The Secrets of Billie Joe Armstrong

Chapter Ten.


“Ron!” My mother screamed, running into a handsome older man’s arms.

I decided to accept the fact my mother had a fiancé, after all it made her happy, and I hadn’t seen her face glow like this for a long time. They stopped their embrace as I walked up to him, extending my hand.

“Ron, this is my daughter, Ollie. I told you about her.”

“Why, it’s so great to finally meet you, my dear.” Ron said, taking my hand in his and kissing my cheek. “I’m Ron. I hope you don’t mind all this, Ollie. It must be hard.”

“Well not really. I mean I hadn’t heard of you before, only a few hours ago.”

“Ahh, well, I’ve heard a lot about you. Quite a lot, and I’m glad you’re my new daughter figure.”

“That’s flattering, thank you, Ron.” I said, walking off to the baggage carousel and grabbing my cases. Ron appeared by my side, helping me get my cases and my mother’s.

“Your mother’s worried about you.” He said. “She says you’re different… Have been since she came back. What’s wrong? I know you probably won’t want to tell me yet… But I’m here…”

“My boyfriend died. And I lost my two best friends.” I didn’t say one of those “best friends” was Billie Joe.

“I’m so sorry. But I think she knows about that.”

“Yeah, well people don’t get over that sort of thing in two seconds, okay? Could everyone leave me to grieve alone?”

“We just want to help, Ollie.”

“I’ve been here no more than an hour and already you’re acting like my father. Could you both give me a break?”

“Your mother had you when she was a teenager.” Ron said, and with that he walked off into the crowd near the food court to find my mother.

Did he know about Billie? What was that supposed to mean?

I gathered my bags, (mom had taken hers already), and started to walk toward where Ron and my mother had disappeared to, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Seconds, minutes and hours went by. Eventually it became dark, and there was no sign of Ron or my mother. They didn’t show up to the information desk after I requested them to be called… They’d already left. With out me.

I couldn’t believe that my own mother would leave me at the airport in a foreign state, a place I’d never stepped foot in before. Where were they? Did she and Ron honestly deliberately leave me here? Or maybe they stupidly forgot me?

My questions were all answered when I opened my suit case. Sitting on a chair in the airport lounge, I read the note my mother had written me.

I’m sorry we left you like we did. It’s just that Ron and I want a life together, and you can definitely fend for yourself. I do love you, but I don’t believe I, nor Ron, have the expertise to help you how you need to be helped. I can’t give you that much support, I think you should find someone, Ollie, find someone to help you with everything. You could call you Father, but I doubt he wants you, or can help you properly either. Enclosed in this letter are some numbers and addresses of people that can help you create your own life. Take care, Ollie.

I love you always,

Mom. xox