Parallel Worlds

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Charlotte reluctantly walked over to the microphone. Ed winked at her and Dan smirked as she adjusted the microphone stand.

Charlotte cleared her throat as the band started to play. She sung rather quietly at first, but her confidence grew as the song went on. She couldn't help but notice how well her voice blended with Ed's during the harmonies.

The song ended and the guys and Lily clapped as Charlotte sat back down.

"Wow," Alex smiled, "You have a great voice."

"Yeah. I think we ought to replace Alex. We've found a much better singer," Ed grinned.

Alex shook his head and chuckled as Charlotte blushed.

"I think I quite like that one," Lily said, "But only when Alex sings."

Charlotte glared at her as Alex smiled smugly.

"Joking, joking," Lily said quickly, "Gawddd, You're so uptight..."

Charlotte nudged Lily playfully as Alex finally laughed.

"It laughs! I have achieved my first mission," Lily grinned, "Next mission, make Alex smile in photo's."

Alex stuck his tongue out at Lily.

"Really mature," Charlotte and Dan smirked.

"So what were you girls gossiping about earlier?" Alex asked, ignoring the twins remark.

"Well..." Charlotte began, but stopped abruptly as Lily trod on her foot.

"I heard them," Ali joked, "They were discussing how much Charlotte painfully fancies me."

Charlotte stuck her tongue out at Ali.

"Really mature," Alex imitated Charlotte and Dan's earlier comment.

"I'll tell you what we were really talking about," Charlotte said, smiling at Lily.

"Oh," Lily said, looking at her watch, "Is that the time? I need to go, see you guys later."

Lily then attempted to escape to the door but was held back by Charlotte.

"Oh but my darling cousin, don't you want everybody to know about our lovely conversation?" Charlotte teased.

"Not really..." Lily muttered.

"Ok. I won't tell you," Charlotte sighed, "LilyisgoingoutwithJasonDolley," she said very quickly so that Lily couldn't stop her.

There was a suprised silence. Lily glared at Charlotte, in such a way everyone was taken aback. Yet Charlotte seemed unmoved, smug almost.

"You promised you wouldn't tell," Lily muttered.

"Ooops," Charlotte said sarcastically.

"And I suppose you don't want anybody else to know that you kissed Ed?" Lily retorted.

Charlotte swore under her breath, and saw Ed looking at his shoes, avoiding the band's gaze.

"Ooops..." Lily mimicked.

"Can you repeat all that?" Ali asked, "I missed a bit."

He recieved three scowls from the two girls and Ed.

"Sorry," Ali muttered, "I was only kidding."

"You should be," Ed mumbled.

"Not the right time for a joke" Lily said, "Anyway, changing the topic..."

"Whoa, hold on a sec," Teddy said, after finally registering what had been said, "You two kissed?"

Dan clapped slowly, "Well done, you're a bit slow."

Charlotte and Ed resumed their tomato imitations.

"I suppose we better go," Charlotte said, dragging Lily with her.

"That would be a good idea" Ali said, "It'll all blow over."

"Where exactly are you going?" Dan asked, "I thought you were coming to our photoshoot with us?"

"Don't leave me," Ed groaned.

"Yes, lets stay." Lily said decidedly.

Ed let out a sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge that he wasn't going to be left alone with the guys.

Lily giggled at Ed's look of relief when he realised that Charlotte was staying.

"Can't bear to be separated can you?" she asked.

Charlotte turned to Lily, "You don't need to stay," she said, "After all, you are otherwise engaged."

Lily looked at her and scowled.

"Otherwise engaged? What's that supposed to mean?"Ali asked.

"It means she has other arrangements," Charlotte explained.

"I know what it means," Ali said, "I meant what's so important that she has to leave?"

"It doesn't matter," Lily said, "See you guys later"

"She has a date with Jason," Charlotte smiled as Lily closed the door.

"She actually is dating Jason Dolley? As in the actor?" Ali asked.

Charlotte nodded.

"How did they meet?" He asked.

"Apparently they met at that audition that I dragged her along to," Charlotte explained.

"Ahhh really?" Teddy commented "Why was I not informed of this?"

"Should you have been?" Charlotte enquired.

He shrugged and walked away.

"Alex, you've been quiet" Ed noticed "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry," he shrugged, "I'm fine."

Ali smiled to himself and Ed saw.

"Why you smiling?" Ed asked.

"I just thought...No matter" Ali replied.

"What? C'mon spill" Dan whined.

"No," Ali said firmly, "It doesn't matter."