Status: I'm just starting this but plan on posting the first 10 chapters.

The Violin and the Flute

Chapter One: Beginning With the Bus

My name? Robyn Saxon, but many people also know me as Reun Lee. My preferred name is Rini though. I know it’s random, but that’s my name. I like it. It makes me appreciate who I am and where I come from. Who am I? Well, that’s another story all together. Fortunately for you, I have to tell some of it to tell the story I really want to tell.
I was born in a small-ish town named Sugarland. Sweet right? No. Not so much. Like the band maybe? No, not like the band. Point being, Sugarland is one of the many suburb like places that surround the very large and very crowded city of Houston, Texas. Yeah I’m Texan, you got a problem? I didn’t think so.
My point. Though I was born there, I don’t look it. My father, Harold Saxon, is originally British, but when he was 10 his family moved to Houston. Don’t ask me why they just did. My mom (Kimi) moved from Japan, even though she’s also half Korean. I’m a little mixed up, yes, I know.
My little brother, Damien, is my mini me, except for the fact that he is 4’5’’. He’s only nine, but that’s still short. He has a habit of clinging to me whenever he gets the chance. Annoying as it is, I miss the constant “monkey on my back”. I’m stuck in China right now. I don’t even speak the language! Stupid manager.
Yes manager, I’m part of the k-pop girls group Phayrees. (Pronounced fairies) Lame, I know, I didn’t come up with it. Speaking of which, the girls and I are going to be staying at this winter vacation place. Apparently it’s where SM sends his, um, what are we called? People who work for SM entertainment. Yeah. That sounds fine.
Anyway, apparently we’ve earned ourselves a vacation, not that we really deserve it but oh well. Oh and there’s supposed to be another SM group staying there too. But they are staying there as an official hide-away vacation or something. Too much drama from their fans or something. I wasn’t paying attention when they were talking. I think I was playing Rain Lullaby in my head. That’s a song I wrote with my friend back home.
I get distracted way too easily. What am I doing right now? Right now we are in our little mini-van/bus thingy. I’ve got my head phones in and my eyes glued to the horizon. We’ve got only 2 more hours, and then I can call my dad and tell him we got here. Yes I know, I’m daddy’s little princess. He told me to call him as soon as I could so he would stop worrying. Really, I just can’t wait to get off of this bus. I love road trips, but 6 hours is a little long for me and I feel like running a marathon or something.
A nudge on my shoulder made me pull down one of my headphones and turn slightly. It was Mommy, or as she likes to introduce herself, Kim Sung-hee. She’s the leader of the group. Bossy as hell and yells at me for my occasional swear word, in English of course. Don’t worry; I’ll make sure to tell you what language I’m speaking.
“Rini, remember that this is Super Junior M. They were having a hard time pleasing all of their fans, but they couldn’t join back with the other members until SM says so. Try not to give them any trouble, okay?” I turned my head to face her completely with a blank stare as my expression.
“Super Junior M?” I blinked. THAT’S who the other band was? “Holy fuzzy Lumpkin’s.” I mumbled in English. Mommy stared at me for a second before she sighed flicked me in the forehead. This hurt by the way.
“Aish. Don’t you EVER pay attention when I am talking? I told you that before! Super Junior M is going to stay at the same-” she turned to Mimi (or Park Eun-mi to other people) for a second who mouthed something to her that I couldn’t see. “Resort place as us. That means that you can’t get all evil and terrorize them.” she knows me so well, but, because I don’t like it when people know me so well, I let out a gasp of shock.
“MOMMY! Why ever would you think I would do such a thing? I’m a good girl. When I’m happy.” I mumbled the last part to myself in English. She jokingly glared at me and sighed.
“I wish you would stop talking in English randomly, you know none of us can understand you.” I grinned extra happily.
“That’s why it’s so much fun.” I said in full English. She frowned at me, but let me be and left me to think about Super Junior M. wow. That’s cool. I’ve always kind of wanted to meet them. I like their songs. Well I like the ones I know.
I pulled my head phone down again and focused back on my music. Wouldn’t you know it, Super Girl is playing. Guess who sings that. Super Junior M. Oh the irony. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Suzie, also known as Lee Chan-souk, turned around from the seat in front of me to give me a questionable stare. I smiled sweetly at her. She couldn’t resist my cute-innocent smile and smiled back before turning back around to do God knows what.
Oh the power I have. I don’t know why everyone automatically assumes I am the sweet kind and innocent one. Well except for Mommy. She knows things. It’s kind of scary really. Normally no one can ever tell if I am upset or faking it (smiling) but somehow she just always knows. Anyway, I use my power as the cute-innocent-naïve one very wisely. NO ONE can resist my cuteness. Sorry, that was conceited. Hm. It’s difficult to say no to my puppy dog pout.
As we kept driving, I noticed that the buildings were slowly becoming less and less. Maybe I should have paid more attention to what Mommy was saying before. Well, these buildings look more like houses. Hey, there’s a rice field. Wow. Road trip through China and it takes 6 hours before I see a rice field. Again, I laugh aloud at the humor.
“Rini.” I heard someone say my name over my music. I pulled my head phone down and looked up to see Suzie staring at me. Again. I blinked and stared at her innocently. Her mouth twitched up into a smile. “What do you keep laughing about?” I just kept on grinning at her with my same little smile.
“I’m thinking.” She raised an eyebrow at me, blinked a couple times, then shrugged and turned back around. Before I could pull my head phone back up and drown out the sounds of the bus she added a half-joke half-warning.
“Try thinking more quietly.” I grinned at her comment before I pulled the headphone back up to my ear. Blue Tomorrow has just started playing. Did I have it set on my Super Junior M playlist? I couldn’t help but giggle a bit this time. I looked up to see Suzie was shifting in her seat. Why is it that every time I show that I’m happy she has to question it? Honestly.
I let out a sigh as I looked out the window. The sound of Blue Tomorrow was quickly blocking the sounds of the wind on the windows and the gravel on the tires. I lay my head back and let my mind be absorbed my each note.
I didn’t mention this before but I absolutely adore music. I cannot live without music. Either from my iPod, or just the music I hear in the world. I have to have some form of rhythmic sound in order for my brain to properly function. The sweet slow sound of instrument and vocals kept me calm and a little bit tired.
[Hangeng]Dao le ming tian ni jiu li kai wo shen bian

[Siwon]Dao le ming tian du zi xiang liu xin xu yuan
Xiang yi chang dian ying de wan jie pian

[Henry]Wo men de jie ju ying yan lei shui de yu yan

[Kyuhyun] Sui le yi di de nuo yan ping cou bu hui de zuo tian
Ke wo reng qi dai qi ji hui chu xian, oh no

[Henry]Er ni shen ying yue lai yue yuan
[Hangeng]Ai hai liu zai wo fang jian
Hui yi hai hen xin xian yi shun jian
Gan jue ni jiu zai yan qian
[Zhou Mi] Shen bian ([Henry]ji mo zai man yan)
Zhe shi xian (bei lei shui mo hu jiao dian)
Yi ju "wo ai ni" shen shen liu zai le xin di fang zai le chun bian
[Siwon]Dao le ming tian ni jiu li kai wo shen bian

[Donghae]Dao le ming tian du zi xiang liu xin xu yuan
Xiang yi chang dian ying de wan jie pian

[Henry]Wo men de jie ju ying yan lei shui de yu yan
[Ryeowook]Sui le yi di de nuo yan ping cou bu hu de zuo tian
Ke wo yi zhi qi dai qi ji hui chu xian, oh no
I didn’t bother trying to stop my smile from spreading. For some reason that voice just makes me smile. Oh my. I’m going to have to deal with seeing him, and staying with him, in the same house. How am I supposed to do that? No, I don’t love him or anything, I’m just a huge fan. He probably won’t even notice me though. I guess I’ll just do what I always do and act blissfully ignorant. I smiled again. This is going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like it. I loved writing it.