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Only Holding On


Loud music blasted all around me as all the bodies moved in motion to the beat of the song playing. The surroundings looked identical; it was dark with black lights flashing all over the place and the bass vibrating against the walls of the house. Things were almost on the verge of getting out of control with the providing of alcohol at the party. Girls were dancing like skanks and showing off all their junk, and the boys just loved every minute of it.

I was a cheerio in a bowl of froot loops. Always standing on the sidelines while all the people moved around like I was invisible. Celsi and Nikole dragged me to another one of their stupid parties. All I ever do is sit there while they hooked up with guys and get drunk out of their minds, and I’m the one who has the help them get home safely.

Tonight was no different. Celsi and Nikole were somewhere lost in the crowd of the dance floor, while I sat on the couch in the living room next to a couple making out. This is just typical. By this point, it’s not even awkward.

It was starting to peek into the wee hours of the morning, and it was reaching for the point that I was ready to drag Celsi and Nikole out of this place, until I felt the pressure of someone sitting next to me on the couch. When I looked up, I saw a familiar face.
“Hey,” He asked me.

It was Seth Miller. He was one of the most known people at our school who play basketball for the team. Basically, he was every girl’s dream boy. That he was tall, eggshell skin tone, turquoise eyes that popped again his skin, and that windswept blond hair that brown peeks out from underneath. Not to mention his buff body from all the basketball practices. Biceps that you couldn’t help but notice from the tightness his shirt sleeve curved around. Sure, he was pretty cute but never really paid any attention to him at school. We’re really just two completely different people.
So really, the question is: what is he doing talking to me?

“Hello?” My voice came out like a question.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing at a party like this?”
“Leaving,” I say, getting up.
“Wait, why?” He rushed, getting up too.
“I’ve been sitting here for the past four hours. I think it’s time for me to leave.”
“Well, could I call or text you sometime?”
He wanted to talk to me? Now I was just confused. We were way out of each other’s leagues, and barely have anything in common at all.
“Why?” I asked, as if it was beyond crazy—which it absolutely is.
Seth took a few steps closer to me, to the point where I had to tilt my head upward to meet his eyes. “Because you seem interesting, almost a mystery, and I’d like to learn more about you.”

My head reeled with how close he was to me, and the fumes of his cologne floating off of him and to me. I almost really enjoyed it. Before I knew it, we exchanged numbers, and I went to venture for Celsi and Nikole.

I had to furiously elbow myself through all the people in the area to finally find Celsi. She was dancing with some guy in the middle of the dance floor, with a cocktail glass in her hand, while Nikole was off to the side with some girl laughing way too loudly about something that probably wasn’t even funny. Clearly, they were both drunk out of their minds, and are going to be dying tomorrow with a massive hangover. It took a while to finally get them in the car, but it was all in the routine.

On the way back they whined in their drunken way about me ‘busting all their fun’ and me needing to ‘live on the edge’ more, but eventually they fell asleep in the backseats.

Given that, it let me have more peace to ponder about what Seth had said. He told me I was ‘interesting’ and a ‘mystery’ and that he wanted to get to know me more. Could that mean something? That he could actually like me? From what I see, he could be a player, and that this could all be…nothing. Also, he’s not at all like a guy that I could date. I preferred the cute guys on skateboards, and that can sing, not guys that chase balls and wear a uniform. So why did this suddenly make me feel so flattered? That I could maybe actually get a guy like that? I have no idea. Right now, I was just confused. So I was just going to ignore it for now, and see what tomorrow brings.

So I brought Celsi and Nikole back to my house since no one was home besides my brother anyway. After they were awaken and cranky, I brought them to my room and had them take my bed and I’d sleep on the couch downstairs. At this time, Brayden was fast asleep and my mom and step-father weren’t coming home for another hour.
I got a blanket from the linen closet, kicked off my shoes, and finally got what I wanted for once.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a late update ):
This chapter probably isn't that great,
But it'll get moving. Promise (:
Soooo, comment?