The Boys of Miss Dawn's First Grade Class

I own everyone in this story. But not really!
  1. The first day of first grade
  2. Favorite words.
    Not as good as the first one, I know... I have a problem with getting worse as the story goes on.
  3. The Tallest 1st Grader Ever
  4. Pete Fails At Life
    Sorry it's not more exciting
  5. BFF Club!
    It's short I know and kind of fast-paced, I know, but I really wanted to post the picture that I've put up in this chapter, so I had to write something. But it might be a while until my next update, because I have no idea what to write next.
  6. A Pete-Related Rant
    For some reason my writing is like, different. It confuses me too. Sorry, I don't know why...
  7. Gerard is betrayed
  8. Frank Goes to The Darkside
    Really sorry for the wait. D':
  9. Pete's Lair
    I really need to update more often. Sorry. D':
  10. A Very Depressing Chapter
    Sorry it's not that funny. I just kind of got comedy block today...
  11. Chapter 11?
    Sorry it seems so hurried or something... major writer's block.
  12. Items For Colors
    Man... I'm really doing bad now, people...
  13. Frankie's Got Guts!
  14. Violence!
  15. Lots of People Get Hurt
    Ugh. I suck.
  16. You'll Never Guess What Happens
    You really won't.
  17. Reunited
    I was going to wait until my friend got back from camp and read my last update to post this, but she did and didn't read it, and she's at camp again, so I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer.
  18. The Moment of Truth
  19. Ttyl, bffs
  20. Epilogue
    I'm no good at endings