Status: active

Black Holes and Revelations

Noises and Kisses

November 19, 2009
It was obvious to Mike that there was something not right with Billie. The abnormality screamed to him, showing itself in the weakness of his smile, rasp in his voice, and the lack of focus in his gaze. Usually, when they held band meetings like these, he was the entire 180 from indifferent. His leg would be bouncing and his hands would be gesturing excitedly. They would be performing at an award show, they could win, how could Billie be lacking that standard enthusiasm?

So this wasn't really Billie Joe. There was no way it could be. The man in the meeting was just not the same. Real Billie was hiding, and Mike was going to make damn sure to find him.

Mike lingered and made small talk with Bill after watching Billie Joe walk out of the room with Jason White. Him and White were clearly talking about something, albeit in hushed tones, and Mike had to guess it was about whatever Billie Joe appeared to be upset about. Part of him felt annoyed because Billie wasn't talking to him about it. . . and then he felt paranoid because maybe it was about him.

When he figured enough time had passed for them to at least take the elevator down to the ground floor, he said goodbye to Bill and went down himself. He also greeted the secretary who sat behind the big wooden desk on his way out, who always had a smile for him, and exited through the glass double doors into the bright Cali sun.

His timing was close to perfect. Billie Joe was at his black BMW, unlocking the driver's side door.

"Hey!" Mike called out and turned his walk into a jog when Billie looked over his shoulder. He smiled when he was close enough to jokingly say, "Not even gonna say goodbye to me?"

"Oh - oh, sorry." Billie smiled back, though not at all wholehearted and used his hand as a visor to shield his eyes from the sun that seemed to directly behind Mike. "No, I was talking to Jase, sorry."

What about? Mike felt like asking but didn't, waving to Jason instead as he drove past them in his own car. "Speaking of Mr. White, you're coming to the party at Tre's this weekend, right?"

Billie Joe's brow furrowed. "Party?"

Mike's brow furrowed too, his own confusion due to Billie's confusion. "The party for Jason this weekend. You know, for his birthday, since we didn't have a chance to celebrate it on tour?"

"Oh. Oh, damn, right." Billie laughed weakly and nodded. "Sorry, totally forgot. Yeah, I'll be there."

First glancing over his shoulder, Mike took a step closer and placed his hand on Billie Joe's shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles softly over the fabric covering the sharp collarbone. "Are you okay?" He asked, voice a quiet murmur, with his eyes finding green ones seriously. "Did something happen?"

Billie didn't say anything for a few long seconds, but then he gave a little grin. "Dude, I'm cool, nothing happened. Just tired, need the break."

"Are you sure? You're acting like you're sick or something. . ."

"No, like I said, just need the rest." His green eyes flickered, maybe a little nervously, but they were softer than before when they returned to Mike's gaze. "Don't worry so much."

"Can't seem to help it," Mike murmured, then decided to fuck whatever insecurities either of them were having and drew Billie to him with one arm - you know, to come off as casual or some bullshit - and tightly squeezed his small middle. As soon as the scent that came from the sweet swelling black hair hit his nose, most of the tension eased from his shoulders. "Miss you, you know."

Billie Joe one upped Mike and hugged him back with both his arms. His voice was muffled, due to the fact that his face was nuzzled against Mike's warm chest, but what he said sounded very clear to Mike. "I miss you too."

Mike sighed quietly, rubbing circles at the small of Billie's back with his palm in a way he hoped was comforting and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. "That's good to hear."

It was done reluctantly, but after feeling Mike's tender kiss, Billie pulled away to smile at him faintly. "I've gotta go. Adie's all about family dinners now that we're home."

Laughing weakly, Mike nodded. He pretended that his arms didn't ache at the loss of Billie Joe close to him. "See you Saturday then?"

"I'll be there," Billie promised and opened his car door, giving Mike one more of his halfhearted smiles before getting in. "Later, Mike."

"Bye, Bills."

Just as Mike was about to turn for his own car and head the fuck out of the parking lot, a hand shot out from nowhere and grabbed his shoulder. It was Tre, grinning, waving as Billie took the same path Jason had.

"You fuckers, leaving without so much as goodbye to your favorite drummer! Quite frankly, Mike, I'm insulted!"

"Maybe we just get enough of you on the road," Mike narked with a smirk, eventually turning his gaze from Billie Joe's retreating car to Tre. "Sorry, I had to catch him before he left."

"I was going to ask him out for beers too, what was with his quick getaway there?"

"Home for dinner." Mike tried to sound indifferent, but he had a sick feeling the statement held more bitterness than he wanted.

If Tre noticed the pained flicker in Mike's eyes - which he probably did, since he always saw much more than he let on - he said nothing of it. Instead, he threw his arm around Mike's neck and sighed. "Guess it's just us two ass hats then. Because you'd never leave me hanging, would you, Mikey?"

There was a fleeting moment where Mike considered doing just that. He was tired. But the thought of going home to another rerun of 'The Office' and a T.V. dinner made him smile and toss his arm over Tre's shoulders. "Never, dude."

Besides, Tre was good for distractions, and he needed some so Billie's damned broken smile would get the fuck out of his head.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you have it. Part one.

Any and all feedback is extremely appreciated.