It's Werth It



A warm hand was steadily shaking me from my dreams. I rolled over to face the direction the voice was coming from, and slowly opened my heavy eyes. They were met with a tired looking man with a scruffy beard and long-ish hair, giving him a lumberjack appearance.

“Jayson?” I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly.

“Yeah, sweetie, I’m home,” he replied with a grin.

My lips spread into a huge smile, and I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him into me.

He laughed, but hugged back just as tight.

He pulled away, earning a whine from me, and kicked off his shoes, only to lie down, pulling me into his arms. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he rubbed my back. It was hard to keep from falling back to sleep, but I didn’t let myself. I didn’t want to forget that he was here.

I checked the clock on my nightstand, seeing it read 1:49 AM.

"Go ahead back to sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up," he told me before starting to hum an old Led Zeppelin song.

I could barely gather the energy to reply with a groan of protest.

Jayson gave a laugh, causing my head to bounce slightly on his chest, but didn't say anything.

I sighed in content as he continued his humming, and began to drift in and out of consciousness. With the comfort of having Jayson home again, I fell asleep in the arms of the man I love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and very crappy, but I've had the itch to write, and I've wanted to read a Phillies fic, so I figured I'd write one.