The Secrets of Billie Joe Armstrong

Chapter Eight.


"Just sign here." They instructed me. "Then all ties to your son are gone. He's no longer yours."

I breathed in deeply. I signed the papers.

"Okay, you can leave now. The adoptive parents will be here any minute to pick up your son. He was a very popular choice."


"Have a good day."

I stood up, not realising there were tears in my eyes. What was I doing?

"Can I see my son... Before I leave him forever?" I asked.

Mum had come back early. She didn't know about Billie, thank God, but she's moved turning to New York earlier than planned. We leave in a little less than a week. I haven't spoken to Grace for months and I doubt I ever will. I miss her, but I'll be happy once I leave and know nobody here. Berkley was my past, and New York in my future.

"Sure. One last time."

They guided me through the adoption wings, and into the infant room. Then they led me to a bed with the name "Billie Joe Armstrong" written on a plastic plate in front of the crib.

"My angel." I said quietly, taking his tiny hand in my own. He whimpered and I felt the urge to pick him up and quieten him.

"Ah, Miss, you can't touch him now." The Adoption Agency worker said.

"Good bye, baby." I whispered, kissing his cheek and turning out the door.

I would never step foot in here again.