‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 16

~POV: Sara~
“Coming!” I called as I rushed to the front door. Swinging the door open, I was surprised to see Jeff, but even more shocked to see Riley right behind him.

“Riley, you’re out!” I exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug.

“Yeah, look Sara, we were picking Will up and Sam came with the mail. We grabbed your mail, which here you go,” She handed me a stack of envelopes, but I noticed she kept one in her hand.

“Sara, this one’s got your address, but it’s titled to everyone.” Riley said, holding it up with the back facing me. “Not only that, but the handwriting belongs to someone it can’t belong to.”

“Who?” I asked, setting the rest of the mail on the table beside the door.

“Dad,” she said after a second of hesitation. I stared at her and Jeff for a long moment, too stunned to think of anything to say.

“That’s impossible,” I was finally able to croak out. Riley sighed and handed me the envelope, and my heart nearly exploded when I realized she was right. It looked just like Mark’s handwriting.

“Oh my goodness,” I gasped, staring at the way Calaway was written. The Y was looped at the bottom, just the way Mark did when he wrote out our last name.

“I think we need to get everyone together to open it.” Jeff spoke up. I nodded and turned to walk into the living room.

“Gunner, Gracie, Chasey, come down here!” I shouted.

“You want the kids involved?” Riley asked.

“This might be your father, their father, Riley. Of course I want them here. Will and Kylie too.”

“They’re outside, I’ll get them,” Jeff said, walking back to the front door. Footsteps running down the stairs told me my kids was on the way down.

“Sissy!” Gracie exclaimed as Chasey and Gunner stared at her.

“Hey guys,” Riley said, hugging them in turn.

“You’re better?” Gunner asked. Riley nodded at her younger half-brother and glanced back at the hallway as Jeff came in with Kylie and William.

“Get everyone over here,” I said to them. They both nodded and made phone calls. Within ten minutes, everyone was here, and getting over the shock of seeing Riley in the house.

“This was sent today,” I informed everyone, holding up the envelope. “It’s titled to everyone. The Hardy family and the Calaway family, but it was sent to this house. The handwriting, is Mark’s handwriting.”

“Let me see,” Paul said, holding out his hand. I handed it to him, and his jaw fell.

“That’s his handwriting alright,” Paul nodded, handing it back to me.

“I wanted to open it and read it out loud to all of you.” I finished. Taking in a deep breath, I tore it open and pulled out numerous sheets of paper, each one headed with a different person’s name.

My dearest Sara,
These are letters I’m sending to you all, you might think they are coming from beyond the grave, but you are far from correct.

I am in Oregon, in the same place I’ve been staying at for the last nearly nine years. The accident and my death was just a way to keep you from trying to contact me. Since I’m Paul’s brother, he wasn’t able to get too involved in the investigation, so he never learned the truth. There was no accident, it was all staged, and I’m sorry for having to put you through all of this. All of you, especially Gunner, Chasey, Gracie, and Riley. I know it’s hard to lose a father, and with Riley being pregnant when I left, I knew it would be hell on her more than anyone.

There was something I never told you, and I’m glad I didn’t. There was a threat against you, all of you, if I didn’t leave. If any of you kept in contact with me, you would of gotten killed, and I couldn’t risk the lives of my wife, my kids, my grandchildren, no one. I couldn’t keep you in danger, so I decided to do the only thing I could think of, leave you all, and not look back until the dust cleared.

It wasn’t involved with anyone bad or anything like that. It was a crazed fan who would of done anything to get to me.

I heard through the grapevine about Riley’s illness, and I wish I could be there for her. I included the address to where I am, because things are cleared up now, and I was wanting to come back home. I will if you want me too, but if you don’t, I’ll stay out of your lives for as long as I need to be.

I love you and the kids, so much it’s killed me every day I’m separated from you all. If you want me back, just reply, but if I don’t get anything back, I’ll completely understand.

I love you and miss you,

My letter fell from my hands as I looked up at the rest of the family. With shaking hands, I held the letters to Riley, who sorted through them.

~POV: Riley~
What can I say to you? You’re my first born, my little Riley. If you’re reading this, then it must mean you’re feeling better, which I’m so thankful for. Pneumonia is a nasty business, and with how low your immune system is naturally, that makes it ten times worse.

If you hadn’t guessed by now, this isn’t written from a long time ago. I’m sorry I put you through hell while you were pregnant. I just hope my choices didn’t affect you in a bad way. I was so excited about getting another grandchild, but this couldn’t be avoided if I tried.
Stay well, stay strong. Keep up life, keep up love, keep holding on, keep staying strong.

I won’t expect to much from you with how ill you’ve been, but if you’re feeling up to it, and if you want to, reply back. I’m sorry I had to put you through all of this, I was a prick and you don’t deserve it.

I love you, Riley Michelle Hardy. You’re my daughter, and you always will be.

Love foREVer and always

I looked up from my letter with tears streaming down my face. Jeff had tears swimming in his own eyes as he looked over toward me.

“He’s alive? How?” Matt asked, his voice rough from shock.

“No idea,” I muttered, wiping at my cheeks. I looked back down at my letter, and one line stood out to me.

“Keep up life, keep up love, keep holding on, keep staying strong.” I said out loud.

“He write that?” Paul asked. I nodded, leaning against Jeff.

“Mom, what’s going on?” Will asked me suddenly, looking very confused.

“Buddy, you know how we keep visiting your grandfather’s grave?” I asked him. He nodded, still looking confused. “He’s not in there Will.”

“Where is he?” Kylie asked.

“He’s in Oregon. He’s alive, the accident, him dying, none of it actually happened. He faked it all,” Jeff replied.

“Why would he do that?” Gunner asked.

“To protect us,” Sara answered my brother.

“Is he coming home?” Savanna asked her father.

“I don’t know,” Matt answered her.

“It depends on us,” Sara added with a sigh. There was a long silence following the statement.

“I don’t know about you, but I’ve wanted nothing more than to have my father back since we thought he died.” I spoke up finally.

“We’ve all wanted him back, but we’ve all moved on from him as well.”

“I haven’t,” Kylie muttered suddenly. “I remember when he was around. I want my grandfather back. I want to know him like I know Papa Gibby.” I saw Jeff’s father wince at the nickname I taught my kids to use on him and couldn’t stop the small smile if I tried.

“Are we going to do this then? Bring him back here with us?” Sara asked. “I want him back to, but we’ll probably have to get remarried again.”

“No you don’t, because technically you never separated since he’s alive and all.” Matt spoke up, smiling at my step-mother. Sara rolled her eyes at Matt, but smiled all the same.

“Well Riley, looks like things are looking up,” Jeff said, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

“Welcome home sis!” Matt shouted, tossing his hands into the air.

“I’m never leaving here like that again,” I said as Will and Kylie gathered around Jeff and me.

“So does this mean no more snowball fights?” Will asked, his nose scrunched up. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yes, we can still do our snowball fights, I just have to make sure I don’t get sick again.” I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
two of two for the night. XD Just couldn't wait to get this part out. Gotta love my randomocity for real! lol
so, more story will come up soon, thanks for enjoying :D