Wasting Away


An overwhelming sense of guilt sucked me drier than any drought. It strangled me empty of any thought or emotion relatively close to happiness. It left me with a numbing pain that only drugs could ever succeed in. The shameless warmth and energy that pulsed beneath my thin skin as our bodies touched. The blistering wind whipped all around us as we lay in the thick tendrils of grass and brush.

It was not love that made my heart pound relentlessly in my chest. It was not lust that had driven us so closely together after only one day. It was fear that made me reckless enough to endanger all that I had built with him, together. I only wanted to try and keep the remains alive.

This was proof that it was only falling apart. Another source of evidence that all we had before was wasting away. The minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks and the months spent trying to make it work out. But here I was with another boy, and the memories we had together have been blown out as easily as a candles flickering flame.

Everything we had before has wasted away from a single night. It was for the best, yet I feel like it has ended in the worse possible way. There could have been so much more between us than the lies we fed each other with every meal. There was something hiding within us that refused to reveal, but it's a little to late now.