Distortion Disorder

Metamorphisis; Alecia

I felt suicidal by the end of that class. But of course, in the words on my English teacher, that was a hyperbole; an exaggeration of speech. If I put half as such effort into everything else as I did into that clock, then I might be a genius. But I'm not- I'm practically brain dead because all that matters is that with each delicate swoosh, that second hand gets closer and closer to releasing me from this prison.

I get up once I am sure that the bell will ring in seconds.I am already far out the door in a crowd of students, drowned out b the sound of the bell when the teacher tries calling me back. I am determined now; determined to leave these 'hallowed' halls and rush home where I can sit alone in my serene sanctuary in complete solitude.

I quickly place my books neatly in their place in my locker and get up just in time to see Lee being dragged down the hall by a pair of cops, and his mute girlfriend Kimmy watching silently from a corner of the hall. I walk passed her and smile politely as she waves on my way out of the school. Some say she only talks to him; Others say she only talks when she's high; Some say she doesn't talk to anyone; Others say that she's only shy. I really wouldn't know. I've grown up with her for years and one day she just stopped talking all together, but I never asked her why, even if she didn't pay attention.

"He'll be fine," I tell her as I pat her on the shoulder. "He always is."

She nods and turns her attention back to the men in blue suits. I walk away and head out the door and around the corner, trying to be a quick as I can, yet unable to escape the few shoves I receive from a group of jocks. Another corner and a group of stoners, which Lee would usually be a part of are surrounded in their cloud of smoke. Ahead of me I see James, the potential boy genius storming home with his backpack full of books.

Suddenly, a cheerleader whose name I never bothered to look up rushes passed me, accidentally knocking my bag off my shoulder. She doesn't bother to stop or apologize, but runs away with her hands in her face. I watch her awkwardly as I left my bag from the dirty cement and continue on my way.


The image scarred my brain, seeing Mike in the corner with Marie, all too comfortable too handle. But who am I kidding, I knew this has happening a long time ago- I just didn't have the proof. It's funny how I always figured I was invincible... I guess the truth hurts.

I should have figured that out when my step-dad started drinking. Or maybe when he started beating on my brother Johnny. Neither me or my mother have the physical strength to do a thing and there comes a point in ones life when reality hits them like a harsh stone. Maybe I figured this out yesterday when I sat beside Kimmy in Science yesterday afternoon. When I figured out that people I would usually never talk to aren't that different from me.

I know people get down on themselves, but who am I kidding. I a cheerleader, and I feel like I'm in the movies. I hear people talking as I pass by and I know they really don't like me all that much... And I'm sick of it.