Status: Active

Beautiful Things Can Come From the Dark

Some of the Best Beginnings Come From the Worst Endings

Thunder roared and shook the Earth, startling Shiloh back into the present. She gasped for air as lightning lit up the sky, her knuckles white on the steering wheel.

“Fuck; focus Shiloh, it’s late and you have no idea where the hell you are.” Shiloh thought perhaps talking to herself would help her focus stay on the road and in the here and now, but no such luck.

…….beep……beep…… beep…

The heart monitor wouldn’t shut up, why the hell couldn’t it be quiet?

The hospital room was a sickly yellow, as if to bring cheer into the sterile room full of beeping and whirring machines.

Her mother lay in one of those beds, hooked up to a heart machine; an IV drip full of morphine was opposite the incessant beeping machine.

She looked down at her mother, but no tears came; the entire family was in hysterics and yet Shiloh couldn’t shed a single tear for the woman that had birthed her. She…


Shiloh jumped, hands flying off the wheel before realizing she was in the car, driving away from all of that; she needed to get away.

She glared daggers at her phone and threw it in the back seat. 29 missed calls and over 50 texts had bombarded her phone since she decided to get in the car and drive away. She didn’t care where she ended up, she just hoped that it was far enough to get away, to start over.

Shiloh knew her chances of being able to live out her life how she wanted were slim to none, she was barely 17, had no job, or income to speak of; her family would find her sooner or later, but she cringed at the thought.

“I’m an orphan now, no parents to tell me what to do. Fuck anyone who says differently.” Maybe if she repeated her mantra enough times, it would come true.

Swerving to miss a semi truck, Shiloh swore at herself, she really wasn’t in any shape to be driving but this was her only chance; she just needed to get far enough away.


Blinking the blackness that enveloped Shiloh's vision, she came face to face with three shirtless Indian men. As she struggled for space, she realized that she was no longer in her car, but lying down on the side of the road; trying to sit up was impossible for two reasons. One, her body was on fire it was in so much pain and Two; the men were holding her as gently as they could without letting her move freely on her own.

"What in the hell did you do to me?!" Shiloh cried out, emotionally and physically too hurt to move.

"Sam, can you hear this shit? This chick thinks we raped her, why the hell are we helping her?" One of the men bit out roughly.

"Paul, be quiet," The one named Sam replied, talking in soothing tones. "What would you think in her situation?" He turned and addressed Shiloh. "You were thrown from you car, it looks like you hit a patch of ice wrong-"


Slight jostling and bright lights were what Shiloh woke to next, she tried to ask what was going on, but all that came out was a string of mumbled expletives as she felt herself being prodded by very cold hands.

"You're hurting her leech!" The voice was familiar, Sam, she remembered he was called. She found herself searching his face out through squinted eyes, desperate for something familiar.

"Hurt, cold, bright." was the extent of words she could get out, as her world swam and head pounded.

Immediately she found herself in a warm embrace as Sam tucked her petite 5' 4'' frame against his naked chest.

"I must be going crazy," She said as she became more aware of her surroundings "You guys can't possibly be fine parading around shirtless in this weather."

Realizing that Sam was still holding her gently but securely against his chest, she started struggling and he reluctantly let her go after shooting a look at the doctor. Said doctor wrapped a blanket around Shiloh's shoulders and led her to an examining table.

"If you would please sit up here I can finish your check up after you fill out some paper work if you feel like you can, it looks like you hit your head pretty hard. My name is Carlisle Cullen."

Shiloh blinked up at the doctor as his words settled in.

"I'm fine," she reassured all four men in the room as she tried to get off the table. Stumbling slightly she caught herself before she fell and stood up straight. "I don't need to be here, I absolutely don't need to fill out paperwork. I just need to go back to my car, I'm sorry I bothered any of you-where ever we are, but I can't stay here."

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go, my conscious won't let me." The golden eyed doctor said, worry evident in his musical voice.

"You heard her doc," The poor tempered one, Paul sneered. "She can't stand you anymore then we can."

Shiloh started shaking her head, but when the world moved with her, she sank to her knees. "That's not what I mean, but I can't stay here, I'm sorry Doctor Cullen. I'm sure I'll be fine and if not then," Shiloh paused and lightly shrugged her shoulders, "then I'm not any worse off then when I started." When she looked up she saw the doctor and Sam looking at each other, as if in silent communication.

Carlisle smiled warmly at Sam and looked down at Shiloh.

"Now that’s a horrible thing to say.” He admonished lightly. "How about we make a compromise? Humor me and let me look you over, no paperwork required and then you can leave with the Quileute’s, does that sound alright?"

When Shiloh opened her mouth to protest Sam cut in.

"Just for a little while, we’ll have a mechanic look over your car and fix what’s salvageable, and then we'll see you off if you want, just give us a little piece of mind?"

Shiloh grumbled lightly but couldn't find it in her to argue, her body was protesting with every blink and she was hungry and tired. Slowly she nodded and muttered "Fine."

Everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief.

"I'm glad." Doctor Carlisle Cullen replied as he lifted Shiloh off of the floor and put her back on the examining table. "Now, what should we call you?"

Shiloh blinked at the odd phrasing of the question, filing it away to dissect later, if she remembered anything about tonight, she amended silently to herself.

She was quiet a moment longer and then replied. "…Cambria."

"Well Cambria, you're in good hands. If you're tired feel free to fall asleep. I hope you find what you're looking for."

The newly named Cambria mumbled thanks as she felt consciousness slip away. She might have imagined it but she could have sworn she heard Paul or Sam sneer a comment about 'filthy bloodsucker' and 'wishing there was another doctor available' before she succumbed to the painless black void that surrounded her. Cambria's last coherent thought was, ‘Yup, definitely going crazy.’
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so... here is another collaboration with me and ohnoxletsgogo.. pretty excited about it :) please give lots of feedback! more feedback = more frequent updates :)