Status: I'm just starting this but plan on posting the first 10 chapters.

The Violin and the Flute

Chapter Nine: The Morning After

I awoke finding myself lying down tucked underneath the covers of some unknown bed. I don’t remember ever going to bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and let out a cute yawn. My eyes were a little damp, probably from crying in my sleep. I’m strange like that; the only time I cry is when I’m asleep. I hugged myself slightly, thinking back on the memory. That was the last day I saw Joey because the very next day I left for Korea. I thought I would be training in one of the American sections, but I wasn’t.
I haven’t talked to him for 2 years. It’s actually been two whole years since I’ve been home. Luckily, my family got to come visit me on holidays, but I haven’t seen anyone else from my past life since that day. I stared at the bed covers in front of me. It took me that long to realize I was in someone else’s bed. And it took another 3 minutes before my brain processed enough to realize whose bed I was in. I tried to jump out of the bed but ended up on the floor.
I heard a second thump on the floor and stared at the ceiling confusedly. To the extent of my knowledge it was just me in the room. I slowly untangled myself from the covers and sat up. On the opposite side of the bed a mop of dark reddish-brown hair rose up at the exact same time I did. I stared at its eyes for a full minute before I realized I was staring at Henry!
“Henry? What are you doing on the floor?” I asked as I sat up fully and rested my elbows on the bed. He blinked at me, and then sat in a similar position opposite to me.
“Well, you fell asleep on my bed.” He paused to look down before continuing. “I didn’t want to wake you up, so I just slept on the chair.” He mumbled the last part as he gestured to the small couch in the room that had some blankets and pillows scattered around it. My eyes softened from the confused stare, until I realized I had stolen his bed. That means that no one is in my bed. My eyes widened.
“Ho-cra-anbarries.” His head shot up to meet my scared face. I quickly rushed to stand up and sprint to the door. “Sorry. Gotta get to bed.” I hissed in a quick whisper before twisting around to run into my room. I had to get into my bed before Mommy came in to wake me up. What would she think if she found me in Henry’s room? I shook my head as I dove under the covers.
I lay there with my heart beating a mile a minute. After about 5 minutes my heart quieted down and I heard the sound of Blue Tomorrow emitting from my iPod. I took a deep breath to let the music calm me. I listened to their voices and began breathing normally. I pulled the covers down from my face and stared at the wall in front of me. I’m not sure how long I stared at it, but at some point I finally glanced at the clock.
I stared at it until the seven changed into an eight. Wow my brain was slow. I blinked before I sat up and looked at the door. It was almost nine in the morning. If it was almost nine in the morning, shouldn’t I be eating breakfast right now? I frowned slightly, and pulled the covers off. Why was I freaking out again? There really was no reason for me to be scared.
The events of the night before filled my mind. I couldn’t sleep, so I went downstairs. Henry couldn’t sleep either, so we hung out. We had to change his shirt, which then lead to him playing the violin. Oh. That must have been when I fell asleep. I felt guilty about falling asleep during his song. I had asked him to play and I fell asleep. What kind of friend does that?
I sighed as I stood up from the bed and walked over to my duffle bag. I might as well get dressed. If Mommy comes in then I’ll just say I woke up early. I pulled out an orange long sleeve shirt and stared at the material. I don’t have any orange shirts. Oh right, I stole this from Suzie, right. I pulled out a pair of comfortable jeans quietly showered and then quickly changed. I glanced at my mirror and ran a hand through my short poufy hair.
I smiled slightly as I plastered on my sweet innocent smiled and opened the door. Before I could take 2 steps I rammed into something hard that smashed my nose. I stepped back and stared up at the wall that had appeared in my doorway. I blinked and tilted my head to the side.
“Donghae-isshi?” I asked completely confused, but already in my Korean mode. He grinned at me before shrugging.
“Dongmin asked me to wake everyone. I’m the only one that was awake,” he trailed of slightly to pause. “Can you wake the girls?” I tilted my head to the side pretending to still be confused.
“You can’t wake them?” he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I-um. They are girls. I don’t want to be the one to wake them.” I pouted slightly. He noticed this and quickly tried to change the subject. “Not that there is anything wrong with them. I just know that girls get mad when a guy wakes them up.” He said quickly. I frowned slightly, pretending to be upset.
“But, I’m a girl. You were going to wake me up.” His eyes widened for a second before he started to act very nervous. I love messing with people in the morning. He glanced around to see if anyone was looking. I crossed my arms and tilted my hip to the side while rising and eye brow. “Yes?” He tried to think of something to say.
“Um. Well, yesterday you were fun, but not like girly fun. Like one of the guy’s fun, I don’t know, you- I thought. I don’t know-I. um.” His head dropped shamefully. I grinned and returned to my sweet little girl pose. I giggled to catch his attention.
“That’s ok Donghae-isshi. I was only joking.” I said with a wide smile. He let out a sigh and laughed. I pushed him out of the way slightly and closed my door. “Well then, you better go wake up the boys.” I commanded while facing the other way. I heard him mumbled a yes then turn to go to Henry’s door. I walked to the next door over to Mommy’s room.
How did he even know which room was mine anyway? Did he just know? Oh well. I wonder why Mommy and everyone weren’t awake yet. Shrugged to myself as I slowly pushed the door open. Her room was exactly like mine, but had her stuff in it. I tip toed over to her sleeping form on the bed. I leaned down until I was only a few inches from her face. I took a deep breath.
“MOMMY!” I shrieked. She jumped up from the bed and fell to the floor. I stood proudly as she glared up at me. I grinned at her. “Job done. Next room.” I announced before I skipped out of the room quickly before she could try to attack me in anyway. Next was Mimi.
Exactly like how I snuck into Mommy’s room, I very stealthily crept through the door. I heard a thump from down the hall and some muffled yelling. Donghae must have woken up someone else too. I grinned as I tip-toed to Mimi’s bed. I saw she was still asleep as well. Wow, normally she would be one of the first ones to wake up. I decided to be nicer to Mimi, she knows things. I gently knelt beside her and shook her shoulder lightly.
“Ne. Mimi, get up.” I whispered to her. She stirred slightly before opening her eyes and staring at me. She smiled and nodded that she was awake and I could leave. I grinned and skipped out of the room. I stood outside of the door for a moment before and glanced at the next room. Suzie’s room. That was scary. I paused before walking over to the door. I heard yelling from down the hall and saw Donghae flying out of the room. I tilted my head to the side as he stood and dusted himself off.
“Siwon-isshi not like mornings?” I asked. He glanced up at my and grinned. He shook his head.
“Not really. He just doesn’t like me in his room.” He pouted slightly. “He thinks I am going to break something.” He sighed, but then shrugged. “Oh well. Zhou Mi is next.” Matching my movements he stood in front of said man’s door. I sighed before turning the door handle and almost crawling into the room. I left the door wide open; Suzie is scary in the morning.
The room was already decorated with all her favorite posters and decorations. I took a moment to gawk at how quickly she managed to fix the room. I looked around until I saw the bed and almost jumped. She was curled up into a ball, at the bottom of the bed. I stifled a giggle, and she says I’m weird. I quietly stepped towards the bed. I stared at her sleeping form. In one swift movement I clutched the sheets and yanked her off the bed and onto the floor, then bolted out the door.
In the corner of my eye I caught Donghae stepping out of another room. Without thinking much I dashed for him and dove into his stomach. He had been mid-step, so luckily we didn’t fall. I nuzzled into his stomach, and then twisted around so that I was hiding behind him. He stood in the hall completely clueless. He tensed up suddenly, but I didn’t move from my hiding spot.
“Where is that little monster?”Suzie’s voice bellowed thru the hall. I felt Donghae shrug. Suzie let out a loud annoyed sigh and stomped back into her room to get ready. I let out a sigh of relief as I slid down the back of Donghae’s body and rested on the floor. Said boy tilted his head to the side to look down at me as I stared up at him. I grinned sheepishly.
“Well, it’s the only way to wake her up.” I said with a mild shrug. He blinked, and then laughed at me. I pretended to pout as he moved away from me. Because I was leaning against the back of his legs, I ended up falling backwards and hitting my head on the floor. “Itai.” I whined. Apparently this was the funniest thing the tall Korean boy had ever seen because, while in my stupor of pain, I saw him double over in laughter. I glared up at him. He calmed down enough to see my glare and quickly helped me stand. I continued my now minor glare. He did help me up; he is mildly forgiven for that.
“Heh. Mianhae. But it was funny.” I held my glare for another few seconds before it broke into a soft chuckle. He sighed in relief and continued his chuckle. The door behind me opened and I turned to face the chubby cheeked boy behind it. I smiled at him, hoping he would ignore my outburst in the morning. He glanced at me, then at Donghae, back at me, then turned and walked down the stairs. Ha? I wanted him to ignore what I did, not ignore me completely! I realized I had been glaring at Henry’s back when Donghae waved his hand in my face. I grabbed it so it would stop moving. Wow he has soft hands.
“Do you know what’s wrong with Henry?” I asked. I figured that there had to be some really good explanation as to why he couldn’t sleep, and that could also explain why he was being somewhat moody so early in the morning. Forget the fact that I woke up in his bed and royally freaked him out first thing in the morning. Thank you.
Donghae looked to the side, then to the stairs where Henry was crawling down. I frowned at the apparently touchy subject. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Something really bad happen that I should know about? Maybe something I shouldn’t? I stared at Donghae, still waiting for my answer. He looked at me, and then glanced at the ground. He rubbed his neck nervously as if he was trying to find the right words to say.
“Well. You know Super Junior M is a sub group of Super Junior right?” I nodded for him to continue. “Well. Henli and Zhou Mi are both guest members. Some of the fans don’t like them very much. From what I heard they are more ok with Zhou Mi, but Henli has more of the Anti-fans. It’s really sad. That’s why SM send us here so we could be out of the way for a while and take a break-Where you going?”
I had heard all I needed to hear. I quickly jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Henry looking through the fridge. His back was facing me and he looked very preoccupied with trying to find the last of the Lychee. I quietly snuck up behind him and stood about half a foot away. He sighed and gave up on looking through the fridge. He closed the door and leant his head against the top.
“Aw. Somebody needs a hu-ug!” I exclaimed in English. I wrapped my arms around his waist and before he could react, I had successfully hugged him. He tried to jump, but I was holding him too tightly. He lifted his arm to look down at me. I shifted and tilted my head to look up at him and grinned, then snuggled into his back. He stayed frozen for a minute before lowering his arm and just standing there with me attached to his back. It was actually quite comfortable for me. I grinned and let go. He slowly turned around to face me. I continued to smile at him sweetly, not creepily, until finally his lips twitched into a small smile. I squealed slightly and clapped. “Yay!” He raised an eye brow at me, but then let out a small almost chuckle. Not quite.
“Heh. Why are you so hyper in the morning?” He asked me randomly. I tilted my head to the side innocently.
“Why are you so bothered by the jealous insecure teens that have no life and will probably all die alone and unloved because they are too high maintenance for any guy to really like them anyway?” Smooth Rini, REAL smooth. He stared at me wide eyed and I stared back curiously. He frowned and looked to the ground like he was a shamed of something. “Henry. Seriously, if that is why you are being so emo, that’s a stupid reason.” His head jerked up to stare at me. I nodded to emphasize my words.
“Why be bothered by them? Yeah they can be cruel or whatever, but that’s their problem, if they don’t like what you do then they don’t have to watch. You came here to make music right? And that’s what you are doing. If they don’t like it’s not your fault cuz you’re just doing what you are supposed to.” After my little speech I shrugged and look up at his eyes to see him staring at me intrigued. I smiled sweetly. I searched through the fridge and found some left over lychee from the night before. I presented the box to Henry with a smile.
“Here, this should fix all your problems. It seemed to work last time.” He blinked between me and the box. I could tell it was very tempting. I saw the debate whether to just take the box and agree that I was right, or ignore the box and miss out on the sweet Lychee goodness. “C’mon Henry. I know you waaant toooo.” I taunted in a sing-song voice. He took a breath, and then accepted the box. Woot! Point for Rini. He smiled happily. I grinned back at him. “And remember, you are here on vacation. You don’t need to be worried about other people. Have some fun like we did last night.” No pun intended for you readers. I don’t think Henry quite registered what I said, so you don’t need to comment.
“Time to have fun…” He mumbled more to himself than to me. My plan seemed to be working.
Operation: Cheer Up Emo Kid-Phase One= COMPLETE!
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This is the last "really emo" Henry chapter. The next chapter is going to be a major party chapter.