‹ Prequel: Simple Imprinting
Status: Being changed for the sake of the story

Loved and Lost


Andy's P.O.V

I stood in the grey, crisp autumn air for what felt like hours.

My heart barely moved within my chest, making my body just as numb as the world around me. I was falling apart.

Everything was falling apart.

Standing on the icy sidewalk I turned around to look at my house one last time. Inside was my family, doing what they do every normal Sunday morning. My dad was probably the only one up besides myself and I had to go soon before he noticed my absence.

I looked down at my feet unable to stare at my home any longer… it wasn’t my home anymore.
Slowly I turned back around letting my love for them tear apart inside me. I admit leaving them was harder than I had originally thought. So then I wonder, what’s it going to be like… when I have to leave him?

I already feel my heart start to ache from the pain I can only imagine. It’s much worse than anything I ever felt before.
Jacob Black is my imprint. He’s my soul mate and he’s my love. I only realize that these moments ahead are only get harder. As I leave Washington, and him, for good.

But I have to stay strong. I have to stay strong for his sake. For everyone’s sake. Because my pains and fears are the only way I can keep them alive.

“Are you ready?”

I barely noticed a voice that would have scared me weeks earlier. I knew he knew that I would never be ready to do this. But he also knew that it was the only way and I had no choice.

I nodded and started walking down the sidewalk towards him. Each step crunched the ice below my feet. I cringed at it.

Once I reached him I stopped. Looking into his dark eyes made my body colder than it already was. I knew, no matter how polite he was to me, that I would never be able to like Edward Cullen. And it was all because of Jacob.
My heart stabbed in my chest at the mere thought of him. I felt like crying more than anything.

“Let’s get going.” Edward stated simply and quickly as he began to walk along the sidewalk like a normal human.

I sighed and glanced back at the path I had just walked. Small snowflakes began to fall. Each one fluttered and landed on the earth silently before melting away.

“Goodbye.” I whispered as a single tear slid down my cheek. Landing on the earth to melt away, along with everything else.
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Hey guys. Sorry but my old computer completely crashed and my dad thought he could fix it... turned out, he can't =/
anyway we got a new computer and its AMAZING. but what sucks is i lost all my documents. so my upcoming chapters for complicated prints and sexual attraction... all down the drain.
For complicated prints i decided to change the plot. Which meant getting rid of the other chapters, sorry. But this plot is much much better... and way darker themed. Anyway hope u enjoy the story... I'm only gonna post a single chapter today cause i dont want to b behind in updates.