Status: Complete

Is This the Best Decision?


Savannah POV:
I stared down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand i don't know what i am going to do.Im only 16, i can't have a baby.I have to tell Zac that he is going to be a father,i hope he don't get mad he had a part in getting me pregnant and the second people i have to tell is my parents the are going to be pissed.i actually went downstairs to tell my parents first.

I went into the living room and my mom and dad were watching TV i already had tears running down my face.

"Mom,Dad i have something to tell you guys"I said sniffling.

"All what is the matter sweetie"?my mom asked concerned.

"ImPregnant"I said at once.

"Sorry couldn't understand you"Dad said.

" I am pregnant please don't be mad" i said shaking.

They kind of looked mad and concerned at the same time i hope my dad doesn't want to kill Zack, he never liked him in the first place because he use to do drugs.

"Honey how can you let this happen you are only sixteen" my dad said.

Phew i thought he was going to dad is a nice guy and protective when it comes to me.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean for it to happen"i said balling my eyes out.

My mom came up to hug me

"It's ok honey first things first we have to get you an appointment to see if you are really pregnant"my mom said.

"Mom i took 3 pregnancy test and they all were positive im pretty sure i'm pregnant" i explained.

'I know but some test are all accurate"She said explaining.

"Alright I'll go to the doctor's,but i'm not telling Zack anything until i know for sure"I said going back upstairs.

I headed back upstairs to lay back down,i was feeling sick.i knew i had a pretty idea that i was pregnant but i'll just go to the doctor's to make my mom happy.i was almost asleep when my cell-phone went off.

"Hello"i said into the phone,

"Hey babe, what are you doing?"Zack asked. he sounded like he was tired.

nothing just laying down im not feeling to well"i said i felt like i was gonna puke.

"Aww are you ok"he asked really concerned.

I smiled because he sounded concerned.

"Yea im going to the doctor's today my mom is going with me" i said sleepy.

"Ok well feel better i'm gonna lay down im tired myself."zack said.

we hung up and i layed down for an hour until i felt someone shaking me.

"Honey let's go you have an appointment at Women's Health at 3:30 and its 3:15."My mom said softly.

"OK im getting up, where is dad"?i asked.

"He had to go back into work one of the people got sick"my mom said walking out of my room.

"Oh OK"i said getting out of bed.

As soon as i got out of bed i felt really dizzy and almost fell over luckily my mom wasnt around to see that. i slipped my flip flops on and headed downstairs.

"Hey mom you ready to go its 3:17pm.I said heading outside to her car.

"yea let me grab my keys and we will be on our way"my mom yelled.

"Ok"i said waiting.

We got in the car and left we made it on time.When i got there,there was only 2 people there it was a good thing there was no one year that knew me i dont want people to find out and spread rumors before i find out anything.i sat down and wait for my name to be mom is going in with me.

"Savannah Colson" the doctor called out.

I got up and followed her to room 2.i sat up on the table my mom was next to me.

"ok what are you here for today" the doctor asked.

"Um i took 3 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive and im here to seeif im indeed pregnant"i explained nervously.

"Ok well we are going to have you pee in a cup and we will do a test here to see if you are pregnant it will take 2 minutes."the doctor explained.

"Ok thank you doctor" i said.

the doctor walked out and took the cup that i peed in.i hope its negative im not ready to be a mom.

2 minutes later:
the doctor came in.

"Ms. Colson you are indeed pregnant and it looks like you are 4weeks along which makes you exactly a will be due February 13.i can't believe this my mom came over.

"It's ok honey we can figure out what to do when we go home"She said.

"OK". i said getting off the table.

If i keep the baby the doctor said i would have to come back.Now i know what i have to do.

"Mom i'm gonna call zack,i'll be upin my room"i said heading up.

"Ok sweetie and i'll tell your father so you dont have to.

I called zack and the phone was ringing.

"Hello" Zack said.

"Hey its me i have something to tell you" i said crying.

"What is it baby"he said concerned.

"I went to the doctor's and i am pregnant"I said.hoping he wouldn't hang up.

"Oh,well what have you decided to do"he asked.

"Um i know i am not going to get an abortion i don't believe in that" i said.

"I know i wouldn't considered it either"he said.

He has changed cause the old Zack would hang upon me.

"Yeah i don't know about adoption"i said.

"Yeah i wouldn't want my son or daughter raised my strangers".he stated

"Yea but we are to young to raise a baby" i said.

"I know but i really do think we can do this" he said.

"I think we can to"i said happily.

we made a decision we are going to keep the baby.

"OK well i have to tell my parents the news and you should to"he said..We hung up.

"Mom can you come up here for a minute"i yelled from upstairs.
Yeah sweetie" she said,

My mom came up and sat on my bed.

"Mom i talked to Zack and Him and I want to keep the baby" i said laying on my bed.

"Ok honey if thats what you want but me and your father will be here to support you"she said and gave me a hug.

I talked to zack later that night and he said his parents aren't thrilled but they will support our decision and his mom thinks i am going to have a girl......
8 moths later:
She was right Stacy Marie Hunter was born February 14 at 7:20 am.she weighed 6lbs 5 oz. 18 inches longs..the first time me and zack held her i knew i made a right decision to keep her.
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