Status: Active

Take This To Your Grave


I guess one could say that overall I’ve had a pretty good life but- and there’s always a but- I have had my share of heart- ache. My name is Ellie Bryar formerly Jameson and I’m just your average rockstar wife.

Twenty-five years ago today started a journey that I will never forget; one of love, loss, happiness and failure. I never imagined my life would turn out like it has. I’d always thought I’d marry soeone from my town, get a job teaching music and start a family. Some of those things did happen but not necessarily in that order.

Even though that is what I pictured, I love the way my life is now. My friends are the best but my family is even better. And to think that if my husband had never stopped into the restaurant that night we wouldn’t be together. Also if the mur- well we’ll save that part for the story.

It’s true, my life is awesome but there are still some days when I just sit and cry for hours. But that only happens when I think about how things could have been if certain things didn’t happen. Then I remember that I have people that love me and that love is all that matters.

In the end love is the only thing that truly matters. The love that one gives and takes makes up for all of the tears and pain. So, let me take you through my journey, one that I don’t even know how I survived.
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Sorry, it's really short but I promise it will get better.
More soon.
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