Beauty and the Dragon

Ch. 2

"Get up!!!!"

Giselle was woken up by her bestfriend, Aren, jumping on top of her. She responded by kicking Aren off of her and rolling over.

"And you shall pay!"


Aren ran out of her bedroom and started for her bathroom. She filled up a cup with water and walked quickly back to her room and dumped the water onto Giselle who jumped up in bed, steam rising from her body.

"What the fuck!?"

"Since you're up now can we go?"



Giselle, still glaring at Aren, walked past me and out of my room while saying, "Food first"

Aren sighed.


~~~ Noon ~~~

"Remember ladies NO MAGIC!!!!"

"I'm 17 madre numero dos!"

"Still! We're in a mainly muggle neighborhood!"

"And I am muggle born! Relax madre numero dos!"

"A dio mio"

"You drive my mamma insane!"

"Well she can at least handle magic better than my folks"

"I know besta Gi"

"Yo Aren! Gisella!"

Aren and Giselle looked up to see Aren's twin brother, Aarom, standing nearby with a basketball. Which he proceeded to throw at them. They both ducked and ran. The basketball hit the side of the house creating a bang.


"Sorry Momma!" all 3 called at once.


Aren picked up the basketball and lunged it at Aaron. While the twins were attacking each other with the basketball Giselle spotted a hose and thought "payback time".

She quickly unwound the hose and turned it on. She turned back toward Aren and Aaron. They had ventured over to her right closer to their neighbor, Jedidiah Malfoy's house.

"Hey Aren!" Giselle shouted has she came towards Aren holding the hose in front of her like a gun.

Aren's eyes widened has she spotted Giselle.

"Payback anyone?"

Giselle fired the hose and Aren just narrowly ducked out of the way, causing the water to hit someone behind her.


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Told you guys it would be up soon!