The Diary Of Billie Joe

Billie Is Finallly Released

May 30, 2006
Dear Diary,
It's been a long hall through all of this. However, I'm happy I'm finally going home. I can't wait to see Joey and Jacob. There is one thing I must do on my way home. That is attend Sarah's funural. It's scheduled for later this afternoon.


Later That Afternoon

It was around 2:30 that afternoon. Billie had been released from the hospital, and they were on they way to the funural. While he was in the hospital, he wrote a speach to remeber all that Sarah had done for him. He was going to give the speach later during the furnal.

The furnal began, and Father Logan did his thing. Then he asked if there was anyone who wanted to say a few things about Sarah, and Billie got up to speak. His speach went like this...

Sarah was the most amazing teenager you'd ever meet. She was kind, and always thought about others. She never cared about what other people thought about her. She was happy with who she was inside. I wouldn't be standing here alive today if it wasn't for her. She has given me her heart, and I'll never forget that.

That was the end of Billie's speach. He walked back to his seat, and began to cry. It was true. He wouldn't be alive if Sarah didn't give him her hear. Adrienne, and the kids have Sarah to thank for that. The furnal had ended, and Sarah's body was now in the ground. Adrienne walked over to Billie.
"Are you coming?" she asked.
"Would it be ok if I stay for a little while longer?" asked Billie.
"Sure," Adrienne said putting her hand on Billie's shoulder.
Adrienne walked away, and let Billie have some space.

Just then, he heard a voice. It was Sarah.
"I heard your speach about me, and it was amazing," said Sarah.
"What I said about you was true," Billie replied.
"I know," answered Sarah.
"I wish I could talk with you longer, but I should go. My wife is waiting for me," Billie said.
"You know that you can always talk to me when ever you want," said Sarah.
Sarah's spirit vanished, and Billie walked twards Adrienne.