Status: Complete <3 Comment Please!

A woman scorned


“Hello Nurse Jackie, am I too late to see Jack?” Fifteen year old Rebecca Lewis smiled at the older woman at the front desk.
“You’ll have about fifteen minutes with him; you’re usually here right when visiting hour’s start, what happened?” Nurse Jackie pushed her wire framed glasses up on her face.
“Well, I decided to make Jack some home made cookies,” Rebecca showed her the container that held fresh chocolate chip cookies.
The older woman smiled kindly at her, “Rebecca, you know it will be a while before he can eat solid foods.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I know, but I figured he’d enjoy the smell of home cooking.”
Nurse Jackie smiled and nodded, “I’m sure he will, go right ahead, you know the way.”
Rebecca said her good-byes and skipped down the hall waving at all the familiar staff.
“She’s just the sweetest little girl I’ve ever seen,” one nurse smiled as she skipped by.
“Isn’t she? It’s just so tragic about what happened to her boyfriend,”
The first nurse nodded, “Third degree burns all over his body, that poor boy.”
“She’s a brave little thing to stick with him after all this time.”

Jack kept his eyes closed as he listened to the beeping of all the equipment he was attached to. His whole body was encased with only an opening for his face. He turned his head slightly at the knocking on the door and his stomach clenched. It was none other than the devil herself. A sadistic smile was on her lips and her blonde hair was tied with a sky blue ribbon. He wanted to open his mouth and call for help, but it hurt too much to try.
“Hello Jack,” Rebecca smiled as she shut the door and dragged a chair over to his bed side.
He made a few muffled noises, but none were coherent.
“Did you miss me baby?” She cooed, laughing at the site of her boyfriend in so much pain.
“Everyone at school misses you, especially that little bitch Britney. You remember Britney don’t you?” venom seeped out of every word.
Jack’s eyes began to well up knowing what was coming.
“Let me read you a story,” Rebecca pulled the thick hard cover notebook out of her bag and flipped to the middle of the book. It didn’t really matter since all the pages were blank.

“Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack. Jack was absolutely perfect. He was the all-star on all the sports teams, made honor roll, had great looks, and was the king of his high school. One day, Jack noticed a sweet little girl named Rebecca. She had moved to the school in the middle of the semester and didn’t have many friends. Jack became friends with Rebecca and then they started to date. For several months they were the happiest couple around.

Then, one day Jack decided he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He took Britney out without Rebecca knowing. Little did he know, she saw them in his car, and she saw everything,” At this point, Rebecca had stared tracing her fingers along Jack’s cast. He would whimper once she moved over a sore spot, and every time he did she’d bring her fist down onto that spot causing Jack to let out a muffled howl, “That didn’t make Rebecca happy, so she decided to get revenge on Jack. She bought a gas can full of gas and doused his room in it, and while he was sleeping, she set the place on fire. Now Jack’s in the hospital nearly burned alive and Rebecca’s happy once more. The end.” Rebecca smiled evilly as she closed the book, “Oh babe, don’t you just love happy endings?”
Jack stared at the ceiling as the tears rolled down his face. A male nurse knocked on the door, “Rebecca, you got five minutes.”
“Thank you Ralph,” Rebecca began collecting her things, “You know, Jacky I was thinking you must get pretty lonely in the hospital all by yourself, maybe I should send Britney here and give you some company?”
She grinned wickedly at Jack’s muffled protests, “I know, it’s a great idea.”
You evil bitch, I hope you spend the rest of your life in jail and you will when I get out of here and call the cops, Jack glared at Rebecca.
She placed a soft kiss on his forehead, “I’ll see you tomorrow baby,” and with that she plugged the plugs to his operating machines.
“Oh no, I tripped,” She chuckled slightly and waved good-bye from the doorway, knowing he’d be completely dead by the time she reached he elevator.
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I really like this one :) Sorry if I got some medical stuff wrong and sorry I couldn't think of a cooler layout.