Complete Losers

Barbie Doll

Gerard's POV
“Oi vampire boy wake up” Tania says shaking my shoulder vigorously.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snort opening my eyes and glaring straight into hers, I bet I look fucking freaky.

“Argh!” she shrieks jumping backwards into some one standing behind her with a small frame. I'm guessing I do look fucking freaky by her reaction.

“Wake the fuck up, my brother’s here he’s taking me, you and Frank shopping” she says pulling the covers back revealing my naked torso and boxers.

“Fuck off leave me to sleep, I'm a vampire after all!” I snarl pulling the covers back over me. But wait a minute, did she just say me, you and Frank!?

“Suit yourself then, you can stay here in my bed whilst me and Frank go shopping” she smirks winking at me making me totally jealous. Sometimes I hate that bitch so much!

“WAIT A MINUTE! I’ll come” I murmur jumping out of Tania’s bed before realizing I'm half naked with Jimmy Neutron boxers on and Frank is standing right there staring at me.

“Good, well hurry up we’re leaving soon. And before you ask, the time is 10.30 am” She replies leaving the room leaving me and Frank. And I'm pretty sure I'm standing like I'm constipated, nice one Gerard.

“So how’s your nose?” Frank asks sitting down on the end of Tania’s bed. God why can't he wait outside I kinda need to get changed.

“It's okay. Do you mind turning around while I put these on?” I ask holding up a pair of Tania’s knickers. I know, I know, why the fuck am I wearing girls underwear? Because mine are erm… dirty.

“Yep sure, but aren’t they girls underwear?” Frank questions looking slightly puzzled.

“Well yeah, I don’t have any clean clothes since I didn’t go home last night so I have to use Tania’s” I reply receiving a weird look from Frank.

He turns around and I replace my boxers with a pair of Tania’s knickers, then I throw one of her HIM tee-shirts on and throw on a pair of her red jeans. “You can look now” I say and Frank turns around with another confused look on his face.

“Like I said, I don’t have any clean clothes”…

By the time I finished getting ready Tania and her brother were in the car shouting at me and Frankie to hurry up. I really like Tanias brother, other than the fact that he is totally hot he's a really nice guy and is fucking hilarious. He travels the world and only ever comes back 3 times a year to spend time with her. He always tells me I'm his favorite friend of Tanias, but I suppose that’s coz I'm her only friend *giggles to self*.

“Whatsup Geetard. How are you man?” Johnny says hi-fiving me. He’s always called me Geetard ever since the time I was sleep walking and apparently I walked into his room groaning and acting all handicap. Could you just picture that!

“Hey. Well other than the fact that I'm like totally hating the sunlight right now I'm good thanks” I reply flashing one of those gorgeous smiles of mine.

“Oh yeah I forgot you’re a vampire. Sorry bout that. So who’s this?” he asks pointing to Frankie who is happily playing with his hair and mouthing Misfits lyrics.

“Oh I'm Frank, I just moved here from the states” Frank says grinning with all his teeth. God that’s totally fucking adorable he makes me moan; which I just did earning a weird look from Johnny and Tania.

“Cool. Well im Johnny”… Frank nods and Johnny gives me a ‘I totally know you like him you fucking gaybo’ smirk.

-Time Elapse-
We soon got pretty bored of shopping. Probably after we got kicked out of the games department for playing guitar hero for 2 hours did we realize we had had enough. I bought a skate board even though I have no idea how to ride them. But Frankie knows how to and he promised me he’d teach me. You know, one thing I’ve gathered from that kid is that he’s a bit clumsy, I'm surprised he knows how to ride a skate board; no offence. He tripped when he tried to walk off an escalator, instead of walking through the glass door he walked into it and instead of waiting for the cars to drive past he walked straight onto the road and nearly got hit; honestly I don’t know how that happened maybe he’s half blind?

You know what I really hate? Pit bulls, you know the dogs. I remember when one of them attacked my Barbie doll when I was 7. I had accidentally left it on our front lawn and a pitbull came along and ripped it to pieces. I cried for a week over Miss Prissy and then a month later my daddy ran the pit-bull over. Obviously I laughed A LOT and I sent a letter to the owners saying HAHAHAH SUKERS! YOR UGLI CUNT OF A DOG DIED! TAKE THAT BIARCHES! I HOP IT GOS TO HEAVN BECAUSE HEAVN IS WORSE THAN HEL! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! [including the spelling mistakes]

Anyway the reason I’m walking about pit bulls is because Frankie just bought a puppy one. Honestly it's the most hideous thing I have seen in my life! It's brown and looks scabby and it's eyes are like yellow, seriously who would buy a mutt like that!? But Frankie thinks it's “Oh so adorable” and “Will make a friendly pet, what is he mad! These animals are designed to kill! I won’t be surprised if one day I’ll turn up to his house and find his life-less body lying in a bloody pulp on the floor.

Poor Frankie
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay sorry about lack of updates. I went away for a couple of days.
This is a really random and weird update. Sorry if it makes no sense lol
well thanks for reading.