‹ Prequel: Simple Imprinting
Status: Being changed for the sake of the story

Loved and Lost

Some Friends

Andy’s POV
“And furthermore all participants for football tryouts will be meeting in the gym directly after school…”
I sighed while listening to the school announcements crackling over the intercom. Everyone in our class talked and moved around making it almost impossible to hear them, not that anyone was really listening anyway. The school day was almost over.
Letting out another breath of pure boredom I looked at the unused test tubes and burners in front of me. Ending the day with chemistry was a horrible way to go. I thought that since it was the last period of the day it’d probably go fast. Well it was only four days into the new school year and I was very, very wrong. It was the longest class of my life.
With my elbow on the lab table and my chin resting on my hand I lazily looked around the room. The teacher sat at his desk up front reading todays paper, he only looked up when a paper ball went flying past his bed.
“Hey! Behave yourselves.” He said sternly glaring at all of us before he gave his sagging paper a shake and continued reading.
How lucky they all were. Stupid Jake. Stupid Anna, and Conner. Stupid all of them. Going to college and leaving me here to stick out another year at La Push High School. Alone. Not to mention this would be my first full year since moving here. ‘The positives never end, do they?’ I thought bitterly.
“Hey Andy, you going to Pete’s party tomorrow night?”
I sat straight and looked over to my lab partner, Hannah. We had three classes and lunch together, and each class we always sat relatively close and half-heartedly talked. She was like me, not Native American I mean. In fact, she was quite the opposite with her pale freckled skin and red hair. But she wasn’t one of those awkward looking redheads. No, she was one of the very attractive ones with big emerald eyes that had a look of confidence in them, actually everything about her radiated confidence. I actually admired that about her.
What I didn’t really like about her was that she was short tempered and boy crazy, plus she was all about the popularity scale. Luckily, I was used to all that with having an older sister like Claire. Although, Hannah was way less vicious than Claire, at least towards me.
I guess we could be considered friends, because I sit next to her and her friends at lunch. They also invited me places, like the mall, movies, and now, evidently, Pete’s party.
“Umm. I haven’t really heard about it.” I admitted. “I don’t know if I was invited?” I wasn’t stupid, I knew how parties worked. Once you hear about them, you’re invited. But I figured that if I decided not to go then I could just blame it on the late notice. Which is what I usually did.
She smiled at me like I was some naïve child. “Of course you’re invited.” Her voice was light and happy. I always felt like she saw me as this little innocent puppy, lost in the school of dogs. She pitied me that way and that’s most likely why she became my ‘friend’ in the first place.
She must have taken my silence as declining to go, because she put her hand on mine and spoke. “Oh Andy, you must go. It’s like a welcome back party; anyone who’s anyone will be there. It’s not like you even have to stay very long, just make an appearance, say hi, then leave. You’ll have fun, I just know it.”
The bell rung and we both grabbed our backpacks, well I grabbed my backpack, Hannah grabbed her purse where she kept all her books.
“Please, will you go? For me?” She pouted her lip and looked at me with those big green eyes. I almost felt sorry for her… almost. We walked down the crowded halls and I tried to look everywhere but at her.
I opened my mouth to answer but she cut me off and jumped in front of me stopping me by the lockers. “Doug will be there. And I know for a fact that he has the biggest thing for you.” She gave me a sly smile and I smiled slightly.
Doug was the Co-Captain of the football team, well at least once tryouts were over, but it was pretty much a given. He was a big guy with shaggy black hair, tons of muscles, and tan skin. His dad was some famous football player, and the only reason he went to school here and not some big fancy school was because both his parents were from La Push, and graduated from this school… or something like that.
Anyway, on the first day at lunch, Hannah, Jessie, and Angie informed me that said football player wanted to ‘get to know me better.’ All the sexual innuendo implied. It was actually very shocking, considering I’ve only talked to the guy twice, once being that very day.
“So?” Hannah said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me back into reality.
She wasn’t going to give up on this was she?... I guess one party wouldn’t kill me.
I sighed. “Fine.”
“Yay!” She squealed and pulled me in for a hug. It was like she won the lottery or something, she actually seemed genuinely happy that I was going. Strange.
When we parted I was kind of smiling too. Maybe I was more excited than I thought?
I held up a finger though. “But I’m not going because of Doug.” I said sternly.
She laughed and we both started walking again, this time only a few people left in the halls. “Of course.” She said.
I gave her a look. “I’m serious. I barely even know the guy.”
Rolling her eyes she wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Andy, Andy, Andy. That’s the whole point. You go to the parties to get to know him.”
I didn’t expect her to understand.
“Then you screw him and leave.” She added with a laugh.
I looked at her and we both laughed walking out of the school and into the parking lot. This was first time I actually felt close-ish to Hannah. Maybe the school year wouldn’t be so bad.
“Anyway I don’t need Doug. I have a perfectly good boyfriend, whom I care about very much.” I smiled while my heart missed a beat just thinking about him.
“Oh yes. The very yummy Mr. Black.” She grinned taking her arm from around my shoulder. “You are a very lucky girl. Can I ask how you landed such a hot piece of as-”
I looked away from Hannah towards the parking lot and smiled much bigger than before. My slow boring day melted away with the sight of Jacob standing by his car waving at me.
“Speaking of…” He voice trailed off as he came jogging over to us. I glanced at Hannah; she was fixing her hair and puffing out her chest while smiling at Jake. Just like my sister, doesn’t matter if the guys got a girlfriend, he’s just got to be hot.
I gasped when Jake lifted me into a strong hug. Soon all my jealous thoughts slipped away as his warmth enveloped me.
I smiled at him as he set me down smiling at me in return. My hands rested on his shoulders while his held my body against him and rested on the small of my back. We stared at each other as if there was nothing else in the world. My favorite chocolate maple eyes sparkled on this surprisingly sunny day.
Jake looked away first, obviously forgetting that Hannah was standing right next to us. I didn’t forget she was there, but I hoped she got the image stuck in her mind.
Smiling slyly I finally looked away from Jake and to Hannah. She had her arms crossed while she leant onto her right foot. She didn’t look incredibly happy. Probably because she wasn’t the center of attention at the moment.
“Oh.” I faked realizing she was there. “Jake this is Hannah, we have class together. Hannah, Jake. My boyfriend.” I couldn’t tell if I emphasized ‘my’ or not. But I hoped I did.
She smiled and held out her hand. Jake smiled nicely too, shaking her hand.
I knew they knew of each other but I think this is the first time they met. As I remember ‘the pack’ kept to themselves in school, only hung out with each other or their imprints. Things like that. Most of the popular kids, aka: Hannah, desperately wanted to hang with them.
I felt some sort of pride knowing that I was one of them.
“It’s very nice to meet you Jacob.” Hannah said in a flirtatious voice. “Andy never stops talking about you. You sound like a terrific guy.”
What? I don’t talk about Jake. I think about him all the time, yes. But I don’t really talk about him, because the one time I did all Hannah and her friends did, was hang off my words like hyena’s waiting for a lion to finish its meal. I learned quickly that talking about Jake wasn’t a good idea.
Jake chuckled slightly and looked towards the ground and back at her. “Thanks. But she’s the terrific one.” He gave me a small squeeze.
Point for Jacob!
Hannah laughed and stepped forward towards him a bit. “Oh you’re just being modest. I’ve heard a lot about you; remember we did go to school together.”
Alright, now she was getting on my nerves. What ever happened to the friend code?... Oh right, Hannah considers me her project, not her friend.
Jake laughed again and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess high school feels so long ago now…”
Hannah laughed too and as I saw her hand come up to touch his arm I declared a state of war. Pushing Jacob I smiled and laughed. “Well we better get going. Got a lot of homework to do if I want to go out tomorrow night.” Jake stumbled on his footing but I kept pushing until Hannah was behind me.
“Okay?” She said confused.
“Andy?” Jake laughed while I turned around to face Hannah. I kept pushing Jake towards his car while walking backwards and smiling at Hannah. “I see you tomorrow!” I called happily and waved.
She just arched and eyebrow and waved. Once she turned around I stopped pushing Jake and gave out a breath of relief. That was close.
Turning around I saw Jake standing there with him arms crossed looking at me with a confused smile. “What was that?” He asked with a chuckle.
Closing my eyes, I smiled and cocked my head to the side. “What?”

Jacob’s POV
She looked so damn cute. And the worse part, she knew she did. She was trying to get me to forget about what just happened, even though I’m not even sure I knew what did.
One minute were talking to her friend the next she’s pushing me towards the car. Sometimes that girl is crazy…
“Just get in the car.” I sighed with a smile while opening the driver’s side door and getting in.
Leaving the school Andy sighed in relief.
“Tough day?” I asked glancing at her.
“You could say that.”
“Well, at least you have friends. I was afraid now that Anna, Conner, me, and the guys were gone you’d have no one to talk to.” I laughed, teasing her. I remember a couple days before school started she laid face down on my bed while I sat on the floor looking at my schedule for college on my laptop.

“2 classes a day… I think I can manage that.” I joked.
Andy mumbled, more like whined, from my pillow but I couldn’t understand her. Looking back at her I smiled. “What was that?”
She lifted her head and her hair covered her face in a mess. “I said.” She sounded bitter. “You suck.” Then her head slammed back down into my pillow.
I laughed and shook my head. “It won’t be that bad. Just think of it like grade school all over again, except with harder classes, no recess, and popular obsessed teenagers.” Oh man, was I glad that I wasn’t going back to high school.
I heard another whine from Andy and I chuckled again.

“I wouldn’t call Hannah a friend, exactly.” She said.
I looked at her confused. “She seemed nice to me.”
“Yeah. Super nice.” Andy sounded sarcastic. “Oh you’re just being modest. I’ve heard a lot about you; remember we went to school together.” Andy mocked Hannah, following with an annoying laugh.
I couldn’t help but smile at her.
“Everyone went to school together! Duh! It’s a small town!” She was looking out the window with frustration and her arms crossed.
“You didn’t.” I pointed out. Probably not the smartest move.
“That’s not my point.” She snapped turning her head towards me. “She’s just…” Her voice died down while she looked back out the window. “I don’t trust her. That’s all.”
I smiled and looked at Andy. I set my hand on her leg hoping to comfort her. She looked down at my hand and after a minute smiled slightly, making me smile wider.
“So, what’s going on tomorrow night?” I asked remembering Andy saying something about it.
“Huh?” She looked over at me.
“Tomorrow night? You said something about it to Hannah.”
“Oh.” She rolled her eyes. “Hannah wants me to go this party, that’s all. I told her I would but I’ll probably just tell her I’m not feeling well or something.”
I sighed. Andy has been always skipping out on hanging with other friends. Well, others besides the pack. With Anna and Conner away at college she only ever hangs out with us. Which I’m happy about, very happy about. The more time I’m with her the better. But it would be good for her to get out and hang with people other than us. I want her to be open to try new things, especially when it comes time for her to choose a college. She deserves to go to a good school and I’m going to work my ass off if I have to, to get her there.
“Besides I’d much rather hang out with you boys.” She smiled grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I sighed and smiled. I guess getting out will have to wait for another day.
“By the way.” Andy started as I pulled into my driveway. After parking the care I looked over at her, curious as to what she wanted to say. “You did a very good job resisting Hannah.” A sly smile came onto her lips and I arched an eyebrow. Resisting Hannah? What was she talking about? There was nothing to resist… well besides the beauty sitting in front of me at this very moment. I smirked at my own thought.
I was going to ask her what she meant when she leaned forward and in a second her lips were on mine. My eyes widened a bit and then closed. Her soft lips made me forget what was even going on, and her amazing vanilla scent made me think more and more of her.
I leaned closer making our kiss deeper and I let my hand on her thigh grip a little bit tighter, while my other came up to stroke her cheek.
Andy sighed and leaned even closer to me and at that moment I had no idea what I did to make her want to kiss me like this, all I knew was that I must be doing something right.
She pulled back just to open her eyes and look into mine. Opening my eyes I nearly ripped her pants with how tightly I gripped her leg, her ocean blue eyes were clouded with desire. The same desire I shared.
She smiled and giggled a little making me smile.
“I love you.” She said lightly. My smile got even wider and my heart pounded in my chest. My angel.
“I love you too.” I kissed her once more before pulling away from her.
We got out of the car and made our way into my house. The guys would be over soon and we would do what we usually did, watch TV, go over to Emily’s, or work in the garage. This was another reason why I wanted Andy to get more friends. Ours could be so… boring sometimes.
Andy went straight to the kitchen starting to make some lunch, oh how I loved it when she made lunch. She was very good at it from having to make it from her younger brothers and sisters.
After lunch I cleaned up.
Coming out of the kitchen I expected to see Andy in the living room watching TV, but she wasn’t. Confused I walked to my room and saw her on my computer on my bed. She sat with her back against the wall typing something into the keyboard. She was listening to music, but I couldn’t tell what.
Smiling I stared at my golden haired angel. Just a T-shirt and jeans and she looked so amazing. I loved the nights she dressed up when we went out, but I also loved the days when we lay around and watch movies, and all she wears are a tank top and sweats with her hair in a messy bun.
She looked up at me and smiled. “What?” She asked.
I smiled and walk towards her, finally realizing what song she was listening to. ‘The Trouble With Girls’ by Scotty McCreery. She was trouble alright.
I crawled onto my bed and grabbed her leg pulling her away from the wall. She laughed and she slid down my bed laying her back against it. I took the laptop and set it on the ground and fully climbed onto of her till I was looking down at her beautiful face.
She stared up at me with shiny blue eyes that never ended. Her smile made me heart beat faster and the heat from her body nearly sent my blood to a boil.
Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her body till I completely covered her.
All I could smell was her, all I could see was her, all I could feel was her, all I was… was her.
Before I knew it she was kissing me again. Smiling, I pushed against her so she wasn’t leaning up to get to me.
I broke the kiss to kiss her chin, then down her neck till I reached her favorite spot. And as expected she signed and tightened her arms around me. Her hand snaked into my hair, her fingers rubbing against my head felt so nice.
“Jake.” She moaned. Her hips pushed into mine and I let my teeth graze her skin, giving her another suck just to leave a mark.
I pulled and away and kissed her lips again. It was deeper this time, more lust than before. My tongue grazed her bottom lip and she opened her mouth letting me in.
She tasted so sweet and her tongue against mine felt so welcoming and nice, it was like the first time all over again.
“Hey! Jake, Andy!... Were here!” We heard Quil scream.
Our kiss broke and I groaned letting my head fall onto her shoulder. She was breathing heavy and laughing slightly.
“Why?” I whined into her shoulder making her laugh more.
There was a banging on my door. “Put your clothes on!” Quil yelled and laughed. Another banging. “Yeah, you guys knew we were coming over.” Embry joined.
I started to sit up and glare at the door. “I’m going to kill you guys!” I called back.
There was more laughter. “Guess they didn’t get their clothes off after all.” Quil said.
I shook my head and looked back towards Andy. She was sitting up and blushing. She looked so damn cute, I definitely was going to kill them.
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Im back! Wooo!