Status: In construction.

Codename: Loser

Codename: That Guy

When Someone calls you, "That Guy" you're either A.) "not in their memory at the moment", B.) "at the tip of their tounges", C.) A Loser or D.) A Nobody. That Guy always seems to not be "in Their memory at the moment, at the tip of Their tounges", or just a Loser or Nobody. But the fact of the matter is, sometimes That Guy just doesn't know when he's a Loser or Nobody, the line's so fine you don't know when you've crossed it. Hmmm. Scratch that. That Guy should know ABSOLUTLY when he's crossed the line. For example, if you're in the hallway and Someone says, "Hey Dip" when your name is 'Skip' then you're a Loser. If Someone says goodmorning and completley shuns you out, you're a Nobody. It's pretty easy to understand which group you're in.
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i would like to remind everybody that this story is not made to be offensive. i just simply wrote it about a boy in high school. his high school is not supposed to stand for anyone persons school. thank you.