In The Land Of Make Believe

Land Of Make Believe

Billie's question would soon be answered. Rebel handed them a cup full of blue liquid.
"What's this?" asked Billie.
"It's your life long poison," Rebel replied.
They were confused.
"Once you drink this, I'll say a spell," Rebel said.
"What kind of a spell?" questioned Adrienne.
"A spell that will vanish you into The Land Of Make Believe," Rebel explained.
They couldn't resist. They wanted to spend the rest of their life together.
"Are you ready?" Rebel asked.
"Yes we are," answered Billie
"Good. I wanted to let you know that there is no coming back," Rebel said.
They understood, and they were really excited. They finally went through with it, and Rebel said the spell

In The Land Of Make Believe

The spell that Rebel did worked. Billie and Adrienne were now The Land Of Make Believe. Something didn't seem right. They couldn't describe it. The Land Of Make Believe seemed like a magical kingdom. Just then, Rebel began to say something to them.
"Welcome to The Land Of Make Believe," announced Rebel.
Billie and Adrienne stood there mesmerized. It was breath taking, and everything seemed wonderful.
"This is so amazing," said Billie.
"Thank you," Rebel answered.
Billie and Adrienne made the right choice by doing this.

There was something else magnificent about The Land Of Make Believe.
"I have something else to tell you," Rebel said.
"What is it," questioned Billie with excitement.
"You will be prince and princess of the city of Suburbia," Rebel said.
"No way," said Adrienne with awe.
"Yes that is true. Now, Queen Holly would like to see you now," Rebel said.
"Awesome," replied Billie.
This was the best thing to happen to them.

Rebel showed Billie and Adrienne to Holiday Palace. Queen Holly was expecting them. They arrived, and were escorted to the queen.
"Ah, you must be Billie and Adrienne," said Queen Holly.
"We are," Adrienne replied.
"I'm glad you found your way with a little help from Rebel," said Queen Holly.
"We are very glad to be here Your Majesty," Billie said.
"Let me show you to your room," said Queen Holly.
"Ok," Adrienne answered.
They followed Queen Holly up a flight of stairs to their room.
They were amazed when they walked into their room. The view was gorgeous. It looked over the city of Suburbia.
"Before I forget, there are a few main rules upon living here," said Queen Holly.
"Ok," Billie said.
"First, supper is at 6:30 p.m. Second, you must attend all parties. Last, have fun," replied Queen Holly.
Billie and Adrienne promised to follow the three rules.