Complete Losers


Tania’s POV
[17th December 2007]
I glance over at my clock, 10.30 am. I groan and roll over before realizing IT'S MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!. I look up at my super giant poster of Hayley Williams on my ceiling “I'm 18 now baby, now we can have sex!’ I whisper before realizing that’s the first words I speak as an 18 year old…COOL!
After staring and talking to Hayley for a while Ifall Jump out of bed and run out of my room singing “HEY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!, I'm 18, I'm 18!!WOOT MOTHERFUCKERS!” I dance around like a ballerina adding a bit of head banging “for effect”. Seriously if you could see me right now I actually look like a constipated giraffe. Anyway I walk downstairs singing “That’s what you get when you let Gerard win” – by Paramore, but the lyrics don’t include Gerard, it's “your heart win”.

What the fuck, no-one’s home! Wait of course no-ones home, when is any of my family ever home? Maybe I should go back to my bed and continue masturbating with Hayleys gorgeous face looking down on me?

-Time elapse-
Moans and groan.
More moans and groans

I roll over after being woken from my vibrating phone. Why is some one txting me whilst I am trying to fucking sleep!!
I open the txt message and it reads.
Hey chicky,
Can you pwease cum in 2 wrk 2 day. Mikey called in sick.

What the fuck!
They fucking expect me to come into work, do they not know it's my birthday! And I bet you anything that twirp Mikey isn’t sick at all, he’ll be in his bedroom impregnating a poor girl. Gerard told me that Mikey’s a bit of a whore. But I should go into work, I mean what else am I suppose to do? Gerard hasn’t even come round yet, I bet he’s in his room right at this very minute jerking off to someone like Freddie Mercury or maybe Zac Effron.

Yep sure I’ll be there in half an hour

Fuck today. Fuck everything about it.
It's my birthday.
And I’ve spent half of it already masturbating and sleeping. Oh joy!

-Time Elapse-
I'm walking home from work now. It's dark and I'm scared. There’s gangsters following me.
Grr why wont Gerard answer his phone! He's probably writing love notes again.
Fat ass needs to get laid!
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the comments!
And to those who subscribed
Sorry this aint the best chapter. But I'll make up for it
Comments and feedback is welcome