Status: I'm just starting this but plan on posting the first 10 chapters.

The Violin and the Flute

Chapter Five: Family...Fail?

Rini P.O.V.
“DADDY!” I yelped out in English. I froze and glanced around. The only other person in the café was the cashier. He was staring at me puzzled, and mildly worried. My mouth twitched into an apologetic smile. I waved my hand assuring him that it was nothing. When he nodded and went back to his work, I quickly and frantically dug my phone out of my bag. I dialed the oh-so-familiar number and waited as the phone rang.
“’ello?” Came my dad’s British accent. Even though he grew up in Texas, he still kept a British accent. I have a British accent and a more American accent, I use one depending on who I am talking to. Since my father is British he loves hearing his daughter speak his “native tongue.”
“’ello dad.” I replied back in British English. I held the phone at arm’s length.
“ROBYN! ROBYN! OH! MY LI’L GIRL! YOU FINALLY CALLED! KIMI! KIMI! IT’S ROBYN!” I cautiously held the phone to my ear. I heard my mom in the background telling my dad that I’ve probably gone deaf. My dad replied that I’m a Saxon, I can never go deaf. Oh how I love my family. And oh how I miss them. I smiled sadly as I listened to my mom scolding my dad.
“Daddy?” I asked in a child like voice.
“Yes, love?” he asked as though he had forgotten I was there. I smiled at the sound of his voice.
“Well, we’re here. And I found a Costa Coffee of all things. You believe that? Costa Coffee! How wicked can one village get?” I added a small giggle at the end of my sentence. I heard him chuckle on the other side as he calmed down from his hyper panic attack.
“Well, I’m glad to see you’ve not lost your Brit. side.” I giggled in response. “So how is everything? You said you’ve made it? Was there any trouble? Are you settled? Are the frescotas any good?” I burst in to giggles at the last question.
“Daddy.” I said in my slight whiny voice. “I’ve just arrived. There was no trouble, but I’m unsure if we are settled because I left as soon as we arrived. I wanted to explore. They’ve got a cemetery here! Just like granddads!” I heard him hum as I talked. “And yes, the frescotas are quite delicious.” He chuckled. I heard my mom’s voice calling in the background.
“Oh, yes. I assume you’d like a chat with your mum?” I nodded, and then remembered I was talking on the phone.
“Yes, please. Love you daddy.” I replied.
“I love you too, sweat ‘art.” I heard shuffling and then my mother’s kind voice echoed through my ear.
“Konbanwa musume.” (Good morning daughter) She spoke in Japanese. I smiled at the chance to practice my Japanese.
“It’s late afternoon here.” I replied in a joking manor. “I should be going back soon. They said dinner should be ready in an hour.” I heard her sigh in a way that made me think she was smiling.
“And you are ruining your dinner with coffee.” We shared a laugh. “I just want to say, be careful daughter.” I opened my mouth to reply but she cut me off. “I know you are careful, but I want to say it. You are, are you not?” I smiled.
“Yes mother. I am careful. Is Damien there?” I asked in English.
“Yes. And he is excited to talk to you.” She replied back in English too. “I love you daughter.” She spoke in Japanese again.
“I love you mother.” For some reason, when my mother and I speak Japanese to each we are always formal. Mostly it’s just respectful. I heard more shuffling, and then my brother’s loud cheerful voice.
“HI ROBYN!” I forgot to move the phone so I was temporarily dizzy from the sudden loudness. “Robyn?” he asked since I hadn’t replied yet.
“My god child your voice is loud.” I heard him giggle childishly. Well he is nine. I couldn’t help but laugh as well. “So, how is my little mini me?” I continued speaking English since he prefers English. He giggled again at my nickname for him. He is my mini me because he looks exactly like me, but boy version.
“I’m good. But it’s really quiet here.” I let out a fake gasp.
“And how can that be with you there?” he giggle again, but it seemed more forced.
“Onee-chan,” he asked in Japanese. He only calls me big sister in Japanese when he is serious. My good mood stopped and I listened intently.
“Onee-chan, when are you coming home?” he asked in broken Japanese. He can speak and read it, but it still sounds slightly broken. My heart ached at the sound of his voice. He sounded so lost, but I couldn’t do anything. I’m stuck here. In china. I sighed. I wanted to go home, but I also wanted to stay and share my music. I felt my eyes grow wet. No, don’t cry. I sniffed slightly.
“Gomenasai otouto,” I whispered in Japanese. “I’ve got to stay here. I want the world to know my music, and this is the only way I know how.” I said in a calm voice. I heard Damien sniffle and it broke my heart again. I couldn’t cry. I’m not allowed to cry anyway.
“But, when can you come home?” I sighed again so it would sound like I was tired.
“I’m sorry Damien, but I don’t know. Maybe you can get Mom and Dad to bring you over for one of our concerts or something? Maybe as a Christmas present? How’s that sound?” I heard him gasp and let out a gleeful sound. I smiled at the noise. “Oi. Mieny. I’ve got to go eat dinner now.” He quickly calmed down.
“Alright. I’ll see you later! Love bye!” I think I could actually HEAR his smile.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later, love bye.” I replied in a much calmer tone. The line went dead. I continued holding the phone to my ear. I’m not sure how long I waited, but finally I shut my phone and placed it back in my bag. I let out a large sigh and stared at my bag that was lying in my lap.
I looked up to find a clock and noticed it had been about an hour. I let out one more sigh and smiled at nothing. I slide my bag across my shoulder again and tossed my frescota in the trash. As I walked past the cashier I smiled and paused.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back.” I said with a smile. He grinned back. I glanced at his name tag and saw it said Nai. “Nai. That’s a nice name. Do you work here every day?” I asked with my usual smile. He blinked, then nodded and grinned back at me. Before I turned to walk out the door I smiled once more and said, “I’m Rini, and like I said, I’ll be back.” I then winked and left. I can only imagine what his face was like.
My, my Rini. What’s with this sudden attitude? I’ll tell you what’s up with my attitude. I’m sad, so I get really hyper and mischievous when I get sad. Oh no, the guys should be there by now. This is their first impression of me? Oh this won’t be good.
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I love this chapter because it reminds me of my own family and friends.