with a bunch of t-shirts.

"Oh yeah," she held out her calloused hands. "This Providence's merch girl, Melissa."

I gladly shook her hand. "Figgy. I'm sorry I sort of lost you there, what were you saying?" She pointed at David who was taking pictures with fans and keeping that smile on his face. Maybe he habitually gives people that kind of smile. Look at me, jumping into conclusions.

I shrugged and bought their CD 'Who Are You Now?'. I don't know why but I felt so giddy inside. I can picture myself listening to this the first thing I go back to my room but that'll never happen. I know I'll just plop down on my comfortable bed. We talked to Melissa and she asked for our numbers so we could talk later on.

"Figster!" I heard a familiar voice shout my name. I saw a shadow of a person only a few inches taller than me coming near to where we were. I turned around and saw the one and only, Garrett.

"Time to go home?" I pouted and tried to fake cry. I ended up being tackled to the ground by Pat. Where did that guy come from?

"Ratboy, get off me! It's dirty here!" I shouted in his big ears.

"You're dirty," Pat just smirked at me.

"Oh shut up," I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice while pushing him away. "Go forth and multiply, bitch." He tried to hug me on the ground and apparently, I gave in. Who wouldn't? Pat's so cute. I mean, Ratboy is.

Melissa didn't bother asking me about the whole scene. She just laughed all by herself and...giggled? Giggled when she saw Kennedy coming. I'm sure that meant something. Pat acted weirdly and wasn't himself when he saw that I was with Cheska. He got up and offered his hand to help me. which I gladly took and he then brushed the dirt off of his black and white flannel.

* * *

I woke up to the tune of "Cross Your Fingers" by The Summer Set. I sleepily grabbed my phone which is beside my lamp and looked at the caller ID.

"What do you want, Cheska?" I groaned while looking at the clock on my nightstand that flashed '9:00 AM' in a red neon color. Geez, who would even try to wake me up at nine on a Saturday?

"Good morning! Breakfast with merch girl?"

"Really? Do we need to?" I whined.

"Yes, sunshine. She's nice. Her treat. What do you say?" I can already hear her hanger sliding back and forth.

I just replied with an unsure "yes" thinking that that'll shut her up. I took a shower and put on my favorite The Cab shirt, a black cardigan, and skinny jeans. I went downstairs to slip on my black Vans. When I looked around, I caught no sight of Garrett. Maybe he was still in his room, snoring his whole life off. I headed out the door and walked to Cheska's house since her house was only a few blocks away.

I looked up at the dark gray clouds and it was obviously gonna rain soon. Thinking that by walking faster, it'd somehow detain the rain. Unfortunately, it didn't. Raindrops started to fall on my brown hair. I started running and finally, that cozy American house was now in sight. I went to the doorstep and rang their doorbell. I didn't care how ridiculously soaked I look. Besides, it was only my best friend and a newfound friend. Ironic how the rain slowly stopped when Cheska opened the door and led me upstairs to her room.

"Wait there, I'll get a towel. I should've picked you up," Cheska said while digging through the things inside her closet. "Eureka!" She found a zebra-striped towel and handed it over to me so she can plug in the blow-dryer.

"Thanks." I looked around and thought how much I miss having sleepovers. She's busy with college and I guess you can say that I will never be that busy again cause I gave it up. She had new posters up on her wall and new pictures…with Pat. What? Just ignore them, Figgy. Roll your eyes and pretend that you didn't see anything.

"Where should we meet merch girl again?"

"She's downstairs, didn't you see her?" she said while helping me dry off. I just shrugged.

"She's with--"

Before she could continue, someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's David."

Weird things started flashing into my head. Then butterflies in my tummy started to erupt. That's probably the worst part.

"Uh, I'm sort of busy at the moment. We're leaving soon, just wait a sec."

"Oh, I was just gonna ask if you needed help."

"We're good. Thanks, David."

I was now dry and ready to go as if nothing happened. My hair looked better after the whole incident, I must say. We went downstairs and saw David taking a nap on the couch with his head on some other guy's lap. Melissa poked his side but he didn't bother waking up. He didn't even stir.

"Figgy," Melissa laughed awkwardly and stood up, "ready to leave?"

David sat up and cleared his throat. The guy beside him fixed his hair. Swear, you wouldn't even help but giggle when you see his cute cheeks blushing.

"I'm Dan," the guy beside David held out his hand. My jaw dropped.

"The guy with the accent. Oh. My. God," I shook his hand. Stupid move number two. Good thing he just chuckled.

"I'm Gavin," the guy with long hair took his hand out for me to shake.

I shook it and nodded, "Gavin. Alright."

"We've met yesterday. I'm David. I think your hair looks nice," he smiled.

"Thanks. Your hair's fab, too." I tried my best not to giggle.

"Great, guys. Last one again." A tall and thin guy beside Gavin sighed loudly. "They call me Andy, but you can call me tonight." He pulled me into a hug.

"Very…lovable, Andy." That made me pat his back and look at Melissa with an is-he-okay look which caused her to nod and laugh a bit. We headed out and decided that we should all stay in the same car. We went for David's after a few minutes of deciding.

"I call shotgun!" Dan shouted and ran furiously to the other side of the car. David whispered something to Dan that made him change his mind. I didn't decipher what though.

"Dan's insane. Figgy, do you wanna sit here?" David opened the door for me.

"M-me? Sure." I sat in the passenger's seat and thanked him.

He drove without an idea of exactly where we should go to while I quietly listened to the songs in his mixtape. There were times wherein I could see him taking glances at me, as if he wanted to say something. So I stopped looking out the window and turned to face the road ahead of us.

"Stop driving around, DBlaise! I'm hungry," Andy shouted from our back. I think we're gonna get along quite well. Whiny kid plus whiny kid equals fun.

But, I heard "DBlaise". So he's DBlaise. No wonder why girls like him. I smiled at the thought.

"Where do you wanna go?" He glanced at me then back to the road.

"Well," I scratched my neck. "Cheska and I went to a cafe near the mall. Like a few blocks from the mall. They serve great pancakes." After I described what the place was like and the foods they served there, I told David the address that was programmed in my cellphone.

"This place is homey," David turned to me while stretching his arms when we arrived at the cafe. "I like it."

"Keep no…" I read the cursive tattoo on his right forearm.

"Score." He put his arm on my lower back and just smiled at me.

A girl just about my age with blonde hair approached us and lead us to our seats. I sat in between Melissa and Cheska, across David. The waitress gave us the menu.

"I am so craving for french toasts right now," David sighed while eyeing the menu.

While we were waiting for our food to be served, David decided to go to the washroom first. Melissa then scooted over. She asked me how things were with me and him. There's nothing going on and never will be. Or maybe not, I think it's just me. David is this guy in a band who goes around touring and gets to meet new people every single day. Out of all the girls, why me?

The waitress served our meals and everything looked so appetizing. From the pancakes, to the fruits they have accompanied it with. All of a sudden, this guy with nice hair, big blue eyes, bit chubby cheeks and pouty lips, and a breathtaking smile was now in front of me thinking about the food right in front of him.

I honestly don't know yet if I like David or not. I mean, we just met each other. I was just enjoying his and his friends' company. A person like me wouldn't just go ahead and jump into those kind of things.

"Try this, doll," Dan said smiling while trying to reach his hand to my mouth from across the table so I can taste the pancakes he ordered. I gladly took a bite and said thanks. I'm starting to love these guys.

"Not fair!" Andy pouted. He tried to throw the fork he was using onto the plate in front him.

I pouted like he did. "Andy baby," I reached for his hand, "do you want Dan, me, or the pizza?"

Everyone laughed and said their answers. Most of them answered "Dan". Man crush alert.

"Stop laughing! You need to take a bite of my food, too," Andy said still pouting.

"Are you serious? We're eating the same kind of french toasts."

Andy just shrugged and I was still holding his hand. I wanted to eat so I just squeezed his hand slightly and let go.

When it was time for us to leave, some kids gave us the look. The stare. It's as if they wanted to jump on the boys and ask for an autograph. This Providence didn't seem to bother since they were all so full to care. Gavin even said sorry cause he burped loudly.

Andy pulled me to the side and whispered, "we passed by a playground on our way here and I was wondering if we can drop by?" I nodded with a smile on my face.

"Dan? Bro! What are you doing here?" A familiar voice said excitedly. "Figgy?"

I turned around and saw the person I've been longing to see since he went on his so-called break from his "personal problems". I couldn't help but smile. "John!" I ran and jumped on him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

John O'Callaghan. I've been crushing on him for years. Probably since the day he entered our house for band practice with my brother, Garrett. The said break went on for a month. Some other vocalist replaced him, sometimes it was Kennedy. It was kinda hard to get used to that. I missed him so much.

He caught me just in time, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and my legs wrapped around his waist. "Someone missed me," he chuckled with a smirk on his face. Thank god, he's still the same John.

"Stop messing around with my sister, buddy," Garrett said bitterly in the scene. Along came Pat with Kennedy and Jared.

"You're just jealous," I glared at him after John put me down.

"Garrett's your brother?" I heard David ask but I was too busy arguing with Garrett to even answer his question. John tried to break us up and invited the guys of This Providence to eat with them.

"We're gonna leave anyway. We're all set." Dan said, bro-hugging all of them. John convinced This Providence to stay with them since they haven't seen each other in a while.

* * *

"Andy! Again, again!" He picked me up and spun me around. We were clearly looking for something to entertain us while our friends ate.

"Someone replaced me!" Pat grumbled and walked past us madly. Andy and I just ignored him thinking that maybe another skank replaced that good friend of mine. Or maybe The Maine found a new drummer so Pat can flip donuts or make cupcakes for the rest of his life.

He cleared his throat. "Figgy Nickelsen replaced her best friend!"

"What the hell are you talking about? How could you say that? Cheska and I went here together."

"I feel rejected. You keep on breaking my heart," he dramatically placed his hand over to where his heart is. I shot him a weird look. Andy was sort of left out so I told him to go ahead and talk to the rest of the guys.

"Paaaat," I extended the A's, "what are you talking about?"

"You and Andy. You've obviously forgotten about your best buddy forever."

I gave him a big bear hug and denied what he just said. Cheska walked in to say that the rest of The Maine's about to finish eating.

Pat pulled away from my hug. "Hey."

I looked at the both of them then ran away. I wouldn't wanna be the third wheel. Like what I said, they're not together. But I think they're crazy for each other. Mostly, Pat. He's a good guy so I'm letting them be mushy and just do what lovers do. I found Andy and waved at him. He was too busy flirting it up with the waitress who served the family's meal next to our table so I settled on going outside. I thought maybe I could go talk to Gavin who stayed behind cause he was too stuffed to move.

I spotted Garrett walking over to David's car. I pounced on him and he fell to the ground. I felt so victorious that I didn't even have time to notice why he suddenly changed his clothes.

"Gary, I wanna g--"

He turned around to look at me on top of him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't the original chapter that I was supposed to put up. My sister deleted it accidentally along with the other edited chapters. Damn. It. That chapter already had the name of the cafe and it was a few words longer than this one. Last update before the end of 2011! Comment and subscribe, lovelies.

I'm also working on a Eric Halvorsen fic so you better check that one out! Advanced Happy New Year!