Status: I'm just starting this but plan on posting the first 10 chapters.

The Violin and the Flute

Before the Chapters

Name: Robyn (Rini) Saxon. Korean name: Lee Reun (Ru-un)
Age: 19
Nicknames: Rini, Cat (kitty), cookie.
Birthday: February 1, 1990
Blood type: O
Height: 156cm
Home country: U.S.A.
Birthplace: Houston, Texas
Family: Father (originally British, moved to Texas), Mother (half Korean, half Japanese). Little brother (9 years old-is very close)
Education: St. Carman elementary and middle school. Dulles high school. Home schooled for 10th grade year.
Languages: fluent-English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish. Proficient- mandarin, Italian.
Appearance: short spiky black hair with a purple streak (shoulder length). Very light brown eyes sometimes seem orange-ish. Not incredibly skinny, but more normal size. Non-eye catching chest. Hides underneath hoodies or big jackets. Favorite colors to wear: black, purple, grey, white, some hot pink, red. Mildly pale skin, slight tan. Hands are complemented often. (Inside joke: “princess hands”)
Music: sing, guitar, piano, flute, gymnastics/ballet, “pop” dancing, fight-dance.
Hobbies: writing/composing songs/music, reading love stories, listening to music, sitting on roofs, riddles, practicing dance, loves to people watch.
Personality: normally seems to be very open; tends to talk a lot without really saying anything. Often feels lonely because no one else is like her. (Everything around her is turned into music or a form of dance step). Constantly feels homesick. She has mastered the fake smile where only people very close to her can tell if she is faking. (So far no one can tell). Loves to solve riddles and will sometimes purposefully use riddles and rhymes to confuse people. (The perfect escape plan). When she feels sad she often acts extra happy, but only few people ever notice. (Ex.-mother) she acts motherly when affection is needed. She pretends to be clueless when in a difficult situation.
Career: recently joined the girls group Phayrees. (Fairies) is the youngest of the group and is often left behind but doesn’t mind. Role in band: vocals, lead dance, flute.
Other group members:
Name: Kim Sang-hee
Age: 22 (oldest)
Nicknames: Mommy (by Rini only), Hee-hee, Sang-y
Birthday: May 4, 1987
Height: 170cm
Appearance: Long copper colored hair. Bright brown eyes. Tall with common figure. Loves wearing black and white with one accessory of color. Cross pendent.
Music: Vocals, piano, percussion, some guitar, dance.
Personality: Often acts childish when the group doesn’t listen to her. Forces the girls to pray before every performance/public event. Takes things very seriously, but does joke around. Tries to seem tough but is really a push-over. Does not tolerate rude behavior. (Siwon)
Name: Lee Chan-souk
Age: 22
Nicknames: Suzie (Rini only), Chan, Su-su, Chan-y
Birthday: September 18, 1987
Height: 162cm
Appearance: Medium cut dirty blonde hair. Dark brown eyes, almost black. Well built, but very feminine. Wears bright colors, favorite is orange.
Music: Vocals, dance (2nd main), piano, is trying to learn flute from Rini.
Personality: Pretends to know everything, is the official diva of the group. Loves getting any kind of attention. Knows all pop songs, but loves classical music. (Secret). Loves to fight with Rini even though it seems like they don’t get along. Over-reacts often, and either pouts or laughs it off. (Ryeowook)
Name: Park Eun-mi
Age: 21
Nicknames: Mimi (Rini only), Eun-y, E-mi.
Birthday: July 8, 1988
Height: 167
Appearance: shoulder length auburn hair. Dark brown eyes. Very skinny, but eats a lot. Wears lots of blue or green. Often wears jeans and t-shirt.
Music: lead vocals, piano, guitar
Personality: the silent smart one. Is the constant safety reminder. Does not speak often, but always says something smart when she does. Is the backup mom for the group even though she is second youngest. Loves watching over everyone. (Kyuhyun)
All members treat Rini as a little sister, but they know she has a very powerful mind. This girl group focuses mostly on slower ballet styled songs, but have some upbeat songs as well. Have just recently debuted, fan base is small.
Plot: winter vacation.
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Mibba officials I hope this is okay for me to post this "pre-chapter" if not please just let me so I can delete it. Please don't delete my account, I'm new and not sure what I can post here. ^^ Thanks. And to my readers, I hope you enjoy! ^^