The Boys of Miss Dawn's First Grade Class

Ttyl, bffs

“Okay,” Gerard said, “Remember our plan.”

“But… We never actually made a plan,” Frank answered, confused.

“Oh, dang, you’re right!” swore Gerard. “I guess I’d say you’d have to just ‘roll with it’, then.”

“How do I roll?” inquired Frank.

“Just follow my lead,” Gerard instructed.

Halfway through the day, at lunch, Frank was still following all of Gerard’s instructions as soon as Gerard gave them.

“Now lift the fork,” Gerard said, at lunch. “Sink the prongs into the meatball… bring the fork back up to your mouth… bite down… now chew… I think you’ve got it!”

“Gerard, I already knew how to eat!” Frank exclaimed. “When are we going to get to the action!?”

“Soon, Frankie… after lunch, at recess.”

Both the young boys looked over, at a few tables away, where Pete and Joe and all the little girls that could fit were sitting at a table, eating.

Pete looked darkly ahead of himself while Joe tried to catch meatballs in his mouth.

“It’s harder than it looks!” Frank and Gerard heard Joe exclaim as a meatball escaped him and landed on a young girl’s head.

Several girls jumped up and chased Joe out of the room in a swarm.

At this moment Pete looked up and spotted Gerard and Frank together. He sauntered over to them with an evil grin on his face.

“So let’s get this thing started,” he said to Frank.

“Yea!” screamed Frank, punching Pete on the arm.

Pete scowled and punched him back, but with real force. “Don’t ever fucking do that again,” he spat.

Frank blubbered. He quickly set his mouth in a tough, gangsta-looking line, and grabbed Gerard by the hood on his sweatshirt.

“C’mon, punk,” Frank said, taking the lead himself. “Time to teach you a lesson.”

“Kay,” said Gerard. He squealed dramatically and giggled a little. Frank hurried to cover up his friend’s mouth so Pete wouldn’t notice.

The three little boys stomped all the way across the playground, to the dark corner behind the school where the mischief usually went on.

In this area was the mud sewage pit.

Now, Gerard was a pretty good actor, and as Frank pretended to drag him closer to the pit Gerard started to struggle and flail.

“Oh, help, please help me!” he wailed.

“Shut up, fool!” Frank shouted and tried to suppress a laugh. All this pretending was a bucketload of fun!

The mud/sewage bubbled and festered in front of the boys.

“That’s just plain yucky!” Gerard exclaimed.

“I know, and that’s where you’re goin’!” said Frank.

“Oh no please! Help me someone!”

“Just push ‘im in already! I’m not in the mood for any more whining,” whined Pete bad-temperedly.

“Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,” said Frank. “I’m gonna dooooooooooooo it.”

And, in perfect time with each other, Frank and Gerard turned on their heels and began to shove Pete into the mud sewage pit.

“What the?” Pete asked, looking at them with his eyebrows raised.

They continued to push at him

He didn’t move.

“Traitor,” Pete sighed and, putting one hand on Frank’s chest, the other on Gerard’s, he pushed them both into the stinking pit.

“Lol,” said Pete as he watched them struggle. “Ttyl, bffs.”

And then he walked away as Frankie and Gerard struggled to move, holding on to each other desperately in an embrace of dying love. Which was actually making them sink faster, ironically.
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lol, it's been like, fifty years. Sorry 'bout that.