Status: irregular.

Forbidden to Fly

A Smothering Green

I gritted my teeth as I looked longingly up at the vast blue sky. It was a perfect day. White fluffy clouds floated happily across a sky so blue that it made my heart ache. God, I missed those skies.

Why couldn't I join those poofy white clouds, you ask? Because I was crippled.

With a scowl on my face, I lowered my eyes to my green prison. Everything on the ground seemed so completely different. Almost everything was smothered in a vomit green that muted my emotions.

I felt like I was being suffocated.

Only a year had passed of my captivity, and yet as the days kept going, life was turning dull.

I had once been a magnificent Avian of the People of the Air. Handsome, popular, powerful, and was gifted with something that I took for granted. Being one of the People of the Air, I had wings; beautiful blue wings. Having such a rare color of feathers, I was noticed.

I had climbed up high upon the ranks, until I made a foolish mistake. I did the forbidden.

Greed is a dangerous thing. Although I had everything I would ever need, I wanted more. Thus, I stole my people's most treasured item. The Tempestuous Scythe. With the weapon, I was able to create a massive storm. Being reckless, as I was, I dared to ascend into the monstrosity that I had created. But I had underestimated the magic of the Tempestuous Scythe. It was too powerful for me to control.

It ripped my feathers from me, leaving the skeleton of my wings. Thus, I fell.

Never had I experienced such pain.

Not only did the Elders banish me from the Avian City, I was stripped from my name. The name that had been passed down to me from my father. Now, I was too disgraceful for a name.

And so, I became an outcast.

Since then, I had renamed myself and made a sad excuse for a home in this increasingly dull world. But it was my world now, and I had to learn to accept it, no matter how worthless it seemed. No matter how much I hated the mortals.

I had remained close to the Avian City, in hope that I might be forgiven. How ignorant I was. Once I realized this, I decided to leave.

The master plan was to get as far away as possible. Even if that meant crossing the great waters. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

Then I found that water filled with unknown creatures scared me more than I'd liked to admit. Also, I soon learned that I was easily prone to sea sickness. So, here I was; trapped on land. Although I had moved into a mortal city, I could still see the mountains where the Avian City laid.

I sighed heavily. It was time to head back into the city. I turned and reluctantly headed back to my new home.
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I'm not exactly sure if I should continue this...