Status: Active

I Imprinted on a Thrash Artist?

Chapter one

~Oliver's P.O.V.

"The jury and I have came to a conclusion Mr. Sykes," Judge Williamson said. I stiffened some and stared strait ahead like I had the whole time I've been here. I really didn't want to go back to jail.

"Since this is the first time you have been caught with an illegal substance we have decided to let you off with a warning, six months on probation, and six months in group at a rehab center," The judge said. I look up for one of the first times and feel a tad bit grateful that I don't have to spend anymore time locked up. "Your parents have told us that they want nothing to do with you anymore and we need someone to watch you while your going threw rehab and to make sure your following your probation. The only one of your relatives that volunteered was your aunt Sue Clearwater who lives in La Push, Washington," The Judge continued.

"In Seattle, which is an hour away from La Push, they have one of the best rehab centers in the United States. You will drive there every Monday and participate in group from 11 am-2 pm. During your probation you are not aloud to leave the state of Washington and you are not aloud to take any illegal substances," Judge Williamson finished. I just nodded my head and looked down. "Are we clear Mr. Sykes," He asked. "Yes sir," I replied.

"Will you be driving there or taking a plane," The judge questioned. "Drivin'," I replied. "Okay well than this case is closed," The judge replied while hitting his grovel on the platform.


I've been driving for a full 24 hours now and I feel like I'm about to collapse. But that's okay because I only have another 10 minutes until I get to Sues house. I'm still waiting for the minute one of the band members notices that I haven't been getting drunk and high with them for the last couple of days, calls my phone to make sure I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere, and then starts to yell at me when they realize that we have to put the tour on hold for the next six months. In the mean time I start to think about everything I know about Sue and its not much. I've met her once in my life when I was still five and Innocent, she has 2 children that are both younger than me and that her husband died last year.

While I was still thinking of Sue, three very hot shirt less guys were walking along the side of the road. I know right now your probably thinking, what the fuck Oliver you just called three shirt less guys hot. All I can say is that I'm Bi. You don't like it, fuck you. They were all tall, tan, muscular and I was getting a boner just looking at them. But soon I had driven past them and I couldn't see them anymore. It was quite sad actually.

When I finally get to Sues house I'm beyond tired and I'm only focused on sleep. I step out of the little car and walk to the trunk to get my bags out. I walk up to the front door and knock. An older man stands there and just stares. I guess this is a pretty conservative, straight edge town and I'm not helping it any with my tight clothing, piercings, long hair, eyeliner, nail polish, and heavily tattooed body. Hell, I wonder what he will do when he finds out the whole reason I'm here, and he can't even see most of my tattoos since I'm wearing a long sleeve sweatshirt. God just by this guys reaction I already know this town is going to be boring.

"Charlie let the poor boy in before he freezes," A female says as she walks up next to Charlie. She looks less surprised than Charlie but still surprised. Great, just great. I'm stuck in a house full of straight edges. I can't wait until they find out I like boys.

"So, how was your trip Oliver, dear," Sue asks me as I walk threw the door of her house. The man, Charlie, doesn't look happy about me staying here. At all. But I don't really give a fuck because I don't want to be here in the first place. "Good, fine, where am I sleepin'?" I asked Sue in a rush. "Oh, right down the hall dear, first door on the left," Sue said a little taken aback.

I rushed down the hall and into the room. It's pretty small but at least it has a double bed. Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge. God, I'm such a pervert, I think as I strip down to my boxers, set my phone on the night stand and got under the sheets. It seems like the minute my head hits the pillow I'm out.
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