Wouldn't It Be Nice To Wake Up With You

Steal My Heart

Ireland could be described in two words; green and beautiful. After getting off the plane, I saw the more modern world of Ireland. It reminded me of being in Chicago all over again, cept everyone here spoke with a brogue. I started to wander about, looking for an exit. Ben said he would meet up with me at the front gate. I pulled along my small luggage bag and turned my head to and fro. Then I saw him leaning against a post outside the airport, checking out his phone. The boy is always busy with that phone sometimes.

"Ben!" I cried out after I walked outside, "Hey!"

"Jenny!" he walked up to me and hugged me tightly, "Sup, kid?"

"I'm only younger by four years, give me a break," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Last time I heard, you were gonna get married," he looked at me sternly, "Where's the husband and the ring?"

"Ditched them both to be with you," I laughed lightly, "I was wondering if I could help out with your tour and just stick with you all."

"I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind," he led me towards his rental car, "You still haven't met Anthony and Nash anyways! The tour is a great way to get new friends."

"Thank you so much Ben," I smiled genuinely as he put my luggage in the trunk, "I'm in debted to you for this."

"You can start by getting in and explaining to me why you left Patrick," he pointed to the passenger seat, "If I was a woman, I'd be all over the piece of meat."

I slid in a closed the door, buckling myself in, "That's sick, don't use the 'if I was a woman' tactic again. I feel like I wasn't ready for marriage and I feel that Patrick isn't the one I want to be with anymore. Yes I love him, but not as much as I would like to, to end up marrying him."

"Tell you the truth I thought you both were going too fast. You've known him for what, a year?" Ben glanced at me as he drove.

"Yes," I sighed in embarrassment, "That's not like me to do something so life altering."

"Weeelll," he dragged and stopped at a red light, "You can always be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't figure if he was being serious or joking, "Oh yes Ben, that'd work out so well."

"I promise not to marry you," he teased. He was joking then.

"I love you already," I laughed.

We pulled into a parking lot and slowed down to get near the hotel they were staying at. I unbuckled and Ben helped me with me get my two bags out. As we walked he commented on my light load of clothes.

"A girl like you should have one of those huge wardrobes."

"Ben, who the hell are you talking to? I could wear a band tee and jeans everyday."

"Mind wearing a uniform?" he smiled.

"What kind of uniform...?" I frowned, "I haven't worn a uniform since I was in high school."

"Well, we're premoting our song Williamsburg and I want to have the band and crew in uniform."

"That is creepy and kinky," I murmured.

"You're my girlfriend now," he stated, "Could you wear a short skirt, tight blouse, and a vest?"

"I'm your girlfriend, not your play toy. Stop fantasizing," I laughed as we went into the room.

"Okay, okay, I'll behave. Now, I'd like to introduce your new bunking buddies," he closed the door and waved to the three boys lounging around the room.

"PJ!" I yelled happily when I spot him tinkering around with his guitar.

"WHAT?" he gaped, "Ben, why didn't you tell me my best girl was coming out to see us?"

I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Sorry mate, Ben called dibs on me in the car."

"Yeah, he's sneaky like that, ain't he?"

"Hey, hey, us japanese hafa stick together, ya know?" he smirked.

"Hi, I'm Nash," a man with short black hair and a wide white smile shook my hand, "I'm the drummer."

"Oh, I'm Anthony, I play bass for the band," he had long blackish hair, "I cover Benjamin's ass when he's too busy singing."

"Not true," Ben glared at Anth menacingly, "I take pride in both."

"So after this tour, where are you guys heading?"

"Actually, this is the end of the tour. We're heading back home in three days. Then we're off after about a week to go down to LA and film for our new song," PJ explained.

"Didn't Gabe want you in his new video too, Ben?" Anthony pointed out.

"So we're going back to the states?" I sounded a little upset.

"We start our tour just a week later then, Jen!" Ben reassured me, "Don't worry, you can stay with us as long as you want to. You won't get a good night's sleep most of the time, but you needed an escape, right?"

"Yes, I did say I needed that." I nodded.

After settling down, the boys chatted for a while, playing music here and there, but mostly on their laptops. It was like being on tour with Fall Out Boy again. I rubbed my temples at the thought of my second family. I wonder where the boys were anyways. I left them back in London and I know for sure they can't expect me to be here or anywhere for that matter. I sighed happily and leaned on Ben. He instictively wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I fell asleep on the bed next to him.

Ben's POV+

She was dead tired when I picked her up so I expected her to pass out at some point. I checked out my sites and read. I absent-mindedly started to play with the ends of her hair. Sort've petting her almost; wow I really miss my dog...

"Ben, I thought she was getting married," PJ sat on the end of the bed, "What happened?"

"She got scared. No offense to Pat, but they did move fast."

"Yeah... that's true," PJ whispered, "I hope she gets better. She looks like shit."

"She's happy to be with us and away from the matter. I think as long as I don't tell her we're running into Patrick at the MTV2 party, we'll be okay."

"She'll live with you right? I mean, you have that house pretty much to yourself," he has to remind me I'm a lonely guy.

"Yes, Jen's gonna stay with me til the shoot for Hold the Door."

"Well, the best of luck to your relationship," PJ nodded me off.

"You know we were kidding," I looked at him seriously.

"That's how they start off you know; playful and then it gets harder to not think about it. Especially for you Ben; you're going to get lonely with only your dog and then you'll start to think hard on it."

"PJ, I don't think she'd want to anyways, seeing as she may love Patrick still. My job here is as a friend; like a brother. Now stop reminding me of my lonliness you jerk." I whispered harshly.

"Don't accidentally get her pregnant," he smiled cheekily as he slipped out the door, just barely missing the pillow I threw at him.

I kicked off my shoes and moved my laptop to the nightstand. I got myself comfortable and slipped into my own sleep. I moved my arm back from Jen and let my conscious take me back to a dream world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I pulled Armor for Sleep into this.
Who knows what the hell is going to go on with this....
Next update is on Pete and Patrick. We'll be finding out:

Is Patrick forgiving Peter?
Is Peter really over Jen?
How will they find her?
Are they aware that she's going to be running back into them sooner than they think?

Find out next time!