The Secrets of Billie Joe Armstrong

Chapter Two.


When Ollie woke the next morning she was alone. Andy had left and there was no sign that Grace was there either.

Ollie quickly felt the nausea sweep through her, like it did every morning, and she ran to her bathroom and threw up. She was only a few months in and already she dreaded every second. What would become of her? Her own parents would barely notice if she bought up a baby under their very noses. If anything, she didn't want to be a parent like them.

She knew one thing for absolute certain. She could not go through this with out Andy. The second he left, the second she gave up. She suddenly felt herself thinking about an abortion. From what she understood, she was only about two and a half to three months into her unexpected pregnancy. If she decided she was going to take that option, she needed to decide quickly before it was too late.

Sitting on her bed, she reflected all the possible choices she could make. Keeping the baby seemed like the most righteous, and likely option. Ollie wasn't really happy about maybe getting an abortion, because she was morally against it, anyway. There was always adoption. Adoption didn't really hurt anyone except herself. If she gave her baby up, at least he / she would have a good home. Well, a better home than she could ever make for him / her anyway.

It was raining quite heavily, and she could smell the moisture in the air. Her windows were open, and the clean air floated around her. She loved the smell, and taste... Everything about the world when it rained. The rain turned to hail, and then the hail to a full on thunder storm. The water of the clouds started to bucket down to an extent that her street started to flood. She sucked in a deep breath and walked out onto her small balcony, watching the rain change everything in it's path. Water hit her face, and clothes. Her skin felt fresher and her eyes opened wider. The water on her face mixed with her tears in a spectacular hit of emotions. She hoped her son / daughter would love the rain as much as she did.

"Ollie?" She heard her mother at her bedroom door, knocking hardly. She quickly ran back inside and shut the windows, pulling off her wet clothes and running to the wardrobe. She grab out her dressing gown.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Can I come in?" Her mother's tone was the usual, unfriendly way it had always been.

"Mother, I just had a shower. What is it?" Ollie opened the door and tried to hide herself as best she could.

"Your father called. He and I are getting a divorce. You and I will be moving to New York in about ten months or so. Also, from next week, I'll be in New Jersey for about four to five months. Your father has decided to stay with his Mistress in Chicago until I come back. So you're alone."

Ollie's stomach did back flips. What would she do if she went into early labour or something?

Ollie told her Mom that it was fine, she could handle herself and she was sorry about the news of the divorce. Her mother just glared at her and left for work. Starting from Tuesday, Ollie was alone. For over three months.

Once she was certain the door had been shut and her mother gone, Ollie called Grace and Andy. Andy said he'd come over later and Grace said she was just next door. Grace came to talk to Ollie a few minutes later about their options. Then Andy came. It was decided, they'd keep the baby, even if Andy wasn't there anymore, or if Ollie wasn't there, either. The baby stayed with them and anything other was a disgrace and betrayal.

"Ollie, are you alright?" Andy asked later when he and Ollie were alone.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Just a little worried but I'm fine."

Andy stayed the night at Ollie's and she got ready to say good bye to her mother the next day...