
a day in hell

His hair was long and black. Those eyes were sky blue. Gerard, having a look all to his own, was often disliked by the guys at his school but also liked by all of the girls. The nose he had was perfectly straight; his mouth looked carved by an artist; his face was just picture perfect. Gerard’s neck was, amazingly, at a normal height and his shoulders were broad and strong looking. His wardrobe consisted of all black clothing. He was tall and thin. Arms and legs not at all muscular looking; however, they were not stick thin. He would always stand with an attitude.
Gerard’s room, well now that a whole other side to him. The walls were painted pure white. The wood furniture was square and white. The bedroom linen was also crisp white. It looked like a heaven on earth. His closet, of course, was filled with his black clothes. The carpet did not match the room; however, it was the color of his eyes. Looking into his room, you would think you were floating to heaven and are about to land on a cloud. Outside Gerard looked different. Inside his room he looked like an angel, despite all of the black that he wears.
Suddenly he stands up, hair flowing behind him, eyes of fire. His walls are turning black, his carpet a fiery red. It looks like Hell and the Devil himself. The house goes up in flames all around him. He throws his arms up in a murderous laugh. Still laughing he jumps out of his window to watch the house burn to ashes.
He runs away from his house; screaming at the top of his lungs. Of course someone had to cal the police. He was, of course, arrested; but before they could take him to jail they put him in an asylum. They had never seen anything like him. With those fiery eyes and white hair with the tips still black. His teeth seemed to get longer by the minute; his laugh getting even more powerful, he threw his arms to the sky and the asylum caught on fire, along with anyone else in it, but he of course did not burn, but threw his arms to his sides and stopped the fire, stepping on one last flame in front of him.
The police (new ones) did not know what to do except to ship him off to a deserted island where no harm could be done (yeah…right). He let them take him there as he plotted his next move… Because he knew he could only create fire he knew he could not freeze the water and walk back. Because the boat trip took a week he had time to think of another solution. You see, he was not only the devil… he was also a god. He could walk on the water.
Once there the captain was taken away by helicopter and the ship was blown up. Why didn’t Gerard just blow up the boat in the first place you might ask? Well let us just say that no one ever said that the devil was smart.
When he got to the island and the captain was gone he knew he would have to wait until the helicopter was out of sight. While he waited he tested his ability to walk on water. It worked. Then he got the idea to burn the island. A after stepping about 50 feet onto the water he burned down the island. Now we all know walking on water was a treat but he grew glad knowing that he could do almost anything. That man ran so fast no nw knew he was back until another fire erupted on the Jersey Shore. Then they knew… he was back!
Everyone broke into a sprint to get away from the fire. Until the fire was out, no one could get away. A ring of fire was put around everyone. The firemen put out the flames and the police, yet again, took him to an asylum, he burned it down, and got sent to another deserted island. De-ja-vu isn’t it? Apparently they hadn’t heard of the last time the same thing happened. Not very smart is it?
This time Gerard didn’t run back to the Jersey Shore. He set the world on fire and flew, yes flew, over the fire. This fire left very few people on earth. Mikey Way, Frankie Iero (Pronounced Eye-Ear-Oh), Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar. With Gerard as the leader of the group they became My Chemical Mafia. They stepped on anything and everything that go in their way.
All of a sudden they raised their arms to the sky and everyone that had died in that earth-burning fire was brought back to life untouched in the places that they had burned to death. Most fell backwards from the shock that they were alive again. There was also a newly found respect for Gerard, 29, Mikey, 26, Ray, 29, Bob, 27, and Frankie, 25. They became My Chemical Romance and were based on being a punk rock or alternative rock band for teens (parents hated them). They went on tours and released 4 cd’s called: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me You Love, Life On he Murder Scene, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, and their newest, The Black Parade. My Chemical Romance went on a worldwide tour and gave 70% of the profits to Cancer Facilities and helping to find a cure. Maybe they’re not so bad after all. The only hairstyles that changed were Gerard’s, short but still white, and Mikey’s, now black.
The tour went great except for a few problems that occurred when Frankie and Gerard wanted to set the stage on fire as a background to take a picture in front of. That, being Frankie’s idea, didn’t work too well. His pant leg caught fire and melted to the back of his leg. Gerard pulled a foot muscle while trying to get away from the fire. The fire was put out; Frankie suffered a near fatal infection; Gerard, being a god (and devil), recovered within a couple of hours. The rest of the band was asleep.
Since, as I said before, the earth was burnt to ashes they found some of the fire resistant material and built an underground solid bubble that everyone who didn’t die of shock (about 15+ My Chemical Romance) lived in that bubble. Bubble People they called themselves. Gerard and Mikey lived together; Bob and Ray lived together; and Frankie lived with his girlfriend Laura. The other guys don’t have girlfriends because they are just not as hot as Frankie Iero is.
A week after the bubble was built Mikey started to have nightmare where fishes would attack him and eat him whole. Gerard felt bad about burning down he earth and wanted to see more than the same other 19 people everyday (didn’t see that coming now did you). Frankie missed his mommy. Ray missed his pit bull. Bob missed his vegetable garden. (He’s scary isn’t he.)?
They all decided to do a little magick. My Chemical Romance had a secret that they hadn’t told anyone before. These guys were all blood witches. Once everyone understood they came up with a spell that would make everything back to normal. Even before Gerard was the Devil.
Doing the Wicca rituals, they built a circle, closed it with everyone inside it and purified the circle with rock salt that they had found in the ocean. Holding hands they danced around the circle and sang their spell. All of them being the blood withes that they were, were very powerful. The spell worked and everything went back to normal. They even gave up being bubble people.
Years later no one knew of anything like this happening. The only ones who could remember the Wicca chant were Gerard, Mikey, Frankie, Bob and Ray. No one found out about them being witches. Nobody ever remembered anything ever being set on fire or an underwater bubble.
If anyone eve wondered about Gerard being the Devil then just know that he never set anything else on fire. He began to look like the angel that everyone remembered. My Chemical Romance stayed together and rocked the world. Now that you know how My Chemical Romance was started why not go and tell the world.
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again there is no connection to the other chapter.
this will be my series of one shots.