The Secrets of Billie Joe Armstrong

Chapter Seven.


I came out of the bathroom, fully dressed, dried and with make up on my face.

"Ollie!" I heard Grace scream from down the hall. I ran over to her. "They're taking Billie away! They say you claimed him for adoption!"

"I did." I replied simply, walking past her and packing up the things in my room.

"How could you? He's your son!"

"Grace, would you calm down, please?" I asked her, a hint annoyed.

"No! I will not! I'm not letting them take Billie!"

"It's not your decision, Grace. It's mine. And I did it for a reason. For him, and for myself. I could never, ever give him what he needs to live a full life. Never. And he could never stop me from ruining mine. If I keep him, my life would be ruined as well as his own. At least this way I can pretend like he never happened, and Billie can have a loving family that can give him what he needs."

"He doesn't need a loving family! He needs you!" Grace yelled. "He needs his Mom! Ollie, he's the only piece of Andy you have left." She whispered. A tear escaped her eye. I was angry now.

"Stop! Stop with always considering Andy, alright? It's no secret to me that you loved him! You probably love him more than me! I know what this is about and I could never forgive you." I spat.

"I can't forgive you either! You never loved Andy! You used him, and now you have his son and you don't look after him, you send poor Billie to a family with money! That's all this is about. Money. And it sickens me, and it sure as hell would sicken Andy too. I bet he's spinning in his grave right now." Grace turned to leave the room. "I don't know who you are anymore, Ollie." She whispered.

I knew our friendship was over.

"Grace?" I asked.

"What?" Her hand was on the door knob.

"Don't you dare come to Andy's funeral."

She looked at me, her eyes filled with so many emotions I couldn't tell. I just knew it made my heart break. With out saying another word she opened the door, and walked out. I knew I'd never see her again, and in a way I felt good about that.

It was a new start for me in New York. One no one could take away from me.