My Lost Years

My Lost Years Chapter 3

We went out for lunch but Rob met a friend so he invited him too. I could see that this friend of his, David was attracted by Mary and Mary seemed to like him too. When we arrived at the restaurant, Rob asked me if he could call me tomorrow to go for an ice cream. I accepted but I thought to take Mary, David and Lizzy too. But Lizzy said “No, no I can’t come. I have to meet a friend and I don’t think David and your friend will come. I think they want to spend some time only with each – other. So I think you and Robert have to eat the ice cream alone. But you can buy me one if you like”.
“Robert!!” – I said surprised.
“What?” – he said
“Your name is Robert!!”
“I think I told you that it is not Edward”
“Yeah but you told me you name was Rob”
“Yes, my short name is Rob but my full name is Robert”.
For the first time since I had met him I thought he could be my childhood friend. No, no, it was impossible. It was a dream. I mean, the family who adopted Robbie probably changed his name. This was quite normal. I didn’t think he was my friend but even if he was, I was never gonna find out. I wasn’t gonna ask him if he had been a orphan after all. But I couldn’t explain how good I felt when I was with him. I was feeling something new and I had no idea what it was.
“Hello. Mela. Earth to Mela” – he said.
“What?” - I asked
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, why are you asking?”
“The waiter is waiting for your order. What do you want to eat?”
“Oh” – I said and I realized that I had been so focused on my thought that I didn’t hear him calling me. I ordered and watched David and Mary who were laughing out loud at each – other.
After we ate, I told Mary to go home because it was getting late but she said “Oh no, I’m going to see David’s apartment so I hope you don’t mind to go alone”. “No she is not going alone. Don’t worry Mary. Me and Lizzy will get her home”. – Rob answered before I could even open my mouth. “No, I’m going alone” – I said but he didn’t listen to me because he was paying the waiter.
He and Lizzy accompanied me home with their car. When we arrived, Lizzy told me “Goodnight” and Robert opened me the door of the car. When I got out, he said “So, tomorrow, then. I’ll call you around eleven o’clock. I won’t forget this time”. I nodded once and was about to go but he caught my arm and continued “I had an amazing time today, Mela. Thank you”. He took a step forward and kissed me softly on the cheek. I blushed and looked down. “Goodnight, Robert”- I said. “Night”- he said while I opened the door of my apartment.
Rob’s P.O.V
I drived home talking to Lizzy. We talked about different stuff like: our parents, our sister, ourselves etc. Finally, we arrived home. She went immediately to her room because she was tired but I sat in a couch in the living room. Now, I could tell I liked Mela a lot. Her face was familiar to me. But how? Did I know her? Besides, there was something about her that made me think she was hiding something. And she had a weird name. Maybe Mela wasn’t her full name. She could have another name like… Pamela. No. No way. She couldn’t be…I mean, I would love her to be my lost, childhood best friend, but I didn’t have that luck. I could remember very clearly the first time I saw Pam.
The little 4-year old boy was standing alone at the garden looking at the other orphan kids playing. They invited him to join them but he didn’t accept. Suddenly, he saw a little girl about two or three years old standing alone. His little heart beated faster as usual when he saw her little, beautiful face. From that moment he know he would always love this kid. He stood up and went next to her. He said “Hi, I’m Robert”. The girl started to cry. Robert hugged her. The little girl stopped crying and said “Robbie”.
Pamela’s P.O.V
Why did this guy make me feel like this? When I was around Rob, I was nervous and dazzled from him. I had an idea what this feeling could be but I was never gonna accept that. I kept on denying it. No. The man I should love gotta be my friend, Robert, not him. And yet, I couldn’t take none of the of my mind. I was imagining how my friend looked like now after 13 long years, when I fell asleep.
“Mela, wake up” – a voice told me. I woke up and saw Mary. She told me to go sleep in my room but I didn’t want to sleep yet so I asked her about David and she started to tell me about every detail with him. But I wasn’t listening to her at all. I heard only when she said that she was gonna meet him tomorrow and she couldn’t wait until then. If I would be honest with myself, I couldn’t wait tomorrow to come either because I already missed Rob. But this was ridiculous. I was with him two hours ago.
Rob’s P.O.V
Next day, I called Mela as I promised. When we got out, I thought of something else. I thought of getting her to my work, to see me acting. I told her: “Do you mind if we don’t go for the ice cream but somewhere else?” “Where?” – she asked, curious. “First tell me if you accept”. “Ok”- she said, unsure. I loved this thing. I never told people where I would get them. I remembered when I did this to Pam.
“Where are we going, tell me”. – the little girl said. The boy didn’t answer but closed her eyes with a scarf. “No, Robbie, come on, tell me. I don’t like darkness”. – the little girl complained. But in that moment, the little boy got the scarf off her eyes and everyone screamed “SURPRISE”. Robert said: “Happy birthday my Pam”.
Pamela’s P.O.V
I had so much fun seeing Rob acting. He was a great actor. He was shooting Eclipse, the continuing of New Moon. The other actors were great too. One of then introduced himself to me: “Hi, I’m Taylor. Who are you?” – he asked in a childish voice. “I’m Pamela. I came here with him” – I said pointing to Rob.
“Are you his new girlfriend?” – he continued. “No, we’re just friends”. “Oh, ok. Sorry”.
At that moment Rob came next to us and told Taylor: “So, I see you met Mela”. “Yeah. Nice girl Robo. I’m surprised. She said she’s not your girlfriend”. “She’s not actually. We’re just friends.” – Rob answered and looked awkward.
After he finished for the day, Robert accompanied me home. We made all the way in silence because we didn’t know what to say. Well, I didn’t. I still felt bad about Taylor’s words. He told Robert that he was surprised because I wasn’t his girlfriend. What did he mean? Did he mean that Rob couldn’t hang out with someone without being in a relationship with her? Was he of those kind of guys who flirted with everyone? If this was true, I had to stay from him. But could I do that? I felt so good with him. But I only wanted to be his friend. Well, at least for now because I wasn’t shure about my feelings.
Rob’s P.O.V
None of us talked while I was getting her home. And I knew exactly the reason of this silence. It was because of what Taylor said. He was a good kid but he could get people easily in trouble because he always said thing in the exact way he thought them. But I couldn’t deny that I liked the sound of “Mela being my girlfriend”. And apparently, she didn’t like it. I had been with a lot of girls just to forget my Pam, but now I knew it was impossible. I had never fallen in love with someone else but what was going on with this girl next to me? When I was with her, I felt special and free. This was the way I felt when I was like 10, with Pam. I didn’t know if I liked this feeling now. I mean, I loved feeling like this but did I like being with someone who wasn’t Pam? I was confused.
Finally, we arrived at her apartment. David’s car was parked over there so this meant he was inside with Mela’s friend. What was her name? Umm…yeah, Mira. No…umm…Mary. Mary, yeah. She and Dave were going pretty quickly. It seemed that Mela was thinking about the same thing because she told me:
“It looks like your friend is over here. Do you wanna come in too?” Of course, that’s what I wanted but I had to take this slowly.
“Umm…I…I’ll come in to take Dave with me, ok?”
“As you wish”- she said coldly. But why coldly? What did I do now? We went inside. Dave and Mary were talking, thank god. I told Dave it was time to go but he said he was staying there for lunch because Mary had invited him. Mary said: “Why don’t you stay too, Robert? You’ll love the food”. I wanted so much to stay but I had to stop being selfish. “No, I have to go somewhere. But thanks anyway”. I looked at Mela and…was that disappointment in her face? No way. Maybe I was going crazy. I had to visit my doctor or a psychiatrist better. When I was going out, I heard them saying that Dave and Mary were going to some club and they wanted to take Mela with them. To night clubs??? No way. There was a lot of danger for her. Well, not that much if I would be there to protect her. I could make our meeting over there look like a coincidence. I was good at that. As soon as I arrived home, I called a friend. “Hello”- a voice answered. “Hey, Zac, what’s up? It’s Rob. Hey, listen, do you have anything to do tonight?” “Oh, hi Rob. No, I’m free. Why? What do you have in mind?
“Well, I was hoping you would come with me to a night club”.
“Hmmm…shure. Why not? Which hour and where”.
“I’ll pick you up at nine ok?”
“Thanks Zac. You’re the best”.
“No problem”.
This was so easy. But Mela wasn’t gonna save from me. Not yet.