Status: In construction.

Codename: Loser

Codename: Hey?!

Thomas and I were talking animatedly on a previous homework assignment as we walked down the hall. The thing that sucked about being a Loser is that you get bumped and bashed around like rush hour in New York and no one says anything because you're a Loser. If you were at lease a Normal they would've been like, "Aye yo man sorry." or something. If you were Popular they would've been like, "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me! You're like totally God! I would never hurt God!" and shit like that. Litterally, I'm not even exaggerating and that's what's sad. But something weird happened. It was kinda creepy too. As Thomas and I were walking down the hallway talking Krissy Stewart passed by us. Krissy Stewart was the most popular girl in the whole school. I mean, she has freshmen dweebs fanning her with giant palm leaves and teachers giving her A+'s for chewing gum.

Anyways, as she passed she looked directly at me, winked, and said, "Hey Andy."


Why the hell is she communicating with me?! Me?! ME?! I'm a freakin' loser! With a graphic T on, not even a Ralph Lauren anything for cripes sake! And OH. MY. GOD. She called me ANDY! MY REAL NAME! Oh my god I'm going to die. Why is she TALKING TO ME?! But you know she talks to Normals this doesnt have to be anything special right....? But if it wasnt anything special then she would've said Alpha or something instead of ANDY!! URGHH!!! It's not that I like her or anything it's just bugging me that she said something my way. It's just creepy. Well maybe-

Suddenly I was on the floor.

"Andy man are you ok?!" Thomas was in my face.

"Yeah man, lay off." I said picking myself up.

"Sheesh. I'm not gay or anything. I just wanted to see if you were ok."

"I'm fine. What happened?" I asked rubbing my now throbbing head.

" ran into a locker after mentally flipping out."

"Oh. Well lets keep moving on."

Once we were walking down the hall again. It was silent for a while until Thomas spoke up.

"You know what this means dont you?"

"What what means?" I asked.

"That Krissy said hey." he repiled.

"Well if Krissy said hey to me it could mean one of three things. 1.) Our government's giving out free donuts. 2.) Our world has been invaded by aliens or 3.) World War III has started."

"Ha.Ha" Thomas stated.

"No, seriously," I said looking at Thomas, "What do you mean?"

He looked at me and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "Well, think of your rank if a Popular said 'hi' to you."

"She said 'hey'." I corrected.

"Whatever," Thomas replied, "It doesn't matter, she SPOKE to you, and called you your name at that. You know what that means right?" He prodded.

"It means that...uhm.....-"

"Oh my god! It means that you're Normal man! NOR-MAL!"

To be hononest what he said surprised me. For all the talking I do about ranks and shit, I don't even know when I'm moving up. the same time I refused to believe was going anywhere. "Calm down Thomas," I said, "So much beach blonde hair just probably bleached her brain too."

Thomas shook his head, "Whatever. We're at class now."
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