‹ Prequel: My Number One Fan
Status: Just the summary

Keep You

Chapter 18

“Ready?” I asked Jeff as I walked into the bedroom. I was just finishing up my make up and hair, and we were getting ready to head to town for Will to go trick or treating with his cousin Savannah. As a family tradition, everyone was dressing up, but this year we did something different. Normally Jeff and I would coordinate our costumes to match.

One year he dressed as Batman and I was Batgirl. Another year we were Frankenstein and his bride, so this year we switched it up by doing something different. Jeff was dressing up his own way, and I was dressing up my own way. We didn’t say any ideas, so we would be completely different.

“Ready,” Jeff replied, turning to look at me with a smile. I laughed as I realized he was dressed as his old Hardy Show character Itchweeed.

“Are you sure you’re my husband, you look like someone else I used to know.” I said teasingly, sitting on his lap on the bed.

“Really, someone you missed now darlin’?” he asked, getting into character right away.

“Oh yeah, very much so,” I replied, running my finger along his jaw line. I felt his body tighten in response, something I haven’t felt in a long time.

“What is it about Halloween that brings out the vixen in you?” he asked, going back to being Jeff.

“I don’t know, it could be the ghouls, the vampires, or the role playing,” I wagged my eyebrows at him, causing him to groan as Will ran into the bedroom. I heard him mutter something about poor timing and he walked into the bathroom, calling back that he’ll need a few minutes.

“Is Dad okay?” Will asked, looking after his father.

“He’ll be fine,” I replied quickly, ushering my son out of the room. My boots clicked as I walked out of the room and into the hallway. Jeff ran down the stairs a few minutes later.

“You know you look sexy right?” he asked as he looked over my costume. I decided to go with a dark fairy. The skirt I wore went mid thigh and the top was a corset with sleeves. My boots went knee high and the stockings was just a little taller with bows on the top. I had an intricate design for my eyes to say the least. Swirls and waves exploded around my temple.

“Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself,” I replied as Kylie ran down the stairs. She decided to be my old wrestler, The Phoenix. We went out and got an outfit I would wear as her and I helped her with her face paint and hair. Will was already by the door, his mask and cape on and his bucket in hand. He was dressing up like his hero, Hurricane Helms. We didn’t tell Shane, we wanted to see his face when he saw a mini him running around town.

“You’re kidding about Dad looking good right? He looks like a hobo.” Kylie said, eyeing her father up and down.

“Thank you, that’s exactly who Itchweeed is,” Jeff replied, nodding to our daughter. Kylie rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face gave her away.

“Who’s Itchweed?” Will asked as we walked out of the house.

“It’s not Itchweed son, it’s Itchweeed, three Es, three.” Jeff corrected the eight year old. It was my turn to roll my eyes as I shoved Jeff slightly.

“He’s your father’s alter ego,” I said. “Your father and uncle had this web show with their friend Shannon. They had different characters and Itchweeed was the character your dad made up,” I explained better to him. Will nodded in understanding and raced when he saw my father’s house come into view.

“Well, hello,” Dad said when he saw us. “Riley, wow, nice, uh, costume,” he said when he saw me. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek, following my husband and kids into the living room.

“Itchweeed came back out to play?” Sara asked Jeff with a laugh. Jeff started dancing around, throwing himself on the ground and bouncing back up. Sara and Dad laughed as Grace, Gunner, Chase, Kylie and Will watched him with fear in their eyes.

“Jeff, you’re scaring the children,” I informed him. He stopped and looked around, noticing just how frightened they were.

“Sorry guys,” he said, ruffling William’s hair.

“Riley, will you help me with my wig?” Chasey asked, looking desperate. I nodded, knowing this had nothing to do with her black and white hair.

“What’s up?” I asked her after we got into her room.

“I went to the doctor yesterday,” she said, her head hanging. I sighed, knowing that look all too well.

“Damn it Chasey,” I muttered, letting my head rest in my hands. “How far along?”

“I only had sex once, this couldn’t of happened with just one time.” she cried, her head falling onto my shoulder.

“Honey, it only takes one time,” I replied, hugging her to me. “Believe me, I know. I had your niece and nephew remember?”

“I’m scared sis, how do I tell Mom and Dad?”

“Just tell them,” I told her, pulling back to look at her. “You have more important things to think about now, like what are you going to do. Are you going to abort, put it up for adoption, keep it, what?”

“I have to think of all of that?”

“Soon,” I grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye. “I’ll be here for you, whatever you decide, but you have to make the right choices, all I can do is offer my advice.”

“I know,” she wiped at the tears on her cheeks. “Do I have to tell them tonight?”

“As soon as you’re ready,” I replied. “Whether it’s tonight, tomorrow, or a week from now, but it has to be soon.” She nodded and stood up off the bed, walking into the hallway and down the stairs. I knew she was getting ready to tell them now, and I wanted to be by her side when she did.

“Hey, what’s up?” Jeff asked, pulling me to a corner of the living room. I gave him a look, and he knew exactly what was going on.

“Damn, she’s too young,” he muttered, watching my sister from across the room.

“I know,” I said, taking in a deep breath. “She’s getting ready to tell Dad and Sara.”

“Mom, Daddy, t-there’s something I need to tell you,” she said, cutting off conversations. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand, sending strength from me to her.

“What’s wrong baby?” Sara asked, looking confused on what was upsetting her first born. Dad looked from his second born to me, his first born, and back again.

“I-” Chasey took a deep breath as I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles, telling her it would be okay. “I’m pregnant.” she stated flatly.

“W-what?” Sara asked in disbelief. She turned to look at me with hope in her eyes. “Tell me she’s joking.”

“She told me upstairs, “ I said grimly. “She wanted advice on how to tell you two and on what to do.”

“Oh my God,” Dad muttered, scrubbing his face with his hands. “How far along?”

“Eight weeks,” she answered, staring at the floor.

“Two months,” Sara stated. “We need to talk about what you’re gong to do, but it can wait until later.” She added when she saw the tears in Chase’s eyes.

“We’ll all be here for her,” Jeff spoke up, rubbing my little sister’s shoulders with his hand.

“Candy!” William shouted, not at all phased by the news that he’s going to be a cousin again soon.

“This sucks,” Dad said as we started walking toward Matt’s house.

“What?” I asked, looking back at him.

“I just realized, I have two teenage daughters and teenage son, but my oldest is nearly fifty, and I have a fifteen year old granddaughter and about to become a grandpa again. I’m getting too old for all of this.”

“You can always go back to Oregon,” Sara pointed out playfully. He shot her a glare before shaking his head at her.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” he replied.

“Okay, but what about the fact that you married a woman who is literally old enough to be your daughter?” I asked, winking at Sara as she snickered. Dad opened his mouth, but nothing came out as if he just realized what he did.

“And people think this family is normal,” He muttered, watching Will and Kylie run up to Matt’s house. Jeff, Sara and I all laughed as Matt walked out of the house, Amanda right behind him. Savanna, Jason and Mitch was in the front yard already, Savanna dressed as a fairy princess.

“Mandy, I hate to say it, but if my brother hadn’t of married her, I might of taken her for myself tonight.” Matt said as he looked me up and down. I gave a little pose, and scowled at Jeff’s back after I felt his hand smack my behind.

“Ass,” I muttered at him.

“Yep, it’s a nice one too,” he replied, smiling as he stopped me from storming past him by grabbing my arm.

“Hey, I have one daughter pregnant, I don’t need another one right now!” Dad said, forcing himself between us to break us apart.

“So rude,” I muttered to him as Jeff winked at me.

“Don’t worry, we have later tonight,” he whispered in my ear. I giggled like a little school girl and blushed as Dad looked back at us with a growl.

“I heard that,” he stated. Jeff buried his face in my neck as he tried not to laugh his ass off.

“Okay you three, there’s kids around here,” Sara reminded us.

“Matt started it all,” Jeff defended us with. “He made a comment about my wife.”

“Dad, just stop please, you’re going to give me nightmares,” Kylie muttered, crossing her arms.

“Hey Ri, she’s you!” Matt shouted, looking at his niece like he just noticed she was there.

“Yeah, I know, I helped her with the outfit,” I said as Kylie rolled her eyes in her teenage fashion.

“You guys are weird,” she said, walking up to her cousin Jason.

“Lee, how many times do I have to tell you, we’re Hardys, the Hardy clan is weird.”

“We’re not Hardys, we’re Calaways,’ Gracie pointed out to Jay.

“You’re sister’s a Hardy, therefore making you one as well.” Jason replied back in a very matter of fact tone of voice.

“Can we go trick or treating now?” Savanna asked in a whiney voice.

“Not if you keep up that whining we’re not,” Matt answered her with warning in his voice.

“Matt, it’s Halloween, don’t be the Scrooge of Halloween,” Amanda replied, rubbing his arm with one of her hands. He just sighed and started walking down the path. I smiled at my sister-in-law as she watched her husband leave with their daughter and my son.

“Well, we better get moving,” Jeff said, following his brother. “Before our kids start attacking the town wanting candy.”

“Let’s go,” I agreed, slipping my hand into Jeff’s. He kissed the side of my head as we started walking.

“You know,” Dad said, catching up with us. “I honestly wasn’t too sure on the two of you, but seeing you two now, how in love you still are, it makes me happy to know my little girl found someone she could stick with for a long time.”

“Thanks Dad,” I said, hugging him around his waist. We came up to Jeff’s father’s house and the kids ran inside.

“You know you can’t run in like that at the other people’s houses,” Jeff called to the kids.

“We know!” William called back to his father.

“Happy Halloween,” Papa Gibby said as we walked into his living room.

“Happy Halloween,” we replied automatically.

“Come over here,” Gib said to Jeff and Matt. When they walked up to him, he looked at them with pride showing in every inch of his face.

“My two boys, all grown up and with their own families.” he said, looking over at Amanda, the kids and me. “So proud of you two.”

“Dad, are you okay?” Matt asked his father, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“You’re mother’s been gone for years,” he replied, staring at the pictures on the walls. Pictures that was taken over thirty years ago. “The best days of our lives was when you kids came, not just you two boys, but Riley as well.”

“Papa Gibby, what’s wrong?” Kylie asked her grandfather.

“Nothing baby, nothing at all.” he said, hugging Kylie tightly. “Ruby loved you like a daughter Riley, I hope you realize that.”

“I do,” I smiled at my father-in-law. He nodded and went to sit on the couch.

“Ready to go into town?” I asked the kids. They nodded and went to hug their grandfather goodbye. We walked out of the house, but I couldn’t help but notice the worry in Jeff’s eyes.

“He’s fine Jeff,” I muttered to him, grabbing his hand as we walked. “He’s strong, he still has a few good years left in him.”

“I hope so, I really do,” Jeff muttered. “I don’t think I can lose my father right now, especially after everything that happened with Mark.”

“It’ll be fine, you’ll see.” I said, smiling up at him. He just gave a little smile back, but otherwise remained silent. I watched him a few minutes before turning back to watch Will run up the long driveway of the next house. We stopped a little bit away from them, but close enough to keep an eye on him. Matt and Amanda did the same thing, but they stood a few feet away from us.

I knew after seeing his father, Jeff was worried about him now, I just hoped for his sake that I was right and that Gib will be around for a little bit longer.

~Two hours later~
“They sure do know how to wear themselves out,” Jeff said as he laid William into his bed. Will stirred, but didn’t wake up for even a second. Kylie was already in her bedroom, meaning when Jeff and I went downstairs, we would be alone.

“So, it’s still pretty early,” Jeff muttered, looking at the clock on the cable box to see it was only ten at night. “What do you want to do?”

“Watch a movie?” I suggested. “A scary one, one that might make me jump into your arms?” He grinned as I slid myself into his lap, my legs straddling his waist. He rubbed his hands up and down my back, sending shivers up and down my spine. I threw my head back and groaned as his mouth went to my neck.

“I think we should take this upstairs,” he breathed. I nodded, and squealed when he picked me up like I was the same weight as a feather. In the bedroom, he laid me in the bed on top of the covers, taking in the sight of me, which always made me squirm.

Kneeling on the bed, and bent to kiss me again, covering my body with his much larger, much harder, one. I melted to the bed as he started working on removing the dress that made my dark fairy costume.

I was completely bare from the waist up when Jeff suddenly jumped, forcing my dress back up to cover me again. Confused, I looked down to see it was Will.

“Will, honey, what’s wrong?” I asked, breathless and embarrassed at being caught by my eight year old.

“I had a bad dream,” he said. “Can I sleep with you?”

“Just for tonight,” Jeff answered as I got out of bed. He went to the bathroom as I went into the closet. When I came back out, I heard water running from the shower, and couldn’t stop my smile as I heard him mutter something about the cold.

I climbed into the bed with William as he cuddle close to me.

“Better now?” I asked him, my arm around his shoulders. He nodded, looking around him with wide eyes. Jeff came out after Will fell back asleep.

“Sorry honey,” I muttered to him as he climbed into the bed.

“There’s always tomorrow night,” he replied with a wink. I shook my head and turned out my light as Jeff turned off his. We got as close as we could with Will between us, and fell into a light but peaceful sleep.
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long update, didn't mean for it to be this long, but it's all good. XD
thanks to my two commentors who've been with me with this story since it's prequel "My Number One Fan." You girls ROCK! XD
another update will come, just don't know when yet. :D