Status: Contest Entry, Complete

You Drive a Good Stick

You Drive A Good Stick

Honk honk. “Hey Sexy! How about I get some of that huh?!” Honk. Honk.

I lifted my head, looking curiously, around to see what was so sexy. Summer was in full swing, and even warmer in the middle of the country that was St. Louis. Shorts, halters and micro-mini-tiny skirt things showed underwear and delicately bronzed and toned legs that were only made longer and tighter by some wedges or high heels or just simple flip flops. Without time to really get ready or coordinate, I’d just yanked on some jeans (stupidly in the hot afternoon, so they were clumsily rolled up to my knees) blue flip-flops and a pink tank top. My hair was parted with greasy roots so I just threw it up and put on a St. Louis Blues baseball cap, pulling the ponytail over the back band. I was simply waiting for the bus at the college campus bus stop, catching up on some biology homework reading that was more than necessary to do on the ½ hour bus ride to my apartment.

I looked at the road ahead as two more honks rang out. Who was in a matching Blues draft style hat, his curly hair sticking out under the edges and curling around his ears. I couldn’t see his eyes from past his sun glasses, but I could tell they were crinkled with the huge smile he gave me, his hand still on the horn as he annoyingly pressed on the horn, annoying those I shared the bus stop with.

“Hey Chica! How about I take you for a ride huh?” He yelled obnoxiously, over the loud bass notes in his hip hop music. His collar of his yellow and orange striped polo was upright, though he kept maintaining it as it flopped over. He revved the engine of his convertible and I made hasty work of gathering my books and running from the bus stop and into his car without pause as he’d leaned over to open the door and push it over. He spun his hat backwards and lifted mine up. “Gimme some sugar boo.” He laughed, kissing me before I could even get the door shut.

“You’re so white.” I laughed against his lips. He screwed up his face as he pulled away, letting me finally shut the door. The bass that was making the speakers vibrate suddenly cut out and the volume instantly sloped down to a level where we could talk without screaming.

“I’m tanning.” He protested. “Getting outside...look at me…I’m more tan than you!”

“You act like a little white boy.” I grinned, grabbing the collar of his polo and folding it over. ”And I’ve never been tan, you know that…I burn crispy.”

“Hey quit it, you’ll make me look old.” He protested, grabbing for my hand and his collar before I’d even started to fold it over.

“Oh Teej…you look so gay…cut the shit.” I laughed, batting at his hand and giggling as I made him look acceptable. “Now you look like an actual human being…and kind of like an ice cream cone.” I smirked, playing with the hair sticking out from under his hat as he drove. He made a little bit of a sour face, grumbling in his discontent. I smiled softly, stroking his smooth cheek. “Don’t worry…you look so sweet, I just wanna lick you all over.” I grinned playfully, watching his eyes get wide then, and seeing him start to squirm.

“Not when we’re in the car babe…” He said quietly. “When you do that…yeah…no.”

“What’s the matter boo?” I asked playfully, biting my lip and watching his tongue come up, sliding over his lip, almost reaching his nose as he wet his lips. I grabbed my school bag and shuffled through it, grabbing some chap stick and taking his hand off the shifter, pressing the little stick in his hand. “Don’t fight me on this.” I muttered. He did that so often.

“It’s not winter, I don’t need it anymore.” He pouted. I nodded and watched him slide the stick over his lips to give them a dull sheen.

“Your lips still dry boo.” I smiled, taking it back and using it right after him, getting a light taste of him mixed with the balmy cherry flavor. He shook his shoulders as he drove us on a route that I recognized was to his house, rather than mine.

“So what took you so long, were you involved in your reading or something? Or just don’t like being called sweet cheeks and cat calls?” He asked as we drove. I looked over at him. He took side streets rather than the high way so having the top down in the convertible wasn’t an issue with wind.

“No…I just…didn’t think you were talking to me.” I shrugged. “I figured you were talking to some other chick or something…I’m not usually cat called at.” I laughed, stowing away my chap stick.

“Oh I love cat calling at you.” He laughed. “You always get this embarrassed deer in the headlights look when people start getting annoyed with me and jealous…like the dudes at the bus stop.” He laughed, giggling as he drove along. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

“You are so something else Teej.” I laughed, laying my hand on his thigh. He stopped at a stop sign and returned the car to proper gear before sliding his hand in mine.

“You didn’t think I was calling at you?” He asked softly, tipping his head. “You’re sexy…even if you do look a little goofy today.” He made a face. “You think that my polo is bad…babe…it looks like you’re gonna go wading in the river or something. Fishing waders you got there.”

“I woke up late.” I laughed softly. “And…dude…are you blind? You didn’t see the two foxes walk past just when you honked? They were wearing like nothing!”

“Oh I noticed.” He laughed. “But I didn’t really care. What are they? Not the doctor that I’m dating…probably like…what do you rat on all the time? Business majors? Communications? Something like that?” He made a confused face. “I mean, I scored what has to be the sexiest little bookworm on campus…who I’d sure love to…mend an aching bone of mine.” He laughed. “I was thinking of some medical term you’d think of…I didn’t do well.” He smiled over at me as he stopped at another stop sign, taking his hand out of mine only to shift. I smiled at the goofy little grin he head, licking my lips as I looked down shyly. “You’re such a shy little girl for having the sexiest guy on the planet.” He pointed out confidently, getting into gear and taking my hand again.

“I dunno…You said yourself…I look goofy.” I said softly, squeezing his hand as he led them both to the shifter, I assumed so he could control the car without having to put me down every time. He shorted and shook his head.

“That’s just today. Like…when you meet me after games and you’re dressed for dinner or something in your little black dress…or you’re in your jersey? You’re a pretty sexy girl babe…” He smiled. “I got a good catch…I mean…you’re smarter than me, so you always keep me in check…you’re pretty, but not prettier than me….” He flashed me a smile; I could see my reflection in the blue plastic of his sunglasses. “Kidding…or am I?” He laughed. “Hmmm…what else about you makes my heart pound…?” He considered. “Oh…your hair, when I drive with the top down…when the sun hits it…its’ got like…strands of gold in it.” He nodded. “And um…you’re great in bed…you’re patient…you cook great.” I rolled my eyes.

“And what makes you think that those girls don’t do anything like that?”

“Something that skinny is so not a good cook.” He shook his head. “They don’t eat…so duh, they can’t cook.” I giggled at his logic, shaking my head. He was so animated…and so adorable.

“Alright alright…but they are sexy.”

“I guess…but why…I got something so good right here…you know?” I bit my lip as he put pressure on my hand and shifted down to pull into the driveway smoothly. I grinned at him then.

“You drive a stick better than I do.” I said softly, grinning playfully. He rolled his eyes then, taking my hand of the shifter as he turned off the engine, and bringing it to his crotch, folding his fingers around mine and his bulge.

“Darling…you drive a more important stick fantastically.”
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This is my entry for H_IS_FOR_HOCKEY's contest