You only get one chance at true love.

Confessions and consequences

Then I see her Jessica. The girl that I have liked since I first saw her, and she's just laughing at me. So I get my stuff and leave because I just had enough of all of this shit. When I was walking through the hallways trying to, find a place to hide I hear a group of girl talking, about how perfect their life's are. And how popular they all are, and that is where I snapped. " Allright you bunch of fucking whores shut the hell up. Every day it's the same shit that you talk about how many friends you have, or who is ugly or more popularthan who. Oh he's cute or looks like a total fag, just shut the hell up, because if I hear you say any thing like that again I am going to Fucking kill you all." Next thing I know I'm running for the door and a teacher try's to stop me, I shove him out of the way and say " touch me again ever and I will kill you to."

So I run and run to the abandoned warehouse where I know their is no one so I can be alone, and hopefully die one way or another I was going to die even if I have to do it myself. I rember hearing about an old elevator that would probally fall if you were to step inside. So I go inside and lay down for a few hours, and then I wake up and I'm still not dead and the moment I step out side it falls and I cry out "Fuck in A why wont I die". Then I decide to go back home, which brings me to where I am now, should I drop my ciggeret and burn to death, or jump into the pool and drink and pass out and drown till I die. I just don't know what to do any more I just want to die but at the same time I dont, I hear a voice behind me and I drop my ciggeret and the voice cries out " What the hell are you doing. Pleese dont do what I think your doing. I love you." By the time I hear those words I feel a burning sensation coming up my body and, I relize that I am burning alive and its not what I want.

All I wanted was to be loved by someone and that it was to late. As I lie here taking my last few breaths I see who had said those words. It was Jessica and I relized that I have lost her forever.