Welcome Home Sarah (The Sequel to: "The Rebirth Of St. Jimmy's Girl)

Sarah Runs Away

One Year Later

I was now sixteen years old. I couldn't stand living at home. My foster parents argued, and told I that I was the problem. I hated being in this foster home. I wanted so much to run away from the foster home.
I was sitting in my room, and remembered how much Billie was there for me when I was sick. So, I got some clothes and CDs, and money. I made myway to the bus station, and got on the bus to Berkeley, CA, where Billie lived.


Berkeley, CA

I got off the bus in Berkeley, CA. I got in a cab, and told the driver to drop me off at the first restaurant that they came across. The driver did just that.
I got out of the cab, and paid the driver. I looked at the restaurant. It was called
Arrow's Grill. I was too hungry not to go in, and get something to eat. I walked in,
and sat down. A waitress came over to my table.
"Can I take your order?" asked the waitress.
"Yes you can. I'll have a plain cheese burger, and a cup of New England Clam Chowder,"
I replied.
"Ok. I'll be back with your order," said the waitress.
I sat there lonely and confused. Now that I'm here, what will I do? The waitress brought
back my food.
"Anything else?" asked the waitress.
"No thanks," I replied.
The waitress walked away. Just then, I say two familiar faces walk in. It was Billie and Adrienne.


Billie and Adrienne sat at the table in front of me. Billie glanced in my direction. He could tell that something was wrong. He walked over, and sat down across from me.
"Hey! Sarah, what are you doing here?" asked Billie.
"I ran away from my foster home," I replied.
"Why?" asked Adrienne as she sat down next to me.
She put her hand on my shoulder.
"Honey, you're shaking," said Adrienne.
"Are you sure you're really ok?" questioned Billie with a concerned look in his eyes.

I didn't want to talk about it.


I didn't say anything.
"Well, everything is messed up," I finally replied.
"Oh?" asked Billie as he looked down at my wrists.
He noticed several cut marks on both of my wrists. Adrienne noticed them too.
"You know how much we care about you, so please don't be angry when I ask you
this," said Billie.
"I won't be angry," I replied.
"Did you attempt to commit suicide by cutting your wrists?" asked Billie
"Yes," I replied as tears came down my cheeks.
Billie didn't say anything.
I still sat there shaking with fear. Adrienne whispered to me that
it would be ok.
"You know that you could have called us at any time," said Billie finally.
"I know," I replied.
Billie seemed to understand what I was going through.
"You should probably let your foster parents know that you're ok," recommended Billie.
"I don't want to," I replied.
Billie and Adrienne looked at each other.


Billie wished he could help me more, but he didn't know how.
"What are you going to do?" asked Billie.
"Please don't worry about me. You have done enough for me already," I said.
"We'll always be there for you," said Adrienne.
I already knew that, which made me smile.


Billie and Adrienne went to their table, and ate their food. I did the same. Just then, my foster father walked in.
I had finally stopped quivering, but the quivering began again.
"You little bitch. You know how worried your foster mother and I have been," said Brad.
"How did you find me?" I asked.
"Your foster sister, Libby, told me," said Brad.
Billie couldn't help eves dropping on the conversation.


Sarah didn't know what to say.
"You're coming home right now," said Brad.
"I don't want to," I said.
Brad slapped Sarah on the face.
"You little brat. You have no choice in this matter," said Brad.
Billie walked over again.
"Excuse me. Leave her alone," said Billie.
"Mr. stay out of this," said Brad.
Sarah was very much confused, and didn't know what to do. She looked at Billie for guidance.